About kdkragen

K. D. Kragen is a philosopher, writer, teacher, editor, husband, father and grandfather. A third generation San Franciscan, Vietnam era vet U.S. Coast Guard (1973-1977), married to Janet L. Kragen for 32 years (1977-present), K. D. is a published novelist ("The KillWare Chronicles" and "Plagueman"); he has taught logic and lectured in philosophy of art at various college and local art schools (Northwest College of Art, Trumeau College of the Arts). Presently he teaches senior citizens basic computer skills (to be able to keep in touch with children and grandchildren), does general computer maintenance, MS and Linux OS, manages a small publishing house, Scandia Patch Press, and edits and ghosts the writings of other local authors. KaveDragen Ink LLC Clean, sparkling copy is often the first impression you make on prospective clientele. Every company needs: One, the Visionary, company owner, manager. That's you! You are the market expert. You know your products and services better than anyone else. Two, the Copy-editor, the wordsmith. That's me. I supply the polish and clarity of communication needed to grab your client from the very first line.

BBC Friday . . . 22 February 2013 . . . .

BBC Friday . . . 22 February 2013 . . .

Remember, back in high school days, those mystery meals they served in the cafeteria once or twice a semester — sometimes SPAM was involved? Well, the BBC historically has had its mystery mornings once or twice a year. I.e., no one knows what to expect. Kinda like life sometimes — and SPAM may be involved.

Think About It.

So invite your friends and associates to join us for this curious BBC event — and another delicious cup of BBC!

BBC @ OfficeXpats – 403 Madison Avenue N, Bainbridge Island, Upstairs At the Pavilion

7:30-8:00 coffee/tea, visiting, informal networking
8:00-8:45 BBC mystery morning
8:45-9:00 more networking, sharing, visiting

The BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, & Other Entrepreneurial Sentients From Planet BBC

BBC Regulars Upcoming Events

February 2013 – OfficeXpats Tuesday@Noon Workshops: “Build WordPress Sites in a Hands-on Workshop Series”
NOTE: OH NO! This class is sold out. If you missed it, please fill out this survey to help us design the next class, coming soon, and we will give you priority.
Workshop details: Learn how to build a fresh, attractive website or blog using WordPress with free or custom themes. The four Tuesday@noon business skills workshops in February will take you step-by-step through the basics of building and updating your site. WordPress is friendly and you don’t have to be a techie or designer to use it. These workshops are designed for hands-on, so you can build your website during the sessions. The goal is that at the end of the 4-part workshop you will have a fresh, professional website that reflects you and your business. The sessions will be recorded for watching later. Handouts and links to resources and tips will be provided for ongoing assistance.

21 February 2013 – “3rd Thursday Art Night @ The Office”
Join me, Leslie, to collage, or bring your own craft or art project and enjoy a fresh environment for your creativity.  If you want to try collage, I’m happy to share my minimal techniques and supplies.  Beginners and lurkers welcome. No charge; small donations accepted for supplies. More information at: officexpats.com/create-art-at-the-office

27 February 2013, All Day Wednesday @ OfficeXpats – “TED2013 is The Young, The Wise, The Undiscovered.”
TEDxElliottBay and OfficeXpats invite you to a full day live-stream webcast of TED2013 is The Young. The Wise. The Undiscovered,  the Wednesday sessions (4: Disrupt!, 5: Dream!, 6: Create! and 7: Sustain!). Please register for any or all sessions (the event is free but seating is limited).

Upcoming March 2013 – OfficeXpats Tuesday@Noon Workshops: “Speaking And Presenting To Build Business”
The fear of public speaking in is legendary. Overcoming or dealing with the fear, and honing your presentation skills to a level that allows you to promote your business or your career, can open doors and build your professional credibility. The Tuesdays@noon in March explore this powerful skillset, including how visuals and technology support your message. Details & registration at: officexpats.com/speaking-and-presenting-to-build-business

Get set for the 2013 Home & Business Show: Bainbridge Island Home & Busness Expo, Saturday, March 23, 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM. 10 x 10 vendor booth $250. Applications & online sign up coming soon. Sponsorships available. Contact the Chamber at 206-842-3700 or [email protected].

