BBC Friday, Year Five! 3 January 2014 – “Get Clients Now!” w/ Ulla Solberg

This Five Year Anniversary BBC Friday, 3 January 2014, we will be celebrating with a special guest presenter, Ulla Solberg ( 

Ulla is leading the January OfficeXpats Tuesday@Noon workshops, “Get Clients Now!”  Whether you are just starting your business or you are ready to take it to the next level, the January Tuesdays@noon program with Executive Coach, Ulla Solberg, is for you.

OfficeXpatsUlla will introduce the January OXp workshops, and be available for questions and a roundtable of client-engaging tips and ideas.

And, as this our 5th year in quasi-existence, a special thank you to our gracious hosts, Leslie & Jason of OfficeXpats; you guys have made BBC seem so … real!

Be there, be free, be businesswise. For, in a sense, as serial entrepreneurs, we’re all business wise!

So, invite your friends and associates to join us for this exciting BBC Anniversary non-cloud event in real time and real space … and another delicious cup of BBC!

BBC @ OfficeXpats – 403 Madison Avenue N, Bainbridge Island, Upstairs At the Pavilion

7:30-8:00 coffee/tea, visiting, informal networking
8:00-8:45 “Get Clients Now” w/ Ulla Solberg
8:30-9:00 more networking, sharing, visiting

The BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, & Other Entrepreneurial Sentients From Planet BBC


Don’t Miss: BBC2 “The Evening Edition” this Thursday, January 2nd! 6:00-7:30 PM.

TOPIC“Your Class A Prospects – Who are they, how do you find them and how do you cultivate them?” Most small businesses have a limited budget and precious little time to devote to marketing. Finding out who your Class A prospects are and how to reach out and cultivate them will help you make the most of your resources. Come and join us for a roundtable discussion on this topic and prepare for a prosperous New Year. Questions: contact BBC2 Host Brian Creamer [email protected]


BBC Regulars Really Exciting Upcoming Events!

ThinkWeek III: The Legend Continues! December 30th, January 2nd & 3rd is OfficeXpats ThinkWeek! As in the past two years OfficeXpats will open up around the holidays to both members and the community for free coworking and community events. This year ThinkWeek is Monday, 30 December 2013 – 3 January 2014. (OXp will be closedWednesday January 1st.) And don’t miss the special pancake breakfast launching ThinkWeek III! More info:

January OfficeXpats Tuesday@Noon Workshops – “Get Clients Now!” A 28-Day Marketing Program led by Executive Coach, Ulla Solberg ( Whether you are just starting your business or you are ready to take it to the next level, the January Tuesdays@noon program with Executive Coach, Ulla Solberg, is for you. Session 1 – Jan 7: Introduction to Get Clients Now! 28-day system. Session 2 – Jan 14: Filling Your Pipeline & Following Up. Session 3 – Jan 21: Getting Presentations: When You’re Contacting People but Not Getting Appointments. Session 4 – Jan 28: Closing Sales. Information and registration:

Note: OfficeXpats has posted their OXp Membership update at

Accelerate Kitsap (XLR8): If you know of any new businesses, “start-ups” or businesses in a growth transition, for profit or non-profit, don’t forget to tell them about the Accelerate Kitsap Business Mentoring program. See for details. BBC, the Chamber, OfficeXpats, and Accelerate Kitsap are all local business support partners here in the West Sound. Contact Ken Sethney (ken.sethney@gmailcom) or Dave Kragen ([email protected]) if you have specific questions. Thank you.

Note: There’s no Chamber Breakfast @ Island in January. Next one will be February 7th.

BBC Related Links

Chamber Of Commerce
Accelerate Kitsap – Business Mentoring
Bainbridge Island Downtown Association
inside bainbridge

No BBC Friday December 20th & 27th For The Holidays!

BBC Friday December 20th and 27th Canceled for the Holidays.

From BBC Steering Committee, faculty & staff, to all BBC Regulars, friends & family: Have a Happy & Safe Holiday!

Be restful, be kind, be businesswise. For in a sense, as serial entrepreneurs, we’re all business wise!

The BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, & Other Entrepreneurial Sentients From Planet BBC


BBC Regulars Really Exciting Upcoming Events!

