About kdkragen

K. D. Kragen is a philosopher, writer, teacher, editor, husband, father and grandfather. A third generation San Franciscan, Vietnam era vet U.S. Coast Guard (1973-1977), married to Janet L. Kragen for 32 years (1977-present), K. D. is a published novelist ("The KillWare Chronicles" and "Plagueman"); he has taught logic and lectured in philosophy of art at various college and local art schools (Northwest College of Art, Trumeau College of the Arts). Presently he teaches senior citizens basic computer skills (to be able to keep in touch with children and grandchildren), does general computer maintenance, MS and Linux OS, manages a small publishing house, Scandia Patch Press, and edits and ghosts the writings of other local authors. KaveDragen Ink LLC Clean, sparkling copy is often the first impression you make on prospective clientele. Every company needs: One, the Visionary, company owner, manager. That's you! You are the market expert. You know your products and services better than anyone else. Two, the Copy-editor, the wordsmith. That's me. I supply the polish and clarity of communication needed to grab your client from the very first line.

Everything But The 4th Of July

Join us July 2nd for a cup of BBC, where we will discuss anything and everything BUT the 4th of July.

It should be fun!

Isn’t it always?

At the BBC?

WHAT THE FUTURE HOLDS: We do have some interesting upcoming events this summer.

JULY 9thPuget Sound Energy (pse.com) will present … something … relevant … something about how to keep your energy green.

JULY 16th“So easy, an adult can do it.” With Jan Kragen of KragenU (kragen.net). Jan will do a workshop & presentation on setting up your own website/web-presence, free and easy, using weebly.com as her example website user interface (similar to using google.sites or, for a small fee, WordPress.)

And, as always,

there’s a delicious morning cup of BBC

just waiting for you!

Matt Smith to speak at BBC – 25 June 2010

Thanks to our own BBC Regular Steve Kersten, his friend Matt Smith will give an “improv” presentation this Friday.


Among other things, Matt Smith is a “Communications Process Facilitator and Trainer” — he does workshops for businesses in team building, stress management, change management, and conflict resolution, based on improvisational theater theory.  He also just finished a sold-out series of shows at Seattle’s Hugo House, called “All My Children.”  And he’s an accomplished, much sought-after auctioneer at Seattle area venues, including Bainbridge’s “Auction for the Arts” a couple of years ago.

Matt will speak to us about how he applies improvisational theater theory to his work, his auctioneer business and generally how he manages to survive in this world without any bosses.

Matt co-founded the legendary Seatle Improv in 1985, and Stark/RavingTheatre with Ed Sampson in 1988. They created and toured numerous shows including award winner Here/There.

His acclaimed monologues include My Last Year with the Nuns, Helium, My Boat to Bainbridge, and Beyond Kindness. Among his screen credits: Outsourced, Spiderman, Sleepless in Seattle, Whiteface, Northern Exposure, Bill Nye the Science Guy, and Almost live!.

He lives on Bainbridge Island with his wife and their youngest daughter.

Legend has it Matt Smith is simply lots of fun!

See you all tomorrow for your morning Cup of BBC!

Tim Longley, BBC MC
Dave Kragen, BBC General Editor

Another Great BBC Friday! — 18 June 2010

The 4th Of July Is Still Coming!

18 June 2010We will continue to discuss our BBC 4th-0-July booth. We still have last minute planning to do.

Go to the “BBC 4th-O-July Discussion Page” link (top right menu). Peruse the information there and then click the link for the “Sign-Up for BBC 4th Booth” page. Think about what time slot you’d like to sign up for. Ideally we should have three people in the booth for each time slot — though at least two.

What we still need to know is your thoughts and ideas about the BBC Fliers and the booth banner.

Our 4th-0-July booth is going to be a fun event and present a great networking opportunity to the general public that doesn’t usually know how many and what a variety of entrepreneurial businesses exist on Bainbridge Island and in Kitsap County.

Up-coming BBC event: On the 25th of June, Puget Sound Energy will give a talk on energy savings for home and office.

See you all tomorrow for your Cup of BBC!
Tim Longley, BBC MC
Dave Kragen, BBC Editor


By The Way: The deadline for getting your personal BBCRegulars webpage information in to Dave Kragen (email: [email protected]) is still Friday June 25th. ONE MORE WEEK!!!! Even just a scan of your business card, a small picture of yourself (your mug shot) and an nice image of your business logo; include your preferred contact information too. But Don’t Panic!!!! Not until next Thursday!!!!

