About kdkragen

K. D. Kragen is a philosopher, writer, teacher, editor, husband, father and grandfather. A third generation San Franciscan, Vietnam era vet U.S. Coast Guard (1973-1977), married to Janet L. Kragen for 32 years (1977-present), K. D. is a published novelist ("The KillWare Chronicles" and "Plagueman"); he has taught logic and lectured in philosophy of art at various college and local art schools (Northwest College of Art, Trumeau College of the Arts). Presently he teaches senior citizens basic computer skills (to be able to keep in touch with children and grandchildren), does general computer maintenance, MS and Linux OS, manages a small publishing house, Scandia Patch Press, and edits and ghosts the writings of other local authors. KaveDragen Ink LLC Clean, sparkling copy is often the first impression you make on prospective clientele. Every company needs: One, the Visionary, company owner, manager. That's you! You are the market expert. You know your products and services better than anyone else. Two, the Copy-editor, the wordsmith. That's me. I supply the polish and clarity of communication needed to grab your client from the very first line.

BBC Friday 15 June 2012 @ OfficeXpats – Inside Scoop: New Bainbridge Business – Kirsten Scheffler

Join us this BBC Friday for a very special guest presentation by Kirsten Scheffler, manager of Premium Wine & Liquor, the new identity for Bainbridge Island’s long-established Liquor Store.

There will be a time for questions after Kirsten gives her talk. “The island’s former state-run liquor store — now operating under the name Premium Wine and Liquor — is still fully operational on Hildebrand Lane. ‘Our sales have been pretty good so far. Honestly, we have great customers who continue to come to our store location’, said store manager Kirsten Scheffler. ‘We’ve had a lot of comparison shopping, which we welcome, because this is a confusing time for customers’, she said. Scheffler is not exaggerating.” (By Richard D. Oxley, Bainbridge Island Review Staff Writer, June 8, 2012 · 12:23 PM · bainbridgereview.com/business/158191775.html).

Liquor store number: 206-842-5221.  Kirsten Scheffler contact info: 206.790.9533 / [email protected]

So, invite your friends and associates to join us for this exciting event … and another delicious cup of BBC!

BBC @ OfficeXpats – 403 Madison Avenue N, Bainbridge Island, Upstairs At the Pavilion

7:30-8:00 coffee/tea, visiting, informal networking
8:00-8:45 “Inside Scoop – Local Business Update” w/Kirsten Scheffler
8:30-9:00 more networking, sharing, visiting

The BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, & Other Entrepreneurial Sentients From Planet BBC

BBC Regulars – Upcoming Events

June 19, & 26 @ OfficeXpats – “Self-publishing For Revenue And Business Building” Workshop Continues Tuesdays in June at noon!
In 2008, for the first time in history, more books were self-published than those published traditionally. With self-publishing (also called “alternative” or “independent” publishing), the author is responsible for the entire process, including design (cover/interior), formats, price, distribution, marketing and PR. Authors can do it all themselves or outsource all or part of the process. In this workshop, we explore why small businesses would want to use independent-publishing services and navigate some of the choices and issues.
Session I – We Had A Great Time! The first session was a good introduction; subsequent sessions will expand on the subject.
Session II We Had A Great Time! The second session was a great in-depth presentation of the present state of publishing options.
Session III (June 19, 12-1:30)– Production, Getting a Manuscript Press-Ready: Writing is re-writing. Press-ready means editing, proofing, cover design. Choose between DIY vs. ghost publishing. Properly designing the text and the cover can influence whether a book store will stock the book or if a major reviewer will select it for review.
Session IV (June 26, 12-1:30)– The Submission Process: We’ll review and possibly walk through services such as Kindle, Amazon’s CreateSpace, Lulu, Smash Words, Hub Pages, and Lightning Source as used by innovative independent publishers such as PublishNext.$5 per session. OfficeXpats members are free. Please RSVP at OfficeXpats.com.