ThinkWeek III: The Legend Continues! December 30thJanuary 2nd & 3rd is OfficeXpats ThinkWeek! As in the past two years OfficeXpats will open up around the holidays to both members and the community for free coworking and community events. This year ThinkWeek is Monday, 30 December 2013 – 3 January 2014. (OXp will be closedWednesday January 1st.) And don’t miss the special pancake breakfast launching ThinkWeek III! More

January OfficeXpats Tuesday@Noon Workshops – “Get Clients Now!” A 28-Day Marketing Program led by Executive Coach, Ulla Solberg ( Whether you are just starting your business or you are ready to take it to the next level, the January Tuesdays@noon program with Executive Coach, Ulla Solberg, is for you. Session 1 – Jan 7: Introduction to Get Clients Now! 28-day system. Session 2 – Jan 14: Filling Your Pipeline & Following Up. Session 3 – Jan 21: Getting Presentations: When You’re Contacting People but Not Getting Appointments. Session 4 – Jan 28: Closing Sales. Information and registration:

Note: OfficeXpats has posted their OXp Membership update at

Accelerate Kitsap (XLR8): If you know of any new businesses, “start-ups” or businesses in a growth transition, for profit or non-profit, don’t forget to tell them about the Accelerate Kitsap Business Mentoring program. See for details. BBC, the Chamber, OfficeXpats, and Accelerate Kitsap are all local business support partners here in the West Sound. Contact Ken Sethney (ken.sethney@gmailcom) or Dave Kragen ([email protected]) if you have specific questions. Thank you.

BBC Related Links

Chamber Of Commerce
Accelerate Kitsap – Business Mentoring
Bainbridge Island Downtown Association
inside bainbridge

BBC Friday 13 Dec 2013 – Cracking the code: best practices for QR codes & avoiding common pitfalls

This BBC Friday December 13th our own BBC Regular & Steering Committee Member Annette Walker ( will lead a roundtable discussion on “The Yin & Yang of QR Codes” (hmmm…the undifferentiated cosmic Unity out of which all QR Codes arise…) or “dead tree marketing and beyond” (note: no trees will be killed or treated cruelly during the presentation or anytime thereafter in or near OfficeXpats; not responsible for what happens in the parking lot at night). 

QR Codes are those quasi-ubiquitous, somewhat invisible square barcodes people can scan with a smartphone. On the one hand, they can be a marketer’s dream; on the other, they can be useless. But don’t blame the technology when they don’t work. Many marketers haven’t gotten with the program. And, like any marketing effort, when you do QR Codes right, markets respond.

However, are QR Codes already becoming a thing of the past, replaced by new technologies? Which technology will work best in the event of a zombie apocalypse? Or which will help you talk like a pirate better, faster, easier? The Bainbridge Island Chamber of Commerce uses them (QR Codes, not zombies). So do BBC Regulars such as Bruce Carter,  Annette Walker, and Dave Kragen. The BBC even has its own QRC!

Beyond the QR Code: NFC (Near Field Communication, and What’s next? So, join us to discuss QR Codes for marketing your business. Find out what QR codes can do, how to avoid common mistakes, who scans QR codes, how to create them, and how QR Codes can provide optional tracking.

Be there, be free, be businesswise. For, in a sense, as serial entrepreneurs, we’re all business wise!

So, invite your friends and associates to join us for this exciting non-virtual non-cloud event in real time and real QR space … and another delicious cup of BBC!

BBC @ OfficeXpats – 403 Madison Avenue N, Bainbridge Island, Upstairs At the Pavilion

7:30-8:00 coffee/tea, visiting, informal networking
8:00-8:45 “QRC, NFC: dead tree marketing and beyond” w/ Annette Walker
8:30-9:00 more networking, sharing, visiting

The BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, & Other Entrepreneurial Sentients From Planet BBC


BBC Regulars Exciting Upcoming Events!

December 17 – OfficeXpats Tuesday @ Noon Workshops – “Looking Back / Looking Forward”: Last great session  of OfficeXpat’s December Tuesdays@Noon for a 3-part conversational series, guided by Executive Coach and Founding BBC Regular, the brilliant and delightful Alyse McConnell ( Alyse will have you celebrating your accomplishments for 2013, envisioning what you want to achieve in 2014, and creating a plan of action to make it happen. Whether in the realm of business, relationships, physical health or mental/spiritual well-being, acknowledging your wins for this year and setting your goals for next will position you for a powerful 2014. Session 2 – Dec 10: Your visions for 2014: Are you thinking big enough? Session 3 – Dec 17: Writing your vision for 2014. Note: This workshop is one of OfficeXpat’s most popular — it will fill fast! Register early. Limit 25:

December 12th Chamber After Hours: (5:30-7:30) Hosted by Pretty Stick ( in the Winslow Mall, 278 Winslow Way E, Suite 105. Open to the public. More info:

Bainbridge Chamber 2013 Membership Award Nominations:

January OfficeXpats Tuesday@Noon Workshops – “Get Clients Now!” A 28-Day Marketing Program led by Executive Coach, Ulla Solberg ( Whether you are just starting your business or you are ready to take it to the next level, the January Tuesdays@noon program with Executive Coach, Ulla Solberg, is for you. Session 1 – Jan 7: Introduction to Get Clients Now! 28-day system. Session 2 – Jan 14: Filling Your Pipeline & Following Up. Session 3 – Jan 21: Getting Presentations: When You’re Contacting People but Not Getting Appointments. Session 4 – Jan 28: Closing Sales. Information and registration:

Note: OfficeXpats has posted their OXp Membership update at

Accelerate Kitsap (XLR8): If you know of any new businesses, “start-ups” or businesses in a growth transition, for profit or non-profit, don’t forget to tell them about the Accelerate Kitsap Business Mentoring program. See for details. BBC, the Chamber, OfficeXpats, and Accelerate Kitsap are all local business support partners here in the West Sound. Contact Ken Sethney (ken.sethney@gmailcom) or Dave Kragen ([email protected]) if you have specific questions. Thank you.

BBC Related Links

Chamber Of Commerce
Accelerate Kitsap – Business Mentoring
Bainbridge Island Downtown Association
inside bainbridge

BBC Friday 6 December 2013 – BBC Founding Regular Alyse McConnell of “ThinkWell” Presents!

This BBC Friday December 6th our special guest presenter will be Founding BBC Regular and Steering Committee Member Emeritus Alyse McConnell (of thinkwell, workplace enrichment coaching). Alyse will take us through a BBC mini-version of OfficeXpats’ Famous Tuesday@Noon December Workshop “Looking Back / Looking Forward.”

“People with goals succeed because they know where they’re going.” ~Earl Nightingale.

Executive Coach, Alyse McConnell, will have you celebrating your accomplishments for 2013, envisioning what you want to achieve in 2014 and creating a plan of action to make it happen. Whether in the realm of business, relationships, physical health or mental/spiritual well-being, acknowledging your wins for this year and setting your goals for next will position you for a powerful 2014.  Gaining closure on the past year, visualizing the next year, and generating a structure for actualizing that vision will propel you forward into a new year filled with success and joy.

Alyse McConnell, Co-founder and Principal at Thinkwell Workplace Enrichment Coaching and former owner of Paper Products, is noted for her organizational expertise in systems planning and for helping and motivating her clients to achieve breakthrough results in business and in life. She is professionally certified through the International Coach Federation, and has trained in programs such as Powerhouse Speakers, Coaching for Great Work and The Empowerment Dynamic.

Be there, be free, be businesswise. For, in a sense, as serial entrepreneurs, we’re all business wise!

So, invite your friends and associates to join us for this exciting non-virtual non-cloud event in real time and real space … and another delicious cup of BBC!

BBC @ OfficeXpats – 403 Madison Avenue N, Bainbridge Island, Upstairs At the Pavilion

7:30-8:00 coffee/tea, visiting, informal networking
8:00-8:45 “Looking Back / Looking Forward” with Alyse McConnell
8:30-9:00 more networking, sharing, visiting

The BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, & Other Entrepreneurial Sentients From Planet BBC


BBC Regulars Exciting Upcoming Events!

December 10, 17 – OfficeXpats Tuesday @ Noon Workshops – “Looking Back / Looking Forward”: There’s still two great sessions left to join OfficeXpat’s December Tuesdays@Noon for a 3-part conversational series, guided by Executive Coach and Founding BBC Regular, the brilliant and delightful Alyse McConnell ( Alyse will have you celebrating your accomplishments for 2013, envisioning what you want to achieve in 2014, and creating a plan of action to make it happen. Whether in the realm of business, relationships, physical health or mental/spiritual well-being, acknowledging your wins for this year and setting your goals for next will position you for a powerful 2014. Session 2 – Dec 10: Your visions for 2014: Are you thinking big enough? Session 3 – Dec 17: Writing your vision for 2014. Note: This workshop is one of OfficeXpat’s most popular — it will fill fast! Register early. Limit 25:

December 6th – Chamber Friday Breakfast, 7:30-9:00 AM: It’s that once a month when there are TWO exciting Friday Morning events, BBC and the Chamber Breakfast. Chose whichever fits your inclinations/proclivities: This December Chamber Breakfast includes a  double-header with two presentations in addition to networking opportunities — “Farm to Table at Suyematsu and Bentryn Family Farms” and the new “BHS Robotics Club.” Sign up online and save $5.00

Bainbridge Chamber 2013 Membership Award Nominations:

Note: OfficeXpats has posted their OXp Membership update at

Accelerate Kitsap (XLR8): If you know of any new businesses, “start-ups” or businesses in a growth transition, for profit or non-profit, don’t forget to tell them about the Accelerate Kitsap Business Mentoring program. See for details. BBC, the Chamber, OfficeXpats, and Accelerate Kitsap are all local business support partners here in the West Sound. Contact Ken Sethney (ken.sethney@gmailcom) or Dave Kragen ([email protected]) if you have specific questions. Thank you.