BBC Position Open — “Brain Czar” — Apply Within

First: let’s see how many show up without any newsletter to announce anything about this Friday’s BBC.

Second: we’re going to discuss in open forum the idea of establishing a BBCBC — that is, a BBC Brain Czar.

Third: there will be a brief update on the BBC 4th of July Booth.

See ya’ll tomorrow, Friday, 4 June 2010, for your next cup of BBC!

Tim Longley
BBC Chair / Talking Head

Edited by KaveDragen Ink, LLC

At: Cafe @ The Pavilion
403 N. Madison Ave.
Bainbridge Island, WA  98110

7:30-8:00 – coffee, tea, delightful food, visiting, informal networking, sharing

8:00-8:30 – formal meeting

8:30-9:00 – more informal networking and sharing

21 May 2010 — DON’T PANIC!

Monsters From The Id“DON’T PANIC!”*

Consider the alternatives: peripatet, palaver, ponder, pray, play pinochle. But don’t panic. Other ways not to panic? Other ways not to panic about your business? Discuss.


Greetings to visitors and BBC Regulars!  This is the second week of the second year of Bainbridge Business Connection.

But some of us don’t believe in numbers, so you may not exist, or I may not exist, but we all KNOW Thuy Nguyen exists because there’s coffee, espresso, tea and all sorts of breakfast goodies not far from this website in the Bainbridge Pavilion.

Cafe @ The Pavilion
403 N. Madison Ave.
Bainbridge Island, WA  98110

  • 7:30-8:00 – coffee, tea, delightful food, visiting, informal networking, sharing
  • 8:00-8:30 – formal meeting
  • 8:30-9:00 – more informal networking and sharing

The BBC is a Creative Strategy Roundtable offering storefront and home-based Bainbridge business owners and managers a focus group for strategy testing, honest detailed critique, and community support.

Quote Of The Bi-month: “If the human mind was simple enough to understand, we’d be too simple to understand it.”   —Dr. Emerson Pugh (author and IBM research scientist and executive for 35 years)

Today’s Discussion will concern how: 1) not to panic; and 2) to use the following alien script to best advantage in YOUR business. The KRELL language is useful for communicating to your prospective clientele the serious nature of YOUR products and services. Find out more exciting uses of KRELL in the workplace and the marketplace. KRELL – “Software, Hardware, KrellWare.”

*(Douglas Adams. “Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy.”)

14 May 2010 — Business Brainstorming Day!

BBC Business Brainstorming Session Today

Incoming CommsWho’s Next For A Dynamic BBC Leadership Presentation?

What’s Next For Your Business?

Who’s On First?

Creative Strategy Roundtabling! (Roundtabling? Is that a word? What’s it mean? What’s it all mean?)

… ………. . .. . .. ……. .. . . ….. . ……

At: Cafe @ The Pavilion
403 N. Madison Ave.
Bainbridge Island, WA  98110

  • 7:30-8:00 – coffee, tea, delightful food, visiting, informal networking, sharing
  • 8:00-8:30 – formal meeting
  • 8:30-9:00 – more informal networking and sharing

Self Destruct in 9 minutes...The BBC is a Creative Strategy Roundtable offering storefront and home-based Bainbridge business owners and managers a focus group for strategy testing, honest detailed critique, and community support.

Quote Of The Bi-month: “If the human mind was simple enough to understand, we’d be too simple to understand it.”   —Dr. Emerson Pugh (author and IBM research scientist and executive for 35 years)

30 April 2010 – BBC @ The Cafe @ The Pavilion

Greetings Fellow BBCzines!

Today we shall be continuing from last week’s topic of submitting data for developing web pages for all you “BBC Regulars”; our own BBC-MC Tim “I Do Everything” Longley will lead this exciting session.

Picture to left: here we see BBC photographer, Steve Giovanis, setting up for a shot with his new camera (not sure who that “BBC Regular” is). If you still need a good picture of yourself, see Steve (web contact info below). Maybe he can make you look as good as Fay Wray or Carl Denham (depending on your business needs).

If our wi-fi is actually up and running in Winslow this time, we’re on for an exciting web-presence hands-on discussion! So see you there.

7:30-8:00 — Coffee/Tea, Food, Chat, Networking.

8:00-8:00 — Being a “BBC Regular” – BBC-Website member pages.

8:30-9:00 — Coffee/Tea, Food, Chat, Networking.

Join us for a morning cup of BBC … Better Bainbridge Caffeine.

