BBC Annual Friday Breakfast – 8 August 2014

BBC Friday 8 August 2014 – Annual Pancake/Waffle Breakfast – Standard & Gluten-free!

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This BBC Friday Will Be Our 2nd Annual Pancake/Waffle Breakfast closing this year’s Grand Coworking Week celebrations at OfficeXpats, more info on coworking week can be found at

And Spam Spam Spam. Note: the only time spam is allowed at OXp is when it comes in a can! So come and join in the free fun friendly fest.

HANDOUT From our  25 July Friday BBC: On July 25th we picked up the discussion from the previous week’s roundtable, Closing The Deal, Getting Paid, with Asking Good Questions or Question-based Selling. It was a lively time! Bill Ruddick put together a page of notes on “Clossed Questions” vs. “Open Questions”: BBC_25July2014_AskingQuestions.pdf . (Original meeting notes: BBC_25July2014_handout.pdf .)

 So, invite your friends and associates to come join us for this exciting real-cloud event in real time and real space … and another delicious cup of BBC!

BBC @ OfficeXpats – 403 Madison Avenue N, Bainbridge Island, Upstairs At the Pavilion

7:30-8:00 coffee/tea, visiting, informal networking
8:00-8:45 Annual BBC Breakfast!
8:30-9:00 more networking, sharing, visiting

The BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, & Other Entrepreneurial Sentients From Planet BBC


More BBC Regulars Really Exciting Upcoming Events!

INTERNATIONAL COWORKING WEEK, August 4th-8th – OfficeXpats Coworking Week Celebration! Still some of the exciting exciting events to watch for: FREE “Super Happy Hour” (Thursday 4:30 PM) and trends talk TBD, drinks and snacks provided; Coworking Week Cookout on our deck (Thursday 6:00 PM) – burgers and sausages (including non-meat) – bring a side dish or dessert to share, or make a $5 donation; and finally, BBC is doing its now annual FREE Pancake (maybe waffles too) Breakfast!

August Tuesday@Noon Workshops: “Your Business & The law” (Aug. 5th-26th). Still three workshops covering the contracts for setting up a business, protecting assets and continuity, and fending off threats. August 12, Martin Garthwaite on Patents, Copyrights, and Trademarks. August 19, George Edensword-Breck presents Risks to your Business Related to Aging.  August 26, Back to School with Caroline Fichter: Contracts 101 for small businesses and independent contractors. 

REMINDER for BBC Regular Members: Open/Public BBC Regulars Business Info & Contact List for single page referral sheet and BBC website Members List. As BBC Regular Members, you can have your business and contact info available for the BBC community and on the BBC website. Follow link (form courtesy of Annette Walker) and fill out BBC Regulars Member List contact info:  BBC on Facebook: Alice David has kindly set up a BBC Facebook destination. Take a look: – friend, post, share, bake, blog, barbecue.

New B.I. RIDE Mid-day Bus Service! A combination of scheduled stops and Dial-A-Ride fills runs during weekday non-commuter times and on Saturdays. For more info:

BBC Regular Lee Hoffman is working with a group to develop the Maritime Heritage Center in Bremerton and restore the classic tub boat “Quail” –visit the website:

Maritine Heritage Center is utilizing “” – Quail photos/video at


BBC Related Links

Chamber Of Commerce
Accelerate Kitsap – Business Mentoring
Bainbridge Island Downtown Association
inside bainbridge

No BBC On 1 August 2014 – Take A Holiday! Lie In The Sun! Go Running! Sleep.

BBC Friday 1 August 2014 – Canceled for Mid-summer Vacation (or whatever).

© 2014 ClipArt Best - - Download thousand of cliparts for free!

NEXT BBC Friday Will Be On 8 August – closing the big annual Coworking Week celebrations at OfficeXpats. For more info about coworking week see:

Friday August 8th we will do our 2nd Annual BBC Pancake Breakfast (including, for old times sake, waffles – and who knows what else, SPAM maybe).  (Note: the only time spam is allowed at OXp is when it comes in a can!) So come and join in, and if you’d like to contribute a breakfast item – regular or gluten-free! – please let Dave Kragen know at [email protected].

HANDOUT From our  25 July Friday BBC: On July 25th we picked up the discussion from the previous week’s roundtable, Closing The Deal, Getting Paid, with Asking Good Questions or Question-based Selling. It was a lively time! Bill Ruddick put together a page of notes on “Clossed Questions” vs. “Open Questions”: BBC_25July2014_AskingQuestions.pdf . (Original meeting notes: BBC_25July2014_handout.pdf .)

See you all next time on August 8th for our annual BBC Pancake Breakfast!

The BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, & Other Entrepreneurial Sentients From Planet BBC


More BBC Regulars Really Exciting Upcoming Events!