BBC Related Links

Chamber Of Commerce
Accelerate Kitsap – Business Mentoring
Bainbridge Island Downtown Association
inside bainbridge

No BBC Black Friday November 29th – Canceled For Thanksgiving Holiday

Happy Thanksgiving To All!

Thank you to BBC Regulars everywhere for your support, sharing your business wisdom, and having fun. To all you BBC Bikers, ride safe — and, to everyone else, be safe this holiday of friendship, family, and thankfulness.

Love your neighbor as your dog loves you. Shop local on Black Friday.

And remember Gamification IS different from zombification. So, be free, be businesswise, be…you know, like, cool.

See you all at the next BBC Friday, December 6th when BBC Founding Regular and Steering Committee Member Emeritus Alyse McConnell (thinkwell) will take us through a brief version of OfficeXpats’ Tuesday@Noon December Workshops “Looking Back / Looking Forward” — and another delicious cup of BBC!

The BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, & Other Entrepreneurial Sentients From Planet BBC

PS. Good Biznik article on new product-launch ideas, by Amellia Hope, Management, HARROGATE, United Kingdom:


BBC Regulars Exciting Upcoming Events!

December 1st, Sunday, 7:00-9:00 PM @ Bainbridge Island Museum Of Art: BBC Founding Regular CarolAnn Barrows has just come out with a Holiday CD, Comfort & Joy: Sacred Songs of Christmas: “You are cordially invited to join CarolAnn Barrows, Friends, and Special Guest Vocalist Lisa Mandelkorn in the lovely, limited seating auditorium at the newly opened Bainbridge Island Museum of Art. Come enjoy CarolAnn’s lightly gracious melodic soprano, and donate in support of raising of funds to train and certify Doulas committed to serving Mother & Child” ( CarolAnn: Concert benefits nonprofit “Open Arms Perinatal Services”

December 3, 10, 17 – OfficeXpats Tuesday @ Noon Workshops – “Looking Back / Looking Forward”: Join OfficeXpat’s December Tuesdays@Noon for a 3-part conversational series, guided by Executive Coach and Founding BBC Regular, the brilliant and delightful Alyse McConnell ( Alyse will have you celebrating your accomplishments for 2013, envisioning what you want to achieve in 2014, and creating a plan of action to make it happen. Whether in the realm of business, relationships, physical health or mental/spiritual well-being, acknowledging your wins for this year and setting your goals for next will position you for a powerful 2014. Session 1 – Dec 3: Assessing your 2013 challenges and finishing powerfully. Session 2 – Dec 10: Your visions for 2014: Are you thinking big enough? Session 3 – Dec 17: Writing your vision for 2014. Note: This workshop is one of OfficeXpat’s most popular — it will fill fast! Register early. Limit 25:

Accelerate Kitsap (XLR8): If you know of any new businesses, “start-ups” or businesses in a growth transition, for profit or non-profit, don’t forget to tell them about the Accelerate Kitsap Business Mentoring program. See for details. BBC, the Chamber, OfficeXpats, and Accelerate Kitsap are all local business support partners here in the West Sound. Contact Ken Sethney (ken.sethney@gmailcom) or Dave Kragen ([email protected]) if you have specific questions. Thank you.

Note: OfficeXpats has posted their OXp Membership update at

BBC Related Links

Chamber Of Commerce
Accelerate Kitsap – Business Mentoring
Bainbridge Island Downtown Association
inside bainbridge

BBC Friday 22 Nov 2013 – “The Gamification Show” w/ Annette Walker

BBC Regular and Steering Committee Education Minister, the astonishing Annette Walker of Astonish Inc, will educate and amaze us on the nature, application and benefits of “gamification.” Attract leads and customers, increase loyalty, improve client awareness and engagement. Special guest appearance from OXp Master Technologist Jason Omens. Plenty of time for Q&A.

Gamification (different from zombification) “…can make your product, service, project or business process more engaging, fun, sticky and viral [click on the word ‘viral’ in this sentence and have a chance to win a custom anti-bacterial handwipe worth up to $00.0015]. Global leaders, innovative startups, nonprofits and governments throughout the world are using gamification today to change consumer behavior, dominate their categories, and change the world – and you can to. Whether you’re in finance, healthcare, education, consumer goods, travel, entertainment or B2B services, there are dozens of examples of leading organizations that have fought the engagement beast with gamification – and won” ( Another interesting gamification link:

Annette Walker: MBA from the University of Washington, undergraduate in engineering, e-commerce and start-up veteran; co-founder of Bainbridge Island based Astonish Inc, works with businesses to bring in customers and build traffic by reaching people where they are: on the Internet, social media, and increasingly on their phones and other mobile devices; veteran of Jason Omens: Managed the IT and network administration for small to midsized companies for over two decades; Microsoft Partner with several certifications including MCSE, MCDBA, and MCP; founded OfficeXpats with Leslie Schneider in 2010.