14 June 7:30-8:30 pm @ Eagle Harbor Books – “How They Started,” book signing with author Carol Tice (caroltice.com) – How do you turn a good idea into a great business? Lots of us have ideas we think would make great businesses. Most of us never do anything with those ideas. Maybe it’s because we’re really happy with our jobs, maybe it’s because we’re not confident that our idea would really work. Or maybe it’s simply because we don’t know where to start. How They Started: How 30 Good Ideas Became Great Companies (howtheystarted.com) is about 30 people who had an idea, and went on to start a business. Those businesses are all extremely successful and most are now household names all across America. Eagle Harbor Books: eagleharborbooks.com/event/how-they-started-carol-tice

BBC Friday 8 June 2012 @ OfficeXpats – “E-books vs. Print Books” with Carol Tice

Join us this BBC Friday for a very special guest presentation “E-books vs. Print Books” with local entrepreneur and business publishing mavin Carol Tice

A longtime business writer, Carol Tice’s work has appeared in Entrepreneur, Seattle Times, Seattle Magazine and many others. She currently blogs for Forbes. Her first co-authored print book was published May 29, 2012 — How They Started: How 25 Good Ideas Became Great Businesses — more info at http://www.howtheystarted.com. Her ebook is Make a Living Writing: The 21st Century Guide, available from her blog site, Make a Living Writing (http://www.makealivingwriting.com). Carol’s Contact info: http://www.caroltice.com  –  http://twitter.com/TiceWrites  –  My print book: How They Started http://amzn.to/wA2BLA  –  [email protected]  –  (206) 780-0995

Reminder: a small donation to OfficeXpats ($3-5, or whatever you can afford) for coffee/tea & breakfast service is welcome; or consider an OfficeXpats Passport Membership for $15 a month (see all the benefits of Passport Membership at OfficeXpats.com) — such a deal!

So, invite your friends and associates to join us for this exciting event … and another delicious cup of BBC!

BBC @ OfficeXpats – 403 Madison Avenue N, Bainbridge Island, Upstairs At the Pavilion

7:30-8:00 coffee/tea, visiting, informal networking
8:00-8:45 “E-books vs. Print Books” w/ Carol Tice
8:30-9:00 more networking, sharing, visiting

The BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, & Other Entrepreneurial Sentients From Planet BBC

BBC Regulars – Upcoming Events

June 12, 19, & 26 @ OfficeXpats – “Self-publishing For Revenue And Business Building” Workshop Continues Tuesdays in June at noon!
In 2008, for the first time in history, more books were self-published than those published traditionally. With self-publishing (also called “alternative” or “independent” publishing), the author is responsible for the entire process, including design (cover/interior), formats, price, distribution, marketing and PR. Authors can do it all themselves or outsource all or part of the process. In this workshop, we explore why small businesses would want to use independent-publishing services and navigate some of the choices and issues.
Session I – We Had A Great Time! The first session was a good introduction; subsequent sessions will expand on the subject.
Session II (June 12, 12-1:30)– The Publishing Industry: Learn about contracts, royalties, turn-around times, distribution, and marketing. How much investment will I need to make? How much money can I expect to make from my book or publishing project? What are the chances of getting my book into Eagle Harbor Books, Barnes & Noble, or Costco, or onto Amazon Kindle?
Session III (June 19, 12-1:30)– Production, Getting a Manuscript Press-Ready: Writing is re-writing. Press-ready means editing, proofing, cover design. Choose between DIY vs. ghost publishing. Properly designing the text and the cover can influence whether a book store will stock the book or if a major reviewer will select it for review.
Session IV (June 26, 12-1:30)– The Submission Process: We’ll review and possibly walk through services such as Kindle, Amazon’s CreateSpace, Lulu, Smash Words, Hub Pages, and Lightning Source as used by innovative independent publishers such as PublishNext.$5 per session. OfficeXpats members are free. Please RSVP at OfficeXpats.com.

6 June 5:30-7:30 pm @ OfficeXpats – 1st Wed Networking:  Drop-ins welcome – No charge. Excellent place to network with known and unknown local business entities! Always new, always interesting. “Our monthly free networking event is building some fun traditions as we learn together to tell interesting stories about our businesses. This month we will vote on the best ‘Best Anecdote’ and award prizes! You can sponsor a future event by bringing snacks and drinks, and you get extra time to tell your story!” For more info, contact Ann Whitmore ([email protected]).