INTERNATIONAL COWORKING WEEK, August 4th-8th – OfficeXpats Coworking Week Celebration! Some of the exciting exciting events to watch for: Free coworking ALL WEEK; Monday Morning Check-in (9:30-10:00); FREE business skills workshop (Tuesday Noon-1:00); FREE “Super Happy Hour” (Thursday 4:30 PM) and trends talk TBD, drinks and snacks provided; Coworking Week Cookout on our deck (Thursday 6:00 PM) – burgers and sausages (including non-meat) – bring a side dish or dessert to share, or make a $5 donation; and finally, BBC is doing its now annual FREE Pancake (maybe waffles too) Breakfast!

REMINDER for BBC Regular Members: Open/Public BBC Regulars Business Info & Contact List for single page referral sheet and BBC website Members List. As BBC Regular Members, you can have your business and contact info available for the BBC community and on the BBC website. Follow link (form courtesy of Annette Walker) and fill out BBC Regulars Member List contact info:  BBC on Facebook: Alice David has kindly set up a BBC Facebook destination. Take a look: – friend, post, share, bake, blog, barbecue.

New B.I. RIDE Mid-day Bus Service! A combination of scheduled stops and Dial-A-Ride fills runs during weekday non-commuter times and on Saturdays. For more info:

BBC Regular Lee Hoffman is working with a group to develop the Maritime Heritage Center in Bremerton and restore the classic tub boat “Quail” –visit the website:

Maritine Heritage Center is utilizing “” – Quail photos/video at


BBC Related Links

Chamber Of Commerce
Accelerate Kitsap – Business Mentoring
Bainbridge Island Downtown Association
inside bainbridge

BBC Friday 25 July 2014 – Business Tools Roundtable, Part II – “Asking Questions”

BBC Friday 18 July 2014 – Business Tools Roundtable – “Question-based Selling”

This BBC Friday we will pick up the discussion from last week’s roundtable, “Closing The Deal, Getting Paid” with “Asking Good Questions” or “Question-based Selling.”


Formulating good questions is important, whether in perspective client interviews, in troubleshooting client services/products and needs. Our own BBC Founding Regular, Bill Ruddick, will lead us in a great discussion on “QUESTIONS! QUESTIONS! QUESTIONS!  

Bring your questions, meta-questions, and meta-meta-questions-questions. Think about it. 

Be there, be free, be businesswise. For, in a sense, as serial entrepreneurs, we’re all business wise!

 So, invite your friends and associates to come join us for this exciting real-cloud event in real time and real space … and another delicious cup of BBC!

BBC @ OfficeXpats – 403 Madison Avenue N, Bainbridge Island, Upstairs At the Pavilion

7:30-8:00 coffee/tea, visiting, informal networking
8:00-8:45 Business Tools Roundtable: “Questions!”
8:30-9:00 more networking, sharing, visiting

The BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, & Other Entrepreneurial Sentients From Planet BBC


More BBC Regulars Really Exciting Upcoming Events!

COMING SOON! August 4th-8th: OfficeXpats International Coworking Week Celebration! Some of the exciting exciting events to watch for: Free coworking ALL WEEK; Monday Morning Check-in (9:30-10:00); FREE business skills workshop (Tuesday Noon-1:00); FREE “Super Happy Hour” (Thursday 4:30 PM) and trends talk TBD, drinks and snacks provided; Coworking Week Cookout on our deck (Thursday 6:00 PM) – burgers and sausages (including non-meat) – bring a side dish or dessert to share, or make a $5 donation; and finally, BBC is doing its now annual FREE Pancake (maybe waffles too) Breakfast!

TODAY 24 July – Chamber After Hours This Afternoon! Hosting this month is BI Chamber member Bainbridge Island Brewing Company.  Tour the brewery and sample their summer seasonal beers. 9415 Coppertop Loop, Suite 104 in Coppertop Business Park. Join us for networking and refreshments. Free event, no reservation needed. The public is welcome (

REMINDER for BBC Regular Members: Open/Public BBC Regulars Business Info & Contact List! For Single Page Referral Sheet and BBC Website Regular Members List. As BBC Regular members, you can have your business and contact info available for the BBC Community and on the BBC Website. Follow this link (form courtesy of Annette Walker) and fill out BBC Regulars Member List contact info:  BBC on Facebook: Alice David has kindly set up a BBC Facebook destination. Take a look: – friend, post, share, bake, blog, barbecue.

BBC Regular Lee Hoffman is working with a group to develop the Maritime Heritage Center in Bremerton and restore the classic tub boat “Quail” –visit the website:

Maritine Heritage Center is utilizing “” – Quail photos/video at


BBC Related Links

Chamber Of Commerce
Accelerate Kitsap – Business Mentoring
Bainbridge Island Downtown Association
inside bainbridge

BBC Friday 18 July 2014 – Business Tools Roundtable: “Closing the Deal, Getting Paid”

BBC Friday 18 July 2014 – Business Tools Roundtable Discussion – “Closing The Deal, Getting Paid.”