Be there, be free, be businesswise. For, in a sense, as serial entrepreneurs, we’re all business wise! And even zombies like to play games.

So, invite your friends and associates to join us for this exciting non-virtual non-cloud event in real time and real space … and another delicious cup of BBC!

BBC @ OfficeXpats – 403 Madison Avenue N, Bainbridge Island, Upstairs At the Pavilion

7:30-8:00 coffee/tea, visiting, informal networking
8:00-8:45 The Gamification Show w/ Annette Walker
8:30-9:00 more networking, sharing, visiting

The BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, & Other Entrepreneurial Sentients From Planet BBC


BBC Regulars Exciting Upcoming Events!

December 3, 10, 17 – OfficeXpats Tuesday @ Noon Workshops – “Looking Back / Looking Forward”: Join OfficeXpat’s December Tuesdays@Noon for a 3-part conversational series, guided by Executive Coach and Founding BBC Regular, the brilliant and delightful Alyse McConnell (,, Alyse will have you celebrating your accomplishments for 2013, envisioning what you want to achieve in 2014, and creating a plan of action to make it happen. Whether in the realm of business, relationships, physical health or mental/spiritual well-being, acknowledging your wins for this year and setting your goals for next will position you for a powerful 2014. Session 1 – Dec 3: Assessing your 2013 challenges and finishing powerfully. Session 2 – Dec 10: Your visions for 2014: Are you thinking big enough? Session 3 – Dec 17: Writing your vision for 2014. Note: This workshop is one of OfficeXpat’s most popular — it will fill fast! Register early. Limit 25:

December 1st, Sunday, 7:00-9:00 PM @ Bainbridge Island Museum Of Art: BBC Founding Regular CarolAnn Barrows has just come out with a Holiday CD, Comfort & Joy: Sacred Songs of Christmas: “You are cordially invited to join CarolAnn Barrows, Friends, and Special Guest Vocalist Lisa Mandelkorn in the lovely, limited seating auditorium at the newly opened Bainbridge Island Museum of Art. Come enjoy CarolAnn’s lightly gracious melodic soprano, and donate in support of raising of funds to train and certify Doulas committed to serving Mother & Child” ( CarolAnn: Concert benefits nonprofit “Open Arms Perinatal Services”

Note: OfficeXpats has posted their OXp Membership update at

Accelerate Kitsap (XLR8): If you know of any new businesses, “start-ups” or businesses in a growth transition, for profit or non-profit, don’t forget to tell them about the Accelerate Kitsap Business Mentoring program. See for details. BBC, the Chamber, OfficeXpats, and Accelerate Kitsap are all local business support partners here in the West Sound. Contact Ken Sethney (ken.sethney@gmailcom) or Dave Kragen ([email protected]) if you have specific questions. Thank you.

BBC Related Links

Chamber Of Commerce
Accelerate Kitsap – Business Mentoring
Bainbridge Island Downtown Association
inside bainbridge

BBC Friday 15 November 2013 – Erik Lindbergh: Powering Imagination – Creating The Future Of Flight

Guest Speaker Erik Lindbergh will do a presentation on “Personal Air Vehicles, Prize Philanthropy, & Storytelling — Innovation For A Resilient Future.”

A commercial rated pilot, artist, entrepreneur and speaker, Erik Lindbergh is the grandson of Charles and Anne Morrow Lindbergh. Erik is the Founder of Powering Imagination whose mission is to promote and showcase advances in aviation by: creating aviation adventures and events, telling amazing stories that are exciting, compelling and just a bit humorous, entertaining our audience of tech-savvy, adventure-oriented viewers, and creating outstanding marketing value for our sponsors.

Erik currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Aviation High School in Seattle, and NatureBridge – Olympic National Park campus. Previous experience includes serving as Vice President and Trustee of the X PRIZE Foundation, Chairman of the board of the Lindbergh Foundation, Public relations for Columbia Aircraft Manufacturing, Spokesperson for Immunex, and National Spokesperson for AOPA’s Project Pilot Mentorship Program. Erik is also an accomplished artist whose unique sculpture and furniture designs out of wood and bronze can be viewed at

Erik’s work with the XPRIZE Foundation showed him that the impossible dream is indeed possible. “We shifted the world’s perspective on spaceflight with the Ansari XPRIZE, and in the process, we unleashed the potential for incentive prizes to be applied to the great social, technical, and environmental problems of our time. Now, we must realize that potential.”

