About kdkragen

K. D. Kragen is a philosopher, writer, teacher, editor, husband, father and grandfather. A third generation San Franciscan, Vietnam era vet U.S. Coast Guard (1973-1977), married to Janet L. Kragen for 32 years (1977-present), K. D. is a published novelist ("The KillWare Chronicles" and "Plagueman"); he has taught logic and lectured in philosophy of art at various college and local art schools (Northwest College of Art, Trumeau College of the Arts). Presently he teaches senior citizens basic computer skills (to be able to keep in touch with children and grandchildren), does general computer maintenance, MS and Linux OS, manages a small publishing house, Scandia Patch Press, and edits and ghosts the writings of other local authors. KaveDragen Ink LLC Clean, sparkling copy is often the first impression you make on prospective clientele. Every company needs: One, the Visionary, company owner, manager. That's you! You are the market expert. You know your products and services better than anyone else. Two, the Copy-editor, the wordsmith. That's me. I supply the polish and clarity of communication needed to grab your client from the very first line.

12 August 2011 – BBC Friday – Building Your Business

BBC Discussion Friday @ Flowering Around

This week’s discussion topic: Building Your Business & Favorite Business Books

Think of your favorite business book and bring a review or copy of the book to share with the group. Be creative: your suggested book can be a non-fiction how-to book, a business development or finance guide, or maybe even your favorite fiction novel that has inspired you in your business endeavors, like Moby Dick or Crime And Punishment or Conan The Barbarian (later in life Conan had many careers, he was a real entrepreneur, though his methods could be a bit heavy-handed — after all, Hostile-Takeover was his brand, his logo a scimitar buried in an enemy’s skull).

Invite a friend or associate to join us for another lazy days of summer discussion — and another cup of BBC!

BBC @ Flowering Around, 200 Winslow Way West

7:30-8:00coffee, visiting, informal networking
8:00-8:30discussion: building your business
8:30-9:00more networking, sharing, visiting

The BBC Management

Flowering Around: http://www.floweringaround.com
Chamber Of Commerce: http://www.bainbridgechamber.com

Winslow Way reconstruction: http://www.ci.bainbridge-isl.wa.us/winslow_way_reconstruction.aspx
Winslow Street Smarts: http://www.winslowstreetsmarts.com/p/overview.html

5 August – BBC Friday – Discussion: “Business Success Stories”

Today’s BBC group discussion will also include “CRM – Contact Relation Management Systems/Software – what works for you?”

Invite a friend or associate to join us for this lazy days of summer discussion — and a delightful summer cup of BBC!

BBC Summer-Fall Project Idea: “GFB, Gluten-Free Bainbridge” (not the Georgia Farm Bureau) — the idea is for interested BBC regulars to start a listing of all gluten-free restaurants, stores, business, and groups (whether for gluten-intolerance or celiac disease). It is already well-known that Blackbird Bakery has gluten-free breads, T&C offers a good selection of gluten-free products, a few restaurants such as the new 122 BAR (http://the122bar.com/) and Local Harvest (http://localharvestrestaurant.com/) offer gluten-free drinks and some dishes. But it doesn’t seem that there is an exhaustive GFB listing. Maybe we of the BBC can contribute that list to our business community. I recently spoke with the folks at Bainbridge Organic Distillery (http://bainbridgedistillers.com/), and they were very receptive to the idea of not only listing places, but including details of what gluten-free products are carried or prepared, and how they might include more items in that category in the future.  The few websites that help list these island places:
If this project sounds interesting to you, contact Dave Kragen for suggestions or support.
PS. glutenfreebainbridge.com is available if someone wanted to snag that domain name.

BBC @ Flowering Around, 200 Winslow Way West

7:30-8:00 – coffee/tea, visiting, networking
8:00-8:30 – group discussion: “Business Success Stories”
8:30-9:00 – more network with friends and colleagues

The BBC Management
Flowering Around: http://www.floweringaround.com
Chamber Of Commerce: http://www.bainbridgechamber.com
Winslow Way reconstruction:
Winslow Street Smarts:

Addendum to BBC Friday Presentation of 29 July 2011

Correction: “Independent Contractors vs. Employees” was Presented by Paula Willems, WorkSpan Resources

Originally the BBC presentation for 29 July, suggested by Karen Klein, was going to be presented by Ms Klein and Paula Willems jointly. However, Paula Willems did a wonderful job of presenting this useful information.