Over The Years BBC has held “Business Tools” workshops and roundtable discussions which address key questions and issues related to entrepreneurial life and practice in the day to day world of doing business and being a business person.

 Thus this BBC Friday we will discuss a perennial topic of interest: after you make a client contact — new or returning — what can one do to “close the deal” with that client and to get paid for services rendered? 

Thank you to Karen Klein, Karen Klein Law,, for suggesting this great topic! So bring your ideas, stories — fun or scary! — and join the discussion. Always a lively time at BBC (not the British Broadcasting Corporation). 

Be there, be free, be businesswise. For, in a sense, as serial entrepreneurs, we’re all business wise!

 So, invite your friends and associates to come join us for this exciting real-cloud event in real time and real space … and another delicious cup of BBC!

BBC @ OfficeXpats – 403 Madison Avenue N, Bainbridge Island, Upstairs At the Pavilion

7:30-8:00 coffee/tea, visiting, informal networking
8:00-8:45 Business Tools Roundtable Discussion
8:30-9:00 more networking, sharing, visiting

The BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, & Other Entrepreneurial Sentients From Planet BBC


More BBC Regulars Really Exciting Upcoming Events!

15 JULY – Second Session of OXp July TUESDAY@NOOON Workshops! “From Business Idea To Pitch.” If you missed the first two session, don’t worry, Michael is doing a wonderful job of teaching and guiding us all through cutting edge Business-wisdom and growth strategies! Do you have an idea for a must-have product or service, but need help with what comes next? Michael “Luni” Libes, author of The Next Step, provides a simple, understandable path through the stages of business planning. Each stage includes a set of key questions, which when answered, provide you with the materials needed for your formal business plan and pitch. July 22 –Financial planning and fundraising; July 29 – How to create and deliver a great pitch. Register while there’s still time at Michael Libes on the web: his book The Next Step is well worth the price and is a way to catch up for the final two workshops! See also his websites and

COMING SOON! August 4th-8th: OfficeXpats International Coworking Week Celebration! Some of the exciting exciting events to watch for: Free coworking ALL WEEK; Monday Morning Check-in (9:30-10:00); FREE business skills workshop (Tuesday Noon-1:00); FREE “Super Happy Hour” (Thursday 4:30 PM) and trends talk TBD, drinks and snacks provided; Coworking Week Cookout on our deck (Thursday 6:00 PM) – burgers and sausages (including non-meat) – bring a side dish or dessert to share, or make a $5 donation; and finally, BBC is doing its now annual FREE Pancake (maybe waffles too) Breakfast!

REMINDER for BBC Regular Members: Open/Public BBC Regulars Business Info & Contact List! For Single Page Referral Sheet and BBC Website Regular Members List. As BBC Regular members, you can have your business and contact info available for the BBC Community and on the BBC Website. Follow this link (form courtesy of Annette Walker) and fill out BBC Regulars Member List contact info:  BBC on Facebook: Alice David has kindly set up a BBC Facebook destination. Take a look: – friend, post, share, bake, blog, barbecue.

BBC Regular Lee Hoffman is working with a group to develop the Maritime Heritage Center in Bremerton and restore the classic tub boat “Quail” –visit the website:

Maritine Heritage Center is utilizing “” – Quail photos/video at


BBC Related Links

Chamber Of Commerce
Accelerate Kitsap – Business Mentoring
Bainbridge Island Downtown Association
inside bainbridge

BBC Friday – 11 July 2014 – Accelerate Kitsap Org. Re-Imagined – “Business Mentoring & More”

BBC Friday 11 July 2014 – Accelerate Kitsap (XLR8) has word from the … IRS … that its 501(c)(3) status is … close. 

OfficeXpats has always been home not only of the BBC and a whole bunch of us BBCites, but also of Accelerate Kitsap Business Mentoring Program ( since its inception. XLR8 has helped, counseled, and mentored a number of successful start-ups and re-startups and businesses going to the “next level.”

Rethinking, redefining, and re-purposing XLR8 is the next order of business. Now that the IRS seems to be back on track, so is XLR8!  

Ken Sethney and a number of OXp and BBC members started XLR8 in 2011. Now our own founding BBC Regular, Bill Ruddick, Ruddick Consulting, is the new Board President of Accelerate Kitsap. Hurrah and three cheers! 

Therefore, this BBC Friday, we’re going to do a business strategy roundtable to help XLR8 as it seeks to articulate its New Mission Statement, goals, values, and vision for the great Kitsap County and West Sound. One of XLR8’s goals has always been to find ways to contribute the economy of the whole West Sound, to be more interconnected business-wise and culture-wise. 