BBC Friday 1 June 2012 @ OfficeXpats – “Your Board Of Directors” Strategy Roundtable

This week at Bainbridge Business Connection we’ll do a business problem-solving “Your Board Of Directors” strategy roundtable. So, bring your problems to BBC!

Reminder: a small donation to OfficeXpats ($3-5, or whatever you can afford) for coffee/tea & breakfast service is welcome; or consider an OfficeXpats Passport Membership for $15 a month (see all the benefits of Passport Membership at OfficeXpats.com) — such a deal!

So, invite your friends and associates to join us for this exciting event … and another delicious cup of BBC!

BBC @ OfficeXpats – 403 Madison Avenue N, Bainbridge Island, Upstairs At the Pavilion

7:30-8:00 coffee/tea, visiting, informal networking
8:00-8:45Your Board Of Directors” strategy roundtable
8:30-9:00 more networking, sharing, visiting

The BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, & Other Entrepreneurial Sentients From Planet BBC

BBC Regulars – Upcoming Events

 June 5, 12, 19, & 26 @ OfficeXpats – Self-publishing for revenue and business building

Tuesdays in June at noon!
In 2008, for the first time in history, more books were self-published than those published traditionally. With self-publishing (also called “alternative” or “independent” publishing), the author is responsible for the entire process, including design (cover/interior), formats, price, distribution, marketing and PR. Authors can do it all themselves or outsource all or part of the process. In this workshop, we explore why small businesses would want to use independent-publishing services and navigate some of the choices and issues.

Session I (June 5, 12-1:30) – Objectives for Self-Publishing: Are you in it for revenue, marketing, or career building? Compare e-books, POD (print on demand), and standard offset printing. Hear in-person case studies of local independent professionals who have successfully published to build revenue and promote their businesses.

Session II (June 12, 12-1:30) – The Publishing Industry: Learn about contracts, royalties, turn-around times, distribution, and marketing. How much investment will I need to make? How much money can I expect to make from my book or publishing project? What are the chances of getting my book into Eagle Harbor Books, Barnes & Noble, or Costco, or onto Amazon Kindle?

Session III (June 19, 12-1:30) – Production, Getting a Manuscript Press-Ready: Writing is re-writing. Press-ready means editing, proofing, cover design. Choose between DIY vs. ghost publishing. Properly designing the text and the cover can influence whether a book store will stock the book or if a major reviewer will select it for review.

Session IV (June 26, 12-1:30) – The Submission Process: We’ll review and possibly walk through services such as Kindle, Amazon’s CreateSpace, Lulu, Smash Words, Hub Pages, and Lightning Source as used by innovative independent publishers such as PublishNext.

$5 per session. OfficeXpats members are free. Please RSVP at OfficeXpats.com.


BBC Canceled This Friday For Memorial Day Holiday

There will be no BBC this Friday, May 25th, for the Memorial Day Holiday.

Have fun

Be safe

But not so safe

asdfasdf you don’t have fun


Next very exciting BBC Friday will be June 1st. So see you all there Upstairs At The Pavilion @ OfficeXpats.

7:30-8:00coffee/tea, visiting, informal networking
8:00-8:45 – “kinda formal sorts of stuff”
8:30-9:00more networking, sharing, visiting

The BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, & Other Entrepreneurial Sentients From Planet BBC


BBC Friday 11 May 2012 @ OfficeXpats – “Your Board Of Directors”

This week at Bainbridge Business Connection we’ll start at 8:00 with our unique “Refer Your BBC Colleague” round-the-table 1-minute elevator speeches. Then we’ll do a business problem-solving “Your Board Of Directors” strategy roundtable. So, bring your problems to BBC!

Reminder: a small donation to OfficeXpats ($3-5, or whatever you can afford) for coffee/tea & breakfast service is welcome; or consider an OfficeXpats Passport Membership for $15 a month (see all the benefits of Passport Membership at OfficeXpats.com) — such a deal!

So, invite your friends and associates to join us for this exciting event … and another delicious cup of BBC!