We’ve archived the material on our BBC Resources page: https://www.bainbridgebusinessconnection.com/?page_id=535

Thanks, again, Paula Willems!

WorkSpan Resourcees, LLC
Human Resources Consulting
[email protected]

29 July 2011 – BBC Friday @ Flowering Around

BBC Regular Karen Klein Presents: “Independent Contractors vs Employees”

Come see who will win this death-defying competition! Experience the action! At Bainbridge Island’s one and only, original BBC Network.

Karen Klein, JD, has years of experience in both small and large business environments as Silver Planet feature writer and CEO (silverplanet.com).

Don’t miss this exciting BBC event … aren’t all BBC events exciting? Of course.

Invite a friend or associate to join us for this great lazy days of summer presentation — and another cup of BBC!

BBC @ Flowering Around, 200 Winslow Way West

7:30-8:00coffee, visiting, informal networking
8:00-8:30guest presentation by Karen Klein
8:30-9:00 more networking, sharing, visiting

The BBC Management
Flowering Around: http://www.floweringaround.com
Chamber Of Commerce: http://www.bainbridgechamber.com

NOTE: Intersection of Madison & Winslow Way will likely still be closed so take Grow Avenue to Flowering Around.


22 July – BBC Friday – Setting Up A Free Website, by Jan Kragen

BBC Workshop – “Setting up your own free website on weebly.com”

A reprise from last summer, Jan Kragen of KragenU (kragen.net) will lead a workshop on setting up your own website/web-presence, free and easy, using weebly.com as her example website user interface (similar to using google.sites).

If you have a laptop/notebook computer, bring that along with you.

The presentation will begin promptly at 8:00, so come early.

Invite a friend or associate to join us for this great lazy days of summer event — and another cup of BBC!

BBC @ Flowering Around, 200 Winslow Way West

7:30-8:00coffee, visiting, informal networking
8:00-8:30guest presentation by Jan Kragen
8:30-9:00more networking, sharing, visiting

The BBC Management
Flowering Around: http://www.floweringaround.com
Chamber Of Commerce: http://www.bainbridgechamber.com

NOTE: Intersection of Madison & Winslow Way will be closed, so take Grow Avenue to Flowering Around.

Winslow Way reconstruction info: http://www.ci.bainbridge-isl.wa.us/winslow_way_reconstruction.aspx
Winslow Street Smarts: http://www.winslowstreetsmarts.com/p/overview.html

15 July 2011 – BBC Friday – Guest Speaker, Dan Weedin

BBC will be hosting a very special guest speaker this Friday @ Flowering Around

Dan Weedin – “Beyond Fires & Floods”

As a small business owner, you are at greater risk for crisis management than your larger business brethren. You have less resources and tighter cash flow reserves and don’t have the flexibility to withstand disaster like corporate America. To that end, you more than anyone else need a sound crisis and risk management process. Crisis is guaranteed to occur in some form to all businesses. How you plan, prepare, practice, and respond will determine not only your survival, but your opportunity for growth.

Dan Weedin is a risk and crisis management specialist who will help you get started on creating your own plan so you will be prepared for whatever “big one” is around your corner. Whether it’s earthquakes and tsunamis in Japan, tornadoes in the Midwest; or computer hacking at Sony, you know by your very existence you’re at risk. Make sure you’re prepared to not only survive, but to thrive!

Dan Weedin is a Poulsbo-based consultant who works with clients all over the country to help them turn their risk into reward. He has 24 years experience in the industry at all levels and specializes in helping small to medium sized businesses hope for the best and prepare for the worst. Dan is also a regular columnist in the Kitsap Business Journal and an award-winning speaker. Visit Dan at DanWeedin.com

Invite a friend or associate to join us for this great lazy days of summer event — and another cup of BBC!