Tourism has a major role in the life of Kitsap County and surround areas, for Bremerton, Bainbridge Island, Poulsbo, Kingston and Silverdale. This spells revenue, jobs, and growth. The Bremerton Navy shipyard and Underwater Museum at Keyport are not only major tourist attractions, but provide community relations with the public. A good example of the latest innovations in waterfront and tourism development is the Bremerton Historical Vessels Group (, spearheaded by BBC Regular Lee Hoffman.

Be there, be free, be businesswise. For, in a sense, as serial entrepreneurs, we’re all business wise!

 So, invite your friends and associates to come join us for this exciting real-cloud event in real time and real space … and another delicious cup of BBC!

BBC @ OfficeXpats – 403 Madison Avenue N, Bainbridge Island, Upstairs At the Pavilion

7:30-8:00 coffee/tea, visiting, informal networking
8:00-8:45 The New XLR8!
8:30-9:00 more networking, sharing, visiting

The BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, & Other Entrepreneurial Sentients From Planet BBC



and also to all of you who helped at the OfficeXpats Booth where the BBC and a number of our businesses were wonderfully represented. And a very big thanks to Gordon and Kimberly Hewes for — once again! — the loan of their business events tent, which helped make the OXp-BBC booth a big success (Gordon’s business & Thanks also to BBC Regulars Alice David ( and Bruce Carter ( for so delightfully leading us in the Parade. Many others helped out along the way, making signs, dancing in the OXp Laptop Drill Team, taking pictures, directing traffic, helping the Chamber with myriad details, and just cheering us all on! Thank you!


More BBC Regulars Really Exciting Upcoming Events!

15 JULY – Second Session of OXp July TUESDAY@NOOON Workshops! “From Business Idea To Pitch.” If you missed the first session, don’t worry, Michael is doing a wonderful job of teaching and guiding us all through cutting edge Business-wisdom and growth strategies! Do you have an idea for a must-have product or service, but need help with what comes next? Michael “Luni” Libes, author of The Next Step, provides a simple, understandable path through the stages of business planning. Each stage includes a set of key questions, which when answered, provide you with the materials needed for your formal business plan and pitch. July 8 – Sharing your idea. Problem/Solution/Customer; July 15 – Market research, Opportunity size, and Competitive analysis; July 22 –Financial planning and fundraising; July 29 – How to create and deliver a great pitch. Register while there’s still time at Michael Libes on the web: and

REMINDER for BBC Regulars: Open/Public BBC Regulars Business Info & Contact List ! For Single Page Referral Sheet and BBC Website Regular Members List. As BBC Regular members, you can have your business and contact info available for the BBC Community and on the BBC Website. Follow this link (form courtesy of Annette Walker) and fill out BBC Regulars Member List contact info:  BBC on Facebook: Alice David has kindly set up a BBC Facebook destination. Take a look: – friend, post, share, bake, blog, barbecue.

BBC Regular Lee Hoffman is working with a group to develop the Maritime Heritage Center in Bremerton and restore the classic tub boat “Quail” –visit the website:

Maritine Heritage Center is utilizing “” – Quail photos/video at

And in the hearty seafaring tradition, BBC REGULAR Jack Morgan, Surfin’ Seafood NEW Website! Visit, enjoy, shop,

COMING SOON! August 4th-8th: OfficeXpats International Coworking Week Celebration! Some of the exciting exciting events to watch for: Free coworking ALL WEEK; Monday Morning Check-in (9:30-10:00); FREE business skills workshop (Tuesday Noon-1:00); FREE “Super Happy Hour” (Thursday 4:30 PM) and trends talk TBD, drinks and snacks provided; Coworking Week Cookout on our deck (Thursday 6:00 PM) – burgers and sausages (including non-meat) – bring a side dish or dessert to share, or make a $5 donation; and finally, BBC is doing its now annual FREE Pancake (maybe waffles too) Breakfast!


BBC Related Links

Chamber Of Commerce
Accelerate Kitsap – Business Mentoring
Bainbridge Island Downtown Association
inside bainbridge

BBC Will Not Meet at 7:30-9:00 This Friday, 4th Of July – But We Will Be Out And About!

No Regular BBC This Friday 4 July 2014 – But there’ll be plenty of BBC Regulars out there! At the parade, at the OfficeXpats Booth, at the Biergarten.

Week Of July 4th NOTICES!

From Our OfficeXpats Coworking Colleagues: DECLARE YOUR coWORKER INDEPENDENCE! (“To participate in the exciting, remarkable, memorable OXp 4th Parade Group, we’re inviting folks to come to the Thursday Happy Hour (starts at 4:30 PM) to convene — pick up their T-shirt and cardboard laptop. We’ll also do a quick practice for the DRILL/DANCE TEAM (it’s easy, fun, easy, and … fun). There’ll be time for sharing and sign-making as well. Peeps also welcome to drop in during the week.” —Judy Whithead, OXp Management (contact Judy for more info: [email protected]).