Chamber Business Directory 2013 Now Available: Also available in a limited number of print copies –http://web.bainbridgechamber.com/search

BBC Related Links

OfficeXpats http://www.officexpats.com/
Chamber Of Commerce http://www.bainbridgechamber.com/
Bainbridge Island Downtown Association http://www.bainbridgedowntown.org/
Accelerate Kitsap – Business Mentoring http://acceleratekitsap.org/

BBC Friday 15 February 2013 – “Think Club” – with Bill Ruddick

This BBC Friday our own Bill Ruddick will introduce a new BBC venture: “Think Club” – Thinking For Business

ID-10053095Many books are published today about thinking and how the brain works, but give no hands on experience in THINKING. One book title in particular says it well: “Think! Before It Is Too Late” – by Edward de Bono (http://www.amazon.com/Think-Before-Its-Too-Late/).

Colleges tend not to offer a “Thinking Course,” other than the standard “intro to logic and language.” Consider, on the other hand, multiple ways of thinking and viewing things – i.e. 10 major ways – which also leads to problem solving. Much of thinking is problem solving.  Perception is the key to successful thinking and resultant decisions and actions. Key perception factors are critical. Harvard University notes, 90% of project failures are due to inaccurate perception.

The Thinking Club looks at a hands-on approach: mental positions you can easily utilizing in thinking, and how you apply them in thinking, problem solving, and decision making. There are simple approaches that we can use to improve our thinking, as well as the way we look at things. The Club or Group process has a typically fortuitous size of 6 people, each taking different thinking points-of-view, 6 hats or ways of viewing things are used by participants. And the exercise can be a lot of fun and is great for team building — IBM, J.P. Morgan, Siemens, and others corporations use the Think Club model.

Einstein said If you change the way you look at things you change what they are. (Variations, attributed to Einstein: “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” “The only way to conquer a problem is to grow bigger than the problem. You must become a ‘bigger’ person. You must change the way you perceive things.” “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”)

Think About It.

So invite your friends and associates to join us for this exciting BBC event — and another delicious cup of BBC!

BBC @ OfficeXpats – 403 Madison Avenue N, Bainbridge Island, Upstairs At the Pavilion

7:30-8:00 coffee/tea, visiting, informal networking
8:00-8:45 BBC “Think Club” –  with Bill Ruddick
8:45-9:00 more networking, sharing, visiting

The BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, & Other Entrepreneurial Sentients From Planet BBC

BBC Regulars Upcoming Events

February 2013 – OfficeXpats Tuesday@Noon Workshops: “Build WordPress Sites in a Hands-on Workshop Series”
NOTE: OH NO! This class is sold out. If you missed it, please fill out this survey to help us design the next class, coming soon, and we will give you priority.
Workshop details: Learn how to build a fresh, attractive website or blog using WordPress with free or custom themes. The four Tuesday@noon business skills workshops in February will take you step-by-step through the basics of building and updating your site. WordPress is friendly and you don’t have to be a techie or designer to use it. These workshops are designed for hands-on, so you can build your website during the sessions. The goal is that at the end of the 4-part workshop you will have a fresh, professional website that reflects you and your business. The sessions will be recorded for watching later. Handouts and links to resources and tips will be provided for ongoing assistance.

Get set for the 2013 Home & Business Show: Bainbridge Island Home & Busness Expo, Saturday, March 23, 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM. 10 x 10 vendor booth $250. Applications & online sign up coming soon. Sponsorships available. Contact the Chamber at 206-842-3700 or [email protected].

Chamber Business Directory 2013 Now Available: Also available in a limited number of print copies –http://web.bainbridgechamber.com/search

BBC Related Links

OfficeXpats http://www.officexpats.com/
Chamber Of Commerce http://www.bainbridgechamber.com/
Bainbridge Island Downtown Association http://www.bainbridgedowntown.org/
Accelerate Kitsap – Business Mentoring http://acceleratekitsap.org/

BBC Friday 8 February 2013 @ OfficeXpats “Horizon Home Inventory” – w/ Sid Mais

This BBC Friday long time BBC Regular Sid Mais tells his story of going from local artist to business entrepreneur.

Sid has started a new business, Horizon Home Inventory (horizonhomeinventory.com).
He’s just getting going. Come hear his story.