A master storyteller, Erik uses exciting images, video clips and humor to take his audiences on a journey from the past, to the present and into the revolutionary future of flight. This journey sets the stage for Powering Imagination. Contact:  [email protected]

Be there, be free, be businesswise. For, in a sense, as serial entrepreneurs, we’re all business wise!

So, invite your friends and associates to join us for this exciting non-virtual non-cloud event in real time and real space … and another delicious cup of BBC!

BBC @ OfficeXpats – 403 Madison Avenue N, Bainbridge Island, Upstairs At the Pavilion

7:30-8:00 coffee/tea, visiting, informal networking
8:00-8:45 Business Showcase Guest Speaker, Erik Lindbergh
8:30-9:00 more networking, sharing, visiting

The BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, & Other Entrepreneurial Sentients From Planet BBC


REMINDER: This Month BBC2 “The Evening Edition” is the 2nd week of November, This Week! — the 14th, 6:00-7:30 PM.

TOPIC: “Google Analytics” — if you currently have Google Analytics installed on your website or are thinking of adding it, we will demystify what all that information means and how you can use it to benchmark your website and improve performance. Join the denizens of BBC2 Thursday November 14th for another nocturnal journey into the outer limits of business enlightenment. Questions: contact BBC2 Host Brian Creamer  [email protected]


BBC Regulars Exciting Upcoming Events!

November 12, & 19, OfficeXpats Tuesday @ Noon Workshops – “Hiring, Partnering, Sub-Contracting”: There are still 2 great sessions left covering the details concerning regulations and paperwork for business hiring or contracting, evaluating expectations and developing performance metrics. Paula Willems, Sound HR Services (, & Rebecca Villareal, Northwest Business Training Center (, will be presenting at these 3 November workshops on “keeping your clients happy when schedules spike to overload.” NOVEMBER 12: Session (2) The Paperwork – Hiring vs Sub-Contracting. NOVEMBER 19: Session (3) Establishing Accountability methods. Info and registration:

Note: OfficeXpats has posted their OXp Membership update at

Accelerate Kitsap (XLR8): If you know of any new businesses, “start-ups” or businesses in a growth transition, for profit or non-profit, don’t forget to tell them about the Accelerate Kitsap Business Mentoring program. See for details. BBC, the Chamber, OfficeXpats, and Accelerate Kitsap are all local business support partners here in the West Sound. Contact Ken Sethney (ken.sethney@gmailcom) or Dave Kragen ([email protected]) if you have specific questions. Thank you.

BBC Related Links

Chamber Of Commerce
Accelerate Kitsap – Business Mentoring
Bainbridge Island Downtown Association
inside bainbridge

BBC Friday 8 November 2013 – Case Study: Andy Cotey, Hockett & Olsen, “Starting A Business Newsletter”

This Friday BBC Founding Regular Andy Cotey will give an update on vintage Bainbridge business life, and we will do a BBC Brainstorming Strategy Roundtable on the question: How does one launch and design a class-A newsletter for an established business?

Hocket & Olsen Automotive & Tire is a full service, automotive repair and maintenance shop serving the Bainbridge Island area with many years of consistent and friendly service. Recently they have added “loaner vehicles” to their list of services. 

For years managing “The Island’s Service Center,” Andy had been the “human behind the counter” always ready to talk cars, life, Island life, kids and community. Contributing to BBC discussions and events, sometime BBC presenter, Andy needs a little “Your Board Of Directors” roundtabling as Hocket & Olsen is launching a business newsletter and specifically wants to feature local charities such as Helpline House.

So, invite your friends and associates to join us for this exciting non-virtual non-cloud event in real time and real space … and another delicious cup of BBC!

BBC @ OfficeXpats – 403 Madison Avenue N, Bainbridge Island, Upstairs At the Pavilion

7:30-8:00 coffee/tea, visiting, informal networking
8:00-8:45 Business Newsletters, Case Study “Hockett&Olsen”
8:30-9:00 more networking, sharing, visiting

The BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, & Other Entrepreneurial Sentients From Planet BBC


REMINDER: This Month BBC2 “The Evening Edition” is the 2nd week of November, the 14th, 6:00-7:30 PM.

Join the denizens of BBC2 Thursday November 14th for another nocturnal journey into the outer limits of business enlightenment.
Questions: contact BBC2 Host Brian Creamer at [email protected]


BBC Regulars Exciting Upcoming Events!