OfficeXpats booth: Come promote your own business under the OfficeXpats banner! BBC Regulars also have the opportunity to talk about BBC at the booth. (If you sign up, you can leave your own business cards and fliers on the booth the whole day!) We have a great location, right across from the Community/Senior Center. We will also be co-promoting the Bainbridge Business Connection, the long-standing Friday morning “fun, free, and friendly” networking group. More info:

OfficeXpats parade entry: Join the OfficeXpats laptop drill team in the Grand Ol’ 4th parade and march behind the banner of “Working Alone Sucks.” Or just carry a sign and be enthusiastic! We’ll find a role that fits you. Your friends and family are welcome to join us too. This year there’s a prize for the funniest parade entry (which will be donated to a non-profit of our choice, if we win), so the uncoordinated might even help us win. Bring your spirit! Contact Judy Whitehead, OXp Office Manager if you have questions: [email protected].

It’s our 5th anniversary BBC @ the 4th! BBC has always been about community, supporting each others business by supporting and encouraging one another. So, this very exciting year 2014 — the year the US (almost) won their first World Cup Football championship! let us continue the BBC tradition of serendipitous entrepreneurial creativity and community support and service.

Sincerely, The BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, & Other Entrepreneurial Sentients From Planet BBC


More BBC Regulars 4th Of July Week Activities & Really Exciting Upcoming Events!

JULY 8th – First Session of OXp TUESDAY@NOOON WORKSHOP! “From Business Idea To Pitch” Do you have an idea for a must-have product or service, but need help with what comes next? Michael “Luni” Libes, author of The Next Step, provides a simple, understandable path through the stages of business planning. Each stage includes a set of key questions, which when answered, provide you with the materials needed for your formal business plan and pitch. July 8 – Sharing your idea. Problem/Solution/Customer; July 15 – Market research, Opportunity size, and Competitive analysis; July 22 –Financial planning and fundraising; July 29 – How to create and deliver a great pitch. Register while there’s still time at Michael Libes on the web: and

Grand Old Fourth! The Chamber may still need volunteers. Visit the new GRAND OLD 4th website, designed by BBC Regular Brian Creamer’s You’re invited to attend and participate in the Grand Old 4th of July Parade and Community Celebration on Friday, July 4th, 2014. Now in its 47th Year, the Grand Old 4th includes a Pancake Breakfast, all-day Street Fair, foot races (benefiting Bainbridge Youth Services), a Classic Car Show, Historic Baseball Game, Music, Food, Entertainment, a Beer Garden, and plenty of Family Fun—all capped off by the “Best Small Town Parade in America.” The mile-long parade begins at 1 p.m. sharp! The Grand Old 4th is produced and presented by the Bainbridge Island Chamber of Commerce, with the help of dozens of volunteers and a handful of loyal sponsoring businesses.

Image of Tim Longley

DON’T MISS Bainbridge Island Fireworks this year at the 4th! Kid-safe, family friendly, free, fun

Tips on pet and animal preparedness and safety — see the Bainbridge Fireworks website for tips on pet and animal preparedness during the 4th Of July holidays

For more information or to find out how you can help: or contact: 2014 Fireworks Chairman, and Founding BBC Regular emeritus Tim Longley at [email protected].

REMINDER for BBC Regulars: Open/Public BBC Regulars Business Info & Contact List ! For Single Page Referral Sheet and BBC Website Regular Members List. As BBC Regular members, you can have your business and contact info available for the BBC Community and on the BBC Website. Follow this link (form courtesy of Annette Walker) and fill out BBC Regulars Member List contact info:  BBC on Facebook: Alice David has kindly set up a BBC Facebook destination. Take a look: – friend, post, share, bake, blog, barbecue.

BBC Regular Lee Hoffman is working with a group to develop the Maritime Heritage Center in Bremerton and restore the classic tub boat “Quail” –visit the website:

Maritine Heritage Center is utilizing “” – Quail photos/video at

And in the hearty seafaring tradition, BBC REGULAR Jack Morgan, Surfin’ Seafood NEW Website! Visit, enjoy, shop,


BBC Related Links

Chamber Of Commerce
Accelerate Kitsap – Business Mentoring
Bainbridge Island Downtown Association
inside bainbridge

BBC Friday 27 June 2014 – Think Club Does the 4th of July!

BBC Friday 27 June 2014 – Think Club does the 4th Of July!

This BBC Friday we’ll dive into a delightful and challenging business strategy roundtable brainstorming session.

Process: the famous Think Club method, w/ founding BBC Regular and renowned thinkologist Bill Ruddick.

Subject: BBC @ the 4th. 