BBC @ OfficeXpats – 403 Madison Avenue N, Bainbridge Island, Upstairs At the Pavilion 

7:30-8:00coffee/tea, visiting, informal networking
8:00-8:45 Your Board Of Directors” strategy roundtable
8:30-9:00 more networking, sharing, visiting

The BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, & Other Entrepreneurial Sentients From Planet BBC

BBC Regulars – This Week’s Events

Retail For the 21st Century with Adam SiegelFriday, 11 May, 5:30-7:00 PM – Auditorium, Bainbridge Is. Museum of Art (Building A Sustainable Economy Bainbridge Lecture Series). “The Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA) recently published an industry-wide sustainability report which discusses retail’s environmental, social, and community impacts. Adam Siegel, VP of Sustainability & Retail Operations at RILA, will focus on the trends and practices local Bainbridge businesses can draw from the study. Hosted by the Chamber, Bainbridge Graduate Institute, Sustainable Bainbridge and the Bainbridge Public Library.” NOTE: $10 per person. Sign up online only @ bainbridgechamber.com. Space limited. No tickets will be available at the door.

May Chamber Luncheon – Wednesday, 16 May, 11:30 AM – Senator Christine Rolfes will provide an update from the Washington State legislature. Sign up online.
May After Hours – Thursday, 24 May, 5:30-7:00 PM – “Housing Resources Board” is hosting this month’s event @ Ferncliff Village. Come to nosh and network and check out the store’s new look. Free! Public welcome.

May 16 “Ignite Bainbridge” Big Event! – It will be a night of ideas, stories, and community. The pre-show mixer beings at 6:30 PM @ OfficeXpats, upstairs in the Pavilion, where you can also buy tickets at the door, if you haven’t pre-purchased them at Brown Paper Tickets. The show begins at 7:15pm in the cinema. (More info at ignitebainbridge.com)

BBC Related Links
OfficeXpats: http://www.officexpats.com
Chamber Of Commerce: http://www.bainbridgechamber.com
Winslow Street Smarts: http://www.winslowstreetsmarts.com
Bainbridge Island Downtown Association: http://www.bainbridgedowntown.org
Honoring our previous hosts @ Flowering Around: http://www.floweringaround.com

BBC Friday 4 May @ OfficeXpats – BBC Open Mike Morning!

This week at Bainbridge Business Connection we’ll start at 8:00 with our traditional round-the-table 1-minute elevator speeches (who you are as well as what your business is about). Then we’ll open the table for anyone that, well, has anything to say. Very exciting! Finally, we’ll end with announcements.

So, invite your friends and associates to join us for this truly exciting event … and another delicious cup of BBC!

Reminder: a small donation to OfficeXpats ($3-5, or whatever you can afford) for coffee/tea & breakfast service is welcome; or consider an OfficeXpats Passport Membership for $15 a month (see all the benefits of Passport Membership at OfficeXpats.com) — such a deal!

BBC @ OfficeXpats Coworking & Conference Center, 403 Madison Avenue N., Bainbridge Island — Upstairs At The Pavilion

7:30-8:00 – coffee/tea, visiting, informal networking
8:00-8:30 – open mike morning
8:30-9:00 – more networking, sharing, visiting

The BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, & Other Entrepreneurial Sentients From Planet BBC
BBC Regulars – This Week’s Events
Africa Round Table – Friday, May 4, 11:30-1:30 @ OfficeXpats – Space is available for 10 participants via video skype and 20 participants in person at the OfficeXpats co-working & conference center on Bainbridge Island. We have a great event in store featuring Jane Bowman who will talk about her experiences this Spring in Uganda, where she worked with the Refugee Law Center. To register or for more info: http://www.kabissa.org/
BBC Regular, Gordon Hewes Announces arrival of the new Tower Garden, versatile indoor/outdoor hydroponic garden!
Contact Gordon for more details, availability, and private showings of this remarkable new product: [email protected] / 206.992.2255

BBC Related Links 
OfficeXpats: http://www.officexpats.com
Chamber Of Commerce: http://www.bainbridgechamber.com
Winslow Street Smarts: http://www.winslowstreetsmarts.com
Bainbridge Island Downtown Association: http://www.bainbridgedowntown.org
Honoring our previous hosts @ Flowering Around: http://www.floweringaround.com

BBC Friday 27 April @ OfficeXpats – BBC Ignite Presenter Of-The-Week Tobias Eigen