BBC @ Flowering Around, 200 Winslow Way West

7:30-8:00 – coffee, visiting, informal networking
8:00-8:30 – guest presentation by Dan Weedin
8:30-9:00 – more networking, sharing, visiting

The BBC Management

Flowering Around: http://www.floweringaround.com
Chamber Of Commerce: http://www.bainbridgechamber.com

Winslow Way reconstruction info: http://www.ci.bainbridge-isl.wa.us/winslow_way_reconstruction.aspx
Winslow Street Smarts: http://www.winslowstreetsmarts.com/p/overview.html

8 July 2011 – BBC Friday – Building Your Business

BBC is back on schedule, meeting this Friday July 8th @ Flowering Around.

This week’s discussion topic: “Building Your Business.”

Invite a friend or associate to join us for another lazy days of summer discussion
— and another cup of BBC!

BBC @ Flowering Around, 200 Winslow Way West

7:30-8:00 – coffee, visiting, informal networking
8:00-8:30 – discussion: building your business
8:30-9:00 – more networking, sharing, visiting

The BBC Management

Mark Your Calendar: For our BBC Friday July 15th we’ll be having a very special guest speaker, Dan Weedin (danweedin.com)! Topic: “Crisis Leadership.” Watch the BBC website and newsletter for more details.

Flowering Around: http://www.floweringaround.com
Chamber Of Commerce: http://www.bainbridgechamber.com


1 July 2011 – BBC Canceled for 4th Of July Weekend

BBC Canceled for 4th Of July Weekend

The next BBC meeting will be on July 8th @ Flowering Around

Join us then, and have a great, and safe, 4th Of July Holiday!

Don’t forget the Rotary Auction & Rummage Sale on July 2nd (see link below).

The BBC Management
Flowering Around: http://www.floweringaround.com
Chamber Of Commerce: http://www.bainbridgechamber.com
2011 Rotary Auction & Rummage Sale: http://www.clubrunner.ca/portal/SitePages/SitePage.aspx?accountid=699&pid=31342
To stay abreast of 2011 Winslow Way reconstruction, go to: http://www.ci.bainbridge-isl.wa.us/winslow_way_reconstruction.aspx
And From Winslow Street Smarts: http://www.winslowstreetsmarts.com/p/overview.html

24 June – BBC Friday – Topic: Summertime Business

How to give our businesses a shot of adrenalin with the lazy days of summer now upon us (we hope).

Invite a friend or associate to join us for this lazy discussion — and another cup of BBC!

BBC @ Flowering Around, 200 Winslow Way West
7:30-8:00coffee, visiting, informal networking
8:00-8:30discussion: “The Lazy Days Of Summer”
8:30-9:00more networking, sharing, visiting

The BBC Management
Flowering Around: http://www.floweringaround.com
Chamber Of Commerce: http://www.bainbridgechamber.com
2011 Rotary Auction & Rummage Sale: http://www.clubrunner.ca/portal/SitePages/SitePage.aspx?accountid=699&pid=31342
To stay abreast of 2011 Winslow Way reconstruction, go to: http://www.ci.bainbridge-isl.wa.us/winslow_way_reconstruction.aspx
And From Winslow Street Smarts: http://www.winslowstreetsmarts.com/p/overview.html

17 June – BBC Discussion – Business Problem Solving

Business Problem Solving: Phone, 800#s, Answering Service vs. Voice Mail

Invite a friend or associate to join us for this exciting discussion — and another cup of BBC!

BBC @ Flowering Around, 200 Winslow Way West
7:30-8:00coffee, visiting, informal networking
8:00-8:30Discussion: Business Problem Solving
8:30-9:00more networking, sharing, visiting

The BBC Management & Other Entrepreneurial Sentients From Planet BBC
Flowering Around: http://www.floweringaround.com
Chamber Of Commerce: http://www.bainbridgechamber.com


To stay abreast of 2011 Winslow Way reconstruction, go to: http://www.ci.bainbridge-isl.wa.us/winslow_way_reconstruction.aspx

And From Winslow Street Smarts: http://www.winslowstreetsmarts.com/p/overview.html