Goal: supporting  “OXp, home of the BBC.” OfficeXpats, our 7th and longest-surviving venue, has been our home for half our existence on Earth (or anywhere else actually).

In exactly one week we’ll be celebrating our 5th anniversary BBC @ the 4th! BBC has always been about community, supporting each others business by supporting and encouraging one another.

So, this very exciting year 2014 — the year the US (almost) won their first World Cup Football championship!  let us continue the BBC tradition of serendipitous entrepreneurial creativity and community support and service … by thinking well.

Think about it!

Be there, be free, be businesswise. For, in a sense, as serial entrepreneurs, we’re all business wise!

 So, invite your friends and associates to come join us for this exciting real-cloud event in real time and real space … and another delicious cup of BBC!

BBC @ OfficeXpats – 403 Madison Avenue N, Bainbridge Island, Upstairs At the Pavilion

7:30-8:00 coffee/tea, visiting, informal networking
8:00-8:45 THINK CLUB @ THE 4TH!
8:30-9:00 more networking, sharing, visiting

The BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, & Other Entrepreneurial Sentients From Planet BBC


BBC Regulars Lots Of Really Exciting Upcoming Events!

JULY OXp TUESDAY@NOOON WORKSHOP! “From Business Idea To Pitch” Do you have an idea for a must-have product or service, but need help with what comes next? Michael “Luni” Libes, author of The Next Step, provides a simple, understandable path through the stages of business planning. Each stage includes a set of key questions, which when answered, provide you with the materials needed for your formal business plan and pitch. July 8 – Sharing your idea. Problem/Solution/Customer; July 15 – Market research, Opportunity size, and Competitive analysis; July 22 –Financial planning and fundraising; July 29 – How to create and deliver a great pitch. Register while there’s still time at Michael Libes on the web: and

Grand Old Fourth! The Chamber may still need volunteers. Visit the new GRAND OLD 4th website, designed by BBC Regular Brian Creamer’s You’re invited to attend and participate in the Grand Old 4th of July Parade and Community Celebration on Friday, July 4th, 2014. Now in its 47th Year, the Grand Old 4th includes a Pancake Breakfast, all-day Street Fair, foot races (benefiting Bainbridge Youth Services), a Classic Car Show, Historic Baseball Game, Music, Food, Entertainment, a Beer Garden, and plenty of Family Fun—all capped off by the “Best Small Town Parade in America.” The mile-long parade begins at 1 p.m. sharp! The Grand Old 4th is produced and presented by the Bainbridge Island Chamber of Commerce, with the help of dozens of volunteers and a handful of loyal sponsoring businesses.

Image of Tim LongleyDON’T MISS Bainbridge Island Fireworks this year at the 4th! For more information or to find out how you can help: or contact: 2014 Fireworks Chairman, and Founding BBC Regular emeritus Tim Longley at [email protected].

REMINDER for BBC Regulars: Open/Public BBC Regulars Business Info & Contact List ! For Single Page Referral Sheet and BBC Website Regular Members List. As BBC Regular members, you can have your business and contact info available for the BBC Community and on the BBC Website. Follow this link (form courtesy of Annette Walker) and fill out BBC Regulars Member List contact info:

BBC on Facebook: Alice David has kindly set up a BBC Facebook destination. Take a look: – friend, post, share, bake, blog, barbecue.

BBC REGULAR Jack Morgan, Surfin’ Seafood NEW Website! Visit, enjoy, shop,


BBC Related Links

Chamber Of Commerce
Accelerate Kitsap – Business Mentoring
Bainbridge Island Downtown Association
inside bainbridge

BBC Friday 20 June 2014 – New Business: “ByTheBook Keepers” w/ BBC Regular Brad Stockman

BBC Friday 20 June 2014 – New Business: “ByTheBook Keepers” w/ BBC Regular Brad Stockman.

Brad Stockman will highlight the company’s leveraging cloud computing, with a focus on  utilizing cloud-based SaaS integrations to benefit back office systems and streamline business processes.

ByTheBook Keepers™ is a Bainbridge Island start-up company providing cloud based integrated bookkeeping and accounting related services.  These services include sourcing, implementing and supporting back office systems for small to medium sized companies enabling them to free up time and resources to concentrate on growing their businesses.

Be there, be free, be businesswise. For, in a sense, as serial entrepreneurs, we’re all business wise!

 So, invite your friends and associates to come join us for this exciting real-cloud event in real time and real space … and another delicious cup of BBC!

BBC @ OfficeXpats – 403 Madison Avenue N, Bainbridge Island, Upstairs At the Pavilion

7:30-8:00 coffee/tea, visiting, informal networking
8:00-8:45 New Business Presentation w/ Brad Stockman
8:30-9:00 more networking, sharing, visiting

The BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, & Other Entrepreneurial Sentients From Planet BBC


BBC Regulars Lots Of Really Exciting Upcoming Events!