November 12, & 19, OfficeXpats Tuesday @ Noon Workshops – “Hiring, Partnering, Sub-Contracting”: There are still 2 great sessions left covering the details concerning regulations and paperwork for business hiring or contracting, evaluating expectations and developing performance metrics. Paula Willems, Sound HR Services (, & Rebecca Villareal, Northwest Business Training Center (, will be presenting at these 3 November workshops on “keeping your clients happy when schedules spike to overload.” NOVEMBER 12: Session (2) The Paperwork – Hiring vs Sub-Contracting. NOVEMBER 19: Session (3) Establishing Accountability methods. Info and registration:

TODAY! Thursday, November 7: 

  • 4:30-5:30 PM, OfficeXpats Coworker Happy Hour (open to members and those invited by members)NEW! BBC founding regular Bruce Carter, Indigo Painting, will be the first sponsor of Thursday Happy Hour! Come and chat with Bruce about his business, and thank him for the drinks. He might have some show-and-tell, Huzzah! NOTE: If you would like to sponsor an OfficeXpats Coworker Happy Hour to feature your business, contact Leslie for details [email protected]
  • 5:00-6:00 PM, OfficeXpats 1st Thursday Open House:  Everyone is invited for a drink and snacks and to meet other coworkers or to learn more about what goes on here “at the office.”

Note: OfficeXpats has posted their OXp Membership update at

Accelerate Kitsap (XLR8): If you know of any new businesses, “start-ups” or businesses in a growth transition, for profit or non-profit, don’t forget to tell them about the Accelerate Kitsap Business Mentoring program. See for details. BBC, the Chamber, OfficeXpats, and Accelerate Kitsap are all local business support partners here in the West Sound. Contact Ken Sethney (ken.sethney@gmailcom) or Dave Kragen ([email protected]) if you have specific questions. Thank you.

BBC Related Links

Chamber Of Commerce
Accelerate Kitsap – Business Mentoring
Bainbridge Island Downtown Association
inside bainbridge

BBC Friday 1 November 2013 – OfficeXpats November Tuesday@Noon Review!

This BBC Friday BBC Regulars Paula Willems & Rebecca Villareal will summarize and discuss the November Tuesday@Noon OXp workshops: “What Do You Do When You Need Help?”

Paula Willems, Sound HR Services (, & Rebecca Villareal, Northwest Business Training Center (, will be presenting at these 3 November workshops on “keeping your clients happy when schedules spike to overload.”

Do you hire employees, temp-workers, independent contractors, or try to do it all yourself? Recruiting, recognizing and keeping quality employees, partners, and associates is not something that just happens on the fly. It takes planning and foresight. As entrepreneurs and professional service providers, we wear many hats, juggling client demand, marketing, deadlines, health, family life, balance, and much more. Some days the demands spike off the chart; clients have impending delivery dates, but invoicing needs immediate attention, the phone is ringing off the hook, emails are piling up, and maybe, on top of all of this, kids are home, sick with the flu.

Stephen Covey (The 7 Habbits) wrote that the first two success habits of highly effective people are 1) being proactive, and 2) beginning with the end in mind. Without a doubt, being able to pull together quality human resources when your schedule hits overload is one of those success keys that savvy business folks know they need to continuously cultivate and maintain. With this three-week series, we’ll learn about best practices for hiring, firing, partnering, and sub-contracting. Be prepared for success by planning ahead, safeguard your advantage by having your best people power available when your schedule needs it the most. Info and registration:

So, invite your friends and associates to join us for this exciting non-virtual non-cloud event in real time and real space … and another delicious cup of BBC!

BBC @ OfficeXpats – 403 Madison Avenue N, Bainbridge Island, Upstairs At the Pavilion

7:30-8:00 coffee/tea, visiting, informal networking
8:00-8:45 OXp November Tuesday@Noon Workshops Intro
8:30-9:00 more networking, sharing, visiting

The BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, & Other Entrepreneurial Sentients From Planet BBC


NOTE: Next BBC2 “The Evening Edition” in two weeks, Thursday, November 7th, 6:00-7:30 PM.

Join the denizens of BBC2 October 7th for another nocturnal journey into the outer limits of business enlightenment.
Questions: contact BBC2 Host Brian Creamer at [email protected]


BBC Regulars Exciting Upcoming Events!

November 5, 12, & 19, OfficeXpats Tuesday @ Noon Workshops – “Hiring, Partnering, Sub-Contracting”: Paula Willems, Sound HR Services (, & Rebecca Villareal, Northwest Business Training Center (, will be presenting at these 3 November workshops on “keeping your clients happy when schedules spike to overload.” NOVEMBER 5: Session (1) Weighing your options –  Hiring, Firing, Sub-Contracting. NOVEMBER 12: Session (2) The Paperwork – Hiring vs Sub-Contracting. NOVEMBER 19: Session (3) Establishing Accountability methods. Info and registration:

November 7, Thursday: 

  • 4:30-5:30 PM, OfficeXpats Coworker Happy Hour (open to members and those invited by members)NEW! BBC founding regular Bruce Carter, Indigo Painting, will be the first sponsor of Thursday Happy Hour! Come and chat with Bruce about his business, and thank him for the drinks. He might have some show-and-tell, Huzzah! NOTE: If you would like to sponsor an OfficeXpats Coworker Happy Hour to feature your business, contact Leslie for details [email protected]
  • 5:00-6:00 PM, OfficeXpats 1st Thursday Open House:  Everyone is invited for a drink and snacks and to meet other coworkers or to learn more about what goes on here “at the office.”
  • 6:00-7:30 PM, BBC2 – The Evening Edition!