Sid Mais was known for years as one of Bainbridge Island’s fine artists, creating amazing works of etched glass. Sid has:

  •  Promoted no-tillage farming techniques to Iowa farmers in the 70s
  •  Started a screen printing business in Portland Oregon in the 80s
  •  Organized an Old Boy Rugby Tour to New Zealand in the 90s
  •  Was adopted by the happiest Jack Russell Terrier that ever lived
  •  Has been a Pacific Northwest resident since 1980 (no more Midwest winters!)
  •  Enjoyed a 10 Year run as an Etched Glass Artist on Bainbridge
  •  Attended his first BBC meeting in 2009, a BBC Founding Regular

“I’ve just launched Horizon Home Inventory,” writes Sid. “I record and organize the physical assets of your home or business, and then I archive it on DVD for you.” Contact info: [email protected] / 206.265.1988 / horizonhomeinventory.com

Over The years BBC has encouraged and supported many new business ventures, whether through “Your Board Of Directors” sessions, or creative strategy roundtables, or simply sharing and discussing one another’s business visions and goals. Here’s a chance to do that again!

 So invite your friends and associates to join us for this exciting BBC event — and another delicious cup of BBC!

BBC @ OfficeXpats – 403 Madison Avenue N, Bainbridge Island, Upstairs At the Pavilion

7:30-8:00 coffee/tea, visiting, informal networking
8:00-8:45 BBC New Business Story, with Sid Mais
8:45-9:00 more networking, sharing, visiting

The BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, & Other Entrepreneurial Sentients From Planet BBC

BBC Regulars Upcoming Events

January 29, 2013 – OfficeXpats Tuesday@Noon Workshops, “Your Business And The law”: There is still one more session, tomorrow, of January’s Tuesday@noon workshops about your business and the law: The contracts for setting up a business, protecting assets and continuity, and fending off threats. January 29, Legal requirements when people work for you: Paula Willems. Info at: officexpats.com/your-business-and-the-law

February 2013 – OfficeXpats Tuesday@Noon Workshops: “Build WordPress Sites in a Hands-on Workshop Series”
NOTE: OH NO! This class is sold out. If you missed it, please fill out this survey to help us design the next class, coming soon, and we will give you priority.
Workshop details: Learn how to build a fresh, attractive website or blog using WordPress with free or custom themes. The four Tuesday@noon business skills workshops in February will take you step-by-step through the basics of building and updating your site. WordPress is friendly and you don’t have to be a techie or designer to use it. These workshops are designed for hands-on, so you can build your website during the sessions. The goal is that at the end of the 4-part workshop you will have a fresh, professional website that reflects you and your business. The sessions will be recorded for watching later. Handouts and links to resources and tips will be provided for ongoing assistance.

Get set for the 2013 Home & Business Show: Bainbridge Island Home & Busness Expo, Saturday, March 23, 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM. 10 x 10 vendor booth $250. Applications & online sign up coming soon. Sponsorships available. Contact the Chamber at 206-842-3700 or [email protected].

Chamber Business Directory 2013 Now Available: Also available in a limited number of print copies –http://web.bainbridgechamber.com/search

BBC Related Links

OfficeXpats http://www.officexpats.com/
Chamber Of Commerce http://www.bainbridgechamber.com/
Bainbridge Island Downtown Association http://www.bainbridgedowntown.org/
Accelerate Kitsap – Business Mentoring http://acceleratekitsap.org/

BBC Friday: OfficeXpats “February Tuesday@Noon Workshops” Overview by Annette Walker

BBC Regular and loyal OXp Member Annette Walker will introduce the February Tuesday@Noon OXp Workshops: “Build WordPress Sites in a Hands-on Workshop Series.”

“To reach customers, your business needs to be where they are — online.  In this 4-part workshop, you will have the opportunity to create a fresh, attractive website or blog using the popular platform WordPress. You will gain the basics of building & updating your site. WordPress is friendly & you don’t have to be a techie or designer to use it.”

Annette has an MBA from the University of Washington, an undergraduate degree in engineering, and is an e-commerce and business start-up veteran. She also knows lots of really cool stuff! (Annette’s contact info: astonishinc.com  ||  [email protected])

So invite your friends and associates to join us for this exciting BBC event — and another delicious cup of BBC!