JULY OXp TUESDAY@NOOON WORKSHOPS TEASER! “From Business Idea To Pitch” — Do you have an idea for a must-have product or service, but need help with what comes next? Michael “Luni” Libes, author of The Next Step, provides a simple, understandable path through the stages of business planning. Each stage includes a set of key questions, which when answered, provide you with the materials needed for your formal business plan and pitch. Info at

Grand Old Fourth! The Chamber may still need volunteers — inquire within: and visit the new GRAND OLD… website (designed by BBC Regular Brian Creamer’s You’re invited to attend and participate in the Grand Old 4th of July Parade and Community Celebration on Friday, July 4th, 2014. Now in its 47th Year, the Grand Old 4th includes a Pancake Breakfast, all-day Street Fair, foot races (benefiting Bainbridge Youth Services), a Classic Car Show, Historic Baseball Game, Music, Food, Entertainment, a Beer Garden, and plenty of Family Fun—all capped off by the “Best Small Town Parade in America.” The mile-long parade begins at 1 p.m. sharp! The Grand Old 4th is produced and presented by the Bainbridge Island Chamber of Commerce, with the help of dozens of volunteers and a handful of loyal sponsoring businesses.

REMINDER: Open/Public BBC Regulars Business Info & Contact List ! For Single Page Referral Sheet and BBC Website Regulars member list. If you would like to participate and have your business and contact info available for the BBC Community and on the BBC Website, follow this link (form courtesy of Annette Walker); fill out BBC Regulars Member List contact info:

BBC on Facebook: Alice David has kindly set up a BBC Facebook destination. Take a look: – friend, post, share, bake, blog, barbecue.

BBC REGULAR Jack Morgan, Surfin’ Seafood NEW Website! Visit, enjoy, shop,


BBC Related Links

Chamber Of Commerce
Accelerate Kitsap – Business Mentoring
Bainbridge Island Downtown Association
inside bainbridge

BBC Friday 13 June 2014 – How Life Events Can Affect Your Business, w/ Betty Herman

How Life Events can Affect Your Business and How to Prepare for Them.

Have you had a life event affect your business? Do you have questions about your options for child care, senior care, unexpected death or disability?

This BBC Friday will be a time of sharing and discussion on how to prepare for life’s unexpected eventualities which can have very specific repercussions not just for life generally, but for one’s business situation.

Longtime BBC Regular Betty Herman, CSA,  at Martha&Mary, Poulsbo, will lead us in the discussion with a presentation and a roundtable time of sharing stories.

Be there, be free, be businesswise. For, in a sense, as serial entrepreneurs, we’re all business-wise!

 So, invite your friends and associates to come join us for this exciting real-cloud event in real time and real space … and another delicious cup of BBC!

BBC @ OfficeXpats – 403 Madison Avenue N, Bainbridge Island, Upstairs At the Pavilion

7:30-8:00 coffee/tea, visiting, informal networking
8:00-8:45 I”Life Happens” Presentation w/ Betty Herman
8:30-9:00 more networking, sharing, visiting

The BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, & Other Entrepreneurial Sentients From Planet BBC


BBC Regulars Lots Of Really Exciting Upcoming Events!

DON’T MISS OfficeXpats June Tuesday@Noon Workshops — STILL 3 SESSIONS!  “Deconstructing Leadership: Tap Your Leadership Style To Transform Your Business & Community.”  Even if you missed the first session — a marvelous discussion, lead by Kathleen O’Brien (, of “Servant Leadership” in the context of community and practical sustainability — the final 3 sessions lead by Cynthia Shick ( will take you though practical steps in identifying your leadership style and strengths. Leadership is about creating and responding to change, no matter what chair you’re leading from. Discovering new ways to effectively tap into your own resources to increase your leadership success takes both self-exploration and awareness.
Some 1st Workshop Observations by Cynthia Shick: Kathleen O’Brien did a stellar job today sharing her community building “servant-leadership” vision while at the same time advocating for the practical side of turning that vision into reality. Her presentation energized participants: writers, analysts, project managers, designers, marketing strategists, team leaders, and team members, some working collaboratively, others as solopreneurs. Next week I look forward to transforming the conversation from “Why I want to lead” to “How I Can.” Who am I as a leader? Where are the best opportunities to develop into a more effective leader? We’ll look at the fundamentals of “Leading” distilled into a simple 3-step process — taking the mystery and anxiety out of Leadership. Cynthia Shick, a professional development facilitator-trainer who brings over 23 years of successful project management to the table. Info and registration:

JULY OXp TUESDAY@NOOON WORKSHOPS TEASER! “From Business Idea To Pitch” — Do you have an idea for a must-have product or service, but need help with what comes next? Michael “Luni” Libes, author of The Next Step, provides a simple, understandable path through the stages of business planning. Each stage includes a set of key questions, which when answered, provide you with the materials needed for your formal business plan and pitch. Info at