OfficeXpats member Tobias Eigen, as our special BBC guest, will offer his BBC-Ignite shot at fame

 Tobias Eigen, new BBC visitor, has graciously agreed to do a 5-minute Ignite draft show for this Friday’s BBC. Read about Tobias at saidia.org & africaroundtable.org landline:206.842.1467 mobile:206.375.7984 skype:tobiaseigen email:[email protected]

Tobias was raised in Germany, USA, Botswana and Kenya. He loves Africa and has worked on technology issues with nonprofits and development agencies working in Africa since 1992. As a volunteer, he runs Kabissa.org, a networking platform connecting people and organizations for networking, peer learning and information sharing.

Tobias also leads The Africa Roundtable which meets on the first Friday of every month @ OfficeXpats and includes remote participants via Internet teleconference. Registration is now open at africaroundtable.org for the next roundtable on May 4th which will feature three very interesting talks:
1) Jane Bowman, a Bainbridge Island resident who works at Eagle Harbor Books. Jane spent the last few months in Uganda working with the Refugee Law Center and has agreed to talk about her experiences and reactions from Ugandans to the KONY2012 spectacle.
2) Auwal (Rafasanjani) Musa is visiting from Nigeria and has agreed to discuss the work of CISLAC, the advocacy organization in Abuja that he founded and leads.
3) Tom Lerquin is an island resident and leads the Kitsap County chapter of Bicycles for Humanity. Tom, who is also participating in Ignite Bainbridge Island, will give a 5 minute Ignite talk about the bicycle program and its contribution to development projects in South Africa.

Reminder: a small donation to OfficeXpats ($3-5, or whatever you can afford) for coffee/tea & breakfast service is welcome; or consider an OfficeXpats “Passport Membership” for $15 a month (see all the benefits of Passport Membership at OfficeXpats.com) — such a deal!

So, invite your friends and associates to join us for this exciting event … and another delicious cup of BBC!

BBC @ OfficeXpats – 403 Madison Avenue N, Bainbridge Island, Upstairs At the Pavilion

7:30-8:00 coffee/tea, visiting, informal networking
8:00-8:45 BBC-Ignite presentation
8:30-9:00more networking, sharing, visiting

The BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, & Other Entrepreneurial Sentients From Planet BBC
OfficeXpats: http://www.officexpats.com
Chamber Of Commerce: http://www.bainbridgechamber.com
Winslow Street Smarts: http://www.winslowstreetsmarts.com
Bainbridge Island Downtown Association: http://www.bainbridgedowntown.org
Honoring our previous hosts @ Flowering Around: http://www.floweringaround.com

BBC Friday 20 April 2012 @ OfficeXpats – “Your Board Of Directors” Problem-Solving Strategy Roundtable

This week at Bainbridge Business Connection we’ll start at 8:00 with our traditional round-the-table 1-minute elevator speeches (who you are as well as what your business is about). Then we’ll open the table for anyone that may have even a first draft of a BBC-Business-Ignite! presentation. And if not, we’ll do a “Your Board Of Directors” business problem-solving strategy roundtable session.

Reminder: a small donation to OfficeXpats ($3-5, or whatever you can afford) for coffee/tea & breakfast service is welcome; or consider an OfficeXpats Passport Membership for $15 a month (see all the benefits of Passport Membership at OfficeXpats.com) — such a deal!

So, invite your friends and associates to join us for this truly exciting event … and another delicious cup of BBC!

BBC @ OfficeXpats Coworking & Conference Center, 403 Madison Avenue N., Bainbridge Island — Upstairs At The Pavilion

7:30-8:00 – coffee/tea, visiting, informal networking
8:00-8:30 – “Your Board Of Directors” strategy roundtable
8:30-9:00 – more networking, sharing, visiting

The BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, & Other Entrepreneurial Sentients From Planet BBC
OfficeXpats: http://www.officexpats.com
Chamber Of Commerce: http://www.bainbridgechamber.com
Winslow Street Smarts: http://www.winslowstreetsmarts.com
Bainbridge Island Downtown Association: http://www.bainbridgedowntown.org
Honoring our previous hosts @ Flowering Around: http://www.floweringaround.com