Note: OfficeXpats has posted their OXp Membership update at

Accelerate Kitsap (XLR8): If you know of any new businesses, “start-ups” or businesses in a growth transition, for profit or non-profit, don’t forget to tell them about the Accelerate Kitsap Business Mentoring program. See for details. BBC, the Chamber, OfficeXpats, and Accelerate Kitsap are all local business support partners here in the West Sound. Contact Ken Sethney (ken.sethney@gmailcom) or Dave Kragen ([email protected]) if you have specific questions. Thank you.

BBC Related Links

Chamber Of Commerce
Accelerate Kitsap – Business Mentoring
Bainbridge Island Downtown Association
inside bainbridge

BBC Friday 25 October 2013 – “Your board Of Directors” Strategy Roundtable

This BBC Friday we will do a “Your Board Of Directors” business strategy roundtable.

Classic BBC! Here is where you can bring a business problem, personal problem (no therapeutic guarantees), tweak-my-branding conundrums.

Maybe you haven’t had a problem lately, but you have a great problem-solving story to share — a solution that worked, a lesson learned, a snippet of business wisdom!  

Be prepared to think serendipitously and strategize strategically on yours and your Fellow BBCites businesses. Be there, be free, be businesswise. For, in a sense, as serial entrepreneurs, we’re all businesswise!

So, invite your friends and associates to join us for this exciting non-virtual non-cloud event in real time and real space … and another delicious cup of BBC!

BBC @ OfficeXpats – 403 Madison Avenue N, Bainbridge Island, Upstairs At the Pavilion

7:30-8:00 coffee/tea, visiting, informal networking
8:00-8:45 “Your Board Of Directors” strategy roundtable
8:30-9:00 more networking, sharing, visiting

The BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, & Other Entrepreneurial Sentients From Planet BBC


NOTE: Next BBC2 “The Evening Edition” in two weeks, Thursday, November 7th, 6:00-7:30.  

Join the denizens of BBC2 October 7th for another nocturnal journey into the outer limits of business enlightenment.
Questions: contact BBC2 Host Brian Creamer at [email protected]


BBC Regulars Exciting Upcoming Events!

Paula Willems

Rebecca Villareal

November OfficeXpats Tuesday @ Noon Workshops  – “Hiring, Partnering, Sub-Contracting”:  Paula Willams, Sound HR Services (, & Rebecca Villareal, Northwest Business Training Center (, will be presenting at these 3 November workshops on “keeping your clients happy when schedules spike to overload.” Recruiting, recognizing and keeping quality employees, partners, and associates is not something that just happens on the fly. It takes planning and foresight. As entrepreneurs and professional service providers, we wear many hats, juggling client demand, marketing, deadlines, health, family life, balance, and much more. Some days the demands spike off the chart; clients have impending delivery dates, but invoicing needs immediate attention, the phone is ringing off the hook, emails are piling up, and maybe, on top of all of this, kids are home, sick with the flu. Stephen Covey wrote that the first two success habits of highly effective people are 1) being proactive, and 2) beginning with the end in mind. Without a doubt, being able to pull together quality human resources when your schedule hits overload is one of those success keys that savvy business folks know they need to continuously cultivate and maintain. With this three-week series, we’ll learn about best practices for hiring, firing, partnering, and sub-contracting. Be prepared for success by planning ahead, safeguard your advantage by having your best people power available when your schedule needs it the most. Info and registration:

Note: OfficeXpats has posted their OXp Membership update at:

Accelerate Kitsap (XLR8): If you know of any new businesses, “start-ups” or businesses in a growth transition, for profit or non-profit, don’t forget to tell them about the Accelerate Kitsap Business Mentoring program. See for details. BBC, the Chamber, OfficeXpats, and Accelerate Kitsap are all local business support partners here in the West Sound. Contact Ken Sethney (ken.sethney@gmailcom) or Dave Kragen ([email protected]) if you have specific questions. Thank you.

BBC Related Links

Chamber Of Commerce
Accelerate Kitsap – Business Mentoring
Bainbridge Island Downtown Association
inside bainbridge