Grand Old Fourth! The Chamber may still need volunteers — inquire within: and visit the new GRAND OLD… website (designed by BBC Regular Brian Creamer’s You’re invited to attend and participate in the Grand Old 4th of July Parade and Community Celebration on Friday, July 4th, 2014. Now in its 47th Year, the Grand Old 4th includes a Pancake Breakfast, all-day Street Fair, foot races (benefiting Bainbridge Youth Services), a Classic Car Show, Historic Baseball Game, Music, Food, Entertainment, a Beer Garden, and plenty of Family Fun—all capped off by the “Best Small Town Parade in America.” The mile-long parade begins at 1 p.m. sharp! The Grand Old 4th is produced and presented by the Bainbridge Island Chamber of Commerce, with the help of dozens of volunteers and a handful of loyal sponsoring businesses.

REMINDER: Open/Public BBC Regulars Business Info & Contact List ! For Single Page Referral Sheet and BBC Website Regulars member list. If you would like to participate and have your business and contact info available for the BBC Community and on the BBC Website, follow this link (form courtesy of Annette Walker); fill out BBC Regulars Member List contact info:

BBC on Facebook: Alice David has kindly set up a BBC Facebook destination. Take a look: – friend, post, share, bake, blog, barbecue.


BBC Related Links

Chamber Of Commerce
Accelerate Kitsap – Business Mentoring
Bainbridge Island Downtown Association
inside bainbridge

BBC Friday 6 June 2014 – “what’s new in the cloud” technology roundtable PART II

Cloud Computing Update: Google Drive, Microsoft Office365, FireFox Browser Cloud Sync, and maybe a few other cloud-like spaces and services will be discussed.

This BBC Friday, we’re doing PART II of our roundtable discussion on all things cloud-computing, cloud security, cloud dreaming.

BBC Regulars Annette Walker ( and Jason Omens (OfficeXpats) will be moderating the discussion and fielding your questions.

As time allows, we’ll open the table to general technology topics and new APP-computing recommendations. Have a favorite app? Come and share it with your BBC mates.

Be there, be free, be businesswise. For, in a sense, as serial entrepreneurs, we’re all business-wise!

 So, invite your friends and associates to come join us for this exciting real-cloud event in real time and real space … and another delicious cup of BBC!

BBC @ OfficeXpats – 403 Madison Avenue N, Bainbridge Island, Upstairs At the Pavilion

7:30-8:00 coffee/tea, visiting, informal networking
8:00-8:45 Cloud Computing Update Roundtable PART II
8:30-9:00 more networking, sharing, visiting

The BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, & Other Entrepreneurial Sentients From Planet BBC


BBC Regulars Lots Of Really Exciting Upcoming Events!

DON’T MISS OfficeXpats June Tuesday@Noon Workshops — STILL 3 SESSIONS!  “Deconstructing Leadership: Tap Your Leadership Style To Transform Your Business & Community.”  Even if you missed the first session — a marvelous discussion, lead by Kathleen O’Brien (, of “Servant Leadership” in the context of community and practical sustainability — the final 3 sessions lead by Cynthia Shick ( will take you though practical steps in identifying your leadership style and strengths. Leadership is about creating and responding to change, no matter what chair you’re leading from. Discovering new ways to effectively tap into your own resources to increase your leadership success takes both self-exploration and awareness.
Some 1st Workshop Observations by Cynthia Shick: Kathleen O’Brien did a stellar job today sharing her community building “servant-leadership” vision while at the same time advocating for the practical side of turning that vision into reality. Her presentation energized participants: writers, analysts, project managers, designers, marketing strategists, team leaders, and team members, some working collaboratively, others as solopreneurs. Next week I look forward to transforming the conversation from “Why I want to lead” to “How I Can.” Who am I as a leader? Where are the best opportunities to develop into a more effective leader? We’ll look at the fundamentals of “Leading” distilled into a simple 3-step process — taking the mystery and anxiety out of Leadership. Cynthia Shick, a professional development facilitator-trainer who brings over 23 years of successful project management to the table. Info and registration:

REMINDER: Open/Public BBC Regulars Business Info & Contact List ! For Single Page Referral Sheet and BBC Website Regulars member list. If you would like to participate and have your business and contact info available for the BBC Community and on the BBC Website, follow this link (form courtesy of Annette Walker); fill out BBC Regulars Member List contact info:

Grand Old Fourth! The Chamber may still need volunteers — inquire

BBC on Facebook: Alice David has kindly set up a BBC Facebook destination. Take a look: – friend, post, share, bake, blog, barbecue.


BBC Related Links

Chamber Of Commerce
Accelerate Kitsap – Business Mentoring
Bainbridge Island Downtown Association
inside bainbridge