BBC Friday 13 April 2012 @ OfficeXpats – Special Guest Speaker Erik R. Lindbergh

Guest Speaker Erik Lindbergh will do a presentation on “Prize Philanthropy, Education, and Electric Aircraft – Stimulating Innovation for a Resilient Future”

A commercial rated pilot, artist, entrepreneur and speaker, Erik Lindbergh is the grandson of Charles and Anne Morrow Lindbergh. Erik is the Founder and Chairman of LEAP whose mission is to stimulate innovation for a resilient future. LEAP has two programs: the LEAP Education Program, where student teams create short video documentaries focusing on innovation, and the LEAP Electric Flight Program, designed to accelerate the development of the electric aircraft industry. lindberghprize.org 

Erik currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Aviation High School in Seattle, and the Olympic Park Institute. Previous experience includes serving as Vice President and Trustee of the X PRIZE Foundation, Chairman of the board of the Lindbergh Foundation, Public relations for Columbia Aircraft Manufacturing, Spokesperson for Immunex, and as the National Spokesperson for AOPA’s Project Pilot Mentorship Program. Erik is also an accomplished artist whose unique sculpture and furniture designs out of wood and bronze can be seen at LindberghGallery.com

Erik’s work with the XPRIZE Foundation showed him that the impossible dream is indeed possible. “We shifted the worlds perspective on spaceflight with the Ansari XPRIZE, and in the process, we unleashed the potential for incentive prizes to be applied to the great social, technical, and environmental problems of our time. Now, we must realize that potential.”

A master storyteller, Erik uses exciting images, video clips and humor to take his audiences on a journey from the past, to the present and into the revolutionary future of flight. This journey sets the stage for LEAP, which uses video storytelling to incentivize existing innovators and inspire the next generation of student innovators to ensure a healthy and prosperous future for our planet. Blog: lindberghprize.org/blog/  Contact: [email protected]

Reminder: a small donation to OfficeXpats ($3-5, or whatever you can afford) for coffee/tea & breakfast service is welcome; or consider an OfficeXpats Passport Membership for $15 a month (see all the benefits of Passport Membership at OfficeXpats.com).

So, invite your friends and associates to join us for this truly exciting event … and another delicious cup of BBC!

BBC @ OfficeXpats – 403 Madison Avenue N, Bainbridge Island, Upstairs At the Pavilion

7:30-8:00coffee/tea, visiting, informal networking
8:00-8:45 special guest speaker Erik Lindbergh
8:30-9:00more networking, sharing, visiting

The BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, & Other Entrepreneurial Sentients From Planet BBC
Special Thanks to Stephen Kersten of Bainbridge Water Services (http://www.bainbridgewaterservices.com/) for putting together this exciting BBC Event! Always go to Steve when you have water quality needs or questions! This has been a public service announcement! (Enough with the exclamation points!)
OfficeXpats: http://www.officexpats.com
Chamber Of Commerce: http://www.bainbridgechamber.com
Winslow Street Smarts: http://www.winslowstreetsmarts.com
Bainbridge Island Downtown Association: http://www.bainbridgedowntown.org
Honoring our previous hosts @ Flowering Around: http://www.floweringaround.com

No BBC This Friday in honor of Spring Break, Passover, Easter

There’s No BBC this Friday for Spring Break, Easter, & Passover

Next BBC will be Friday 13 April 2012 @ OfficeXpats Coworking & Conference Center

We will have a very special guest speaker a week from tomorrow, on Friday the 13th — Erik Lindbergh, Founder and Co-CEO of The LEAP Electric Flight Program (http://lindberghprize.org/).
There will be more on this upcoming event in our newsletter out early next week. So plan on joining us then for another exciting cup of BBC!
The BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, & Other Entrepreneurial Sentients From Planet BBC
BBC On The Web: http://www.eofficeinnovations.com/bbcwp
OfficeXpats: http://www.officexpats.com
Chamber Of Commerce: http://www.bainbridgechamber.com
Winslow Street Smarts: http://www.winslowstreetsmarts.com
Bainbridge Island Downtown Association: http://www.bainbridgedowntown.org
Honoring our previous hosts @ Flowering Around: http://www.floweringaround.com/