Tim Longley, BBC MC
Dave Kragen, Staff Writer
Photos by Steve Giovanis

23 April 2010 – BBC @ The Cafe @ The Pavilion

EARTH DAY Plus One – BBC On Earth & In eSpace

A BBC Regular! "Where's my latte?"

7:30-8:00 — Coffee/Tea, Food, Chat, Networking.

8:00-8:00 Being a “BBC Regular” – BBC-Website member pages. And the advantages and disadvantages of e-Marketing.

8:30-9:00 — Coffee/Tea, Food, Chat, Networking.

TODAY’S TOPIC: e-Business, e-Commerce, & e-Marketing

e-Business: very broad entity; deals with entire complex system that comprises a business using electronic medium to perform or assist overall or specialized business activities.

e-Commerce: best described in a transactional context; e.g., an electronic transaction of funds, information, or entertainment falls under the category handled by principles of e-Commerce. Technically e-Commerce is a subset of e-Business.

e-Marketing: also a subset of e-Business; involves electronic medium to achieve marketing objectives; set on a strategic level, in addition to traditional marketing and business strategy.

HUH? if you ask a business consultant about this topic, nine-times-out-of-ten you’ll hear a similar three-fold answer as above – but you will likely also get “didn’t you know that?”

I am here to tell you “Who cares!” Those answers are not getting me any closer to my goals of marketing my business in an electronic fashion, developing face to face contact with clientele, generating fliers, newspaper ads — well I am sure you know the rest of that story. So, what’s my point? We need something practical here.

Some points to ponder before tomorrow’s discussion of the difference between “e-Marketing” and “Interactive Marketing”: “e-Marketing” is a broader more easily consumed term, which describes any marketing activity performed via electronic medium; “Interactive Marketing” is generally a subset of e-Marketing, which involves a certain level of interaction.

Advantages of e-Marketing:

  • Reduction in costs through automation and use of electronic media
  • Faster response to both marketers and the end user
  • Increased ability to measure and collect data
  • Opens the possibility to a market of one through personalization
  • Increased interactivity

Disadvantages of e-Marketing:

  • Lack of personal approach (which is what we are all about)
  • Dependence  on technology
  • Security and privacy issues
  • Maintenance costs due to a constantly evolving environment
  • Higher transparency of pricing and increased price competition
  • Worldwide competition through globalization

Join us for a morning cup of BBC … Better Bainbridge Caffeine.

Tim Longley, BBC MC
Dave Kragen, Staff Writer
Photos by Steve Giovanis


Press Release: BBC to meet at the “Cafe @ The Pavilion”

Blue Ocean Café Closes Its Doors  /  BBC Looks For New Venue

Pavilion South EntranceIt is with a sad heart that I must report to you: the Blue Ocean Café has closed its doors as of March 1st, 2010.  The Bainbridge Business Connection, celebrating its One Year Anniversary just a week earlier, started at the Blue Ocean as a small group of local business folks with a desire to get to know one another, learn and share ideas together, and have a cup of coffee and a wonderful waffle.  Needless to say, the Blue Ocean Café was a terrific place to put wings under our new networking community.

On behalf of the BBC Members, I want to thank David Beck, Carolyn Frame, the wonderful and always cheerful staff that created an “at home” environment for us to enjoy, and anyone else behind the scenes at the unique Blue Ocean Café.  It truly was A Great Place to Meet.  We will miss this neighborhood icon—and hope someday it might be resurrected.

So, where do we go from here?  Last Friday, Kevin Dwyer, Executive Director of the Chamber Of Commerce, spoke with Thuy Nguyen, owner of Café @ The Pavilion.  Thuy was very excited about hosting our BBC community on Friday mornings, same time as always, from 0730 to 0900.

Thuy will be expecting our rowdy bunch, continuing our usual meeting format, this coming Friday, March 5, 2010, for hot coffee, lattes or tea, and pastries.  During this meeting, we can all decide if the new location is a fit for us.  Kevin said that they have plenty of tables and chairs to add, as needed, to what’s already there.  The Pavilion also has wi-fi.

The good news is, except Sound Reprographics up by the main entrance, there are no other businesses open at that time of the morning, so we essentially have the Café and the pavilion mall all to ourselves!

Make sure you make this meeting to check out the new digs, and help show our appreciation to the owners of Café @ The Pavilion. 

See you there for that morning cup of BBC!

Tim Longley, BBC Chair

K. D. Kragen, BBC Editor in Chief

Here is a map to the new Digs!

Map to the Pavilion