BBC @ OfficeXpats – 403 Madison Avenue N, Bainbridge Island, Upstairs At the Pavilion

7:30-8:00 coffee/tea, visiting, informal networking
8:00-8:45 February OXp Tuesday@Noon Workshops Introduction
8:45-9:00 more networking, sharing, visiting

The BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, & Other Entrepreneurial Sentients From Planet BBC

BBC Regulars Upcoming Events

January 29, 2013 – OfficeXpats Tuesday@Noon Workshops, “Your Business And The law”: There is still one more session, tomorrow, of January’s Tuesday@noon workshops about your business and the law: The contracts for setting up a business, protecting assets and continuity, and fending off threats. January 29, Legal requirements when people work for you: Paula Willems. Info at: officexpats.com/your-business-and-the-law

February 2013 – OfficeXpats Tuesday@Noon Workshops: “Build WordPress Sites in a Hands-on Workshop Series”
Learn how to build a fresh, attractive website or blog using WordPress with free or custom themes. The four Tuesday@noon business skills workshops in February will take you step-by-step through the basics of building and updating your site. WordPress is friendly and you don’t have to be a techie or designer to use it.
These workshops are designed for hands-on, so you can build your website during the sessions. The goal is that at the end of the 4-part workshop you will have a fresh, professional website that reflects you and your business. Or, you can also attend without a computer to watch and learn. The sessions will be recorded for watching later. Handouts and links to resources and tips will be provided for ongoing assistance.
If you are starting from scratch: to follow along in this course you will need to have a hosted domain. For anyone who wants assistance with picking a domain name or getting hosting, BBC Regular & OXp member, Annette Walker (astonishinc.com), will sit down with you at OfficeXpats and help you through the process. Tuesdays in January from 9:30am until noon, or email her to schedule a time ([email protected]) More info at:officexpats.com/build-wordpress-sites

Get set for the 2013 Home & Business Show: Bainbridge Island Home & Busness Expo, Saturday, March 23, 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM. 10 x 10 vendor booth $250. Applications & online sign up coming soon. Sponsorships available. Contact the Chamber at 206-842-3700 or [email protected].

Chamber Business Directory 2013 Now Available: Also available in a limited number of print copies –http://web.bainbridgechamber.com/search

**Special Notice for OfficeXpats Memberships: MEMBERSHIP SPECIALS Ending This Thursday, January 31! Don’t miss out!**
All memberships: Pay for 4 months of membership upfront, get your 5th  month free!
Any daily membership: When start or upgrade a membership in January, you will get “Xtra” days to use throughout the year. For instance, if you sign up or upgrade to Flextime (8 days/month), you get 8 full-day gift cards to use anytime throughout the year.
Full time specials: Start or upgrade to full time and get After Hours at no extra charge ($75 value), giving you 24/7 access to the office. Ask us for details.

BBC Related Links

OfficeXpats http://www.officexpats.com/
Chamber Of Commerce http://www.bainbridgechamber.com/
Bainbridge Island Downtown Association http://www.bainbridgedowntown.org/
Accelerate Kitsap – Business Mentoring http://acceleratekitsap.org/

BBC Friday 25 January 2013 @ OfficeXpats – New Business: Peninsula Infrared, w/ Grant Furness

This Friday BBC Regular Grant Furness tells his story, starting a new business.

Grant has started a new business, Peninsula Infrared LLC, “The Peninsula’s Certified Infrared Expert” (a veteran-owned small business).

Here at Peninsula Infrared, our mission is twofold: assisting building owners in protecting the investment they have made in their buildings and helping contractors deliver better products and services to their customers. Services include a detailed report of our findings and recommendations for solutions.

We address issues related to water intrusion, after earhtquake work, quality control, preventative maintenance of equipment and radiant heating systems.

“The thing I like most about this work is solving the puzzle. For even the best contractor or professional building manager, having the time to problem solve building issues can be frustrating. Peninsula Infrared has that particular expertise to problem solve issues fast and right. At the end of the end of the day, I like to think about my work, ‘a job well done’.”  (peninsulainfrared.com / [email protected] / 360.362.2299)

So invite your friends and associates to join us for this exciting BBC event — and another delicious cup of BBC!

BBC @ OfficeXpats – 403 Madison Avenue N, Bainbridge Island, Upstairs At the Pavilion

7:30-8:00 coffee/tea, visiting, informal networking
8:00-8:45 BBC New Business Story, with Grant Furness
8:45-9:00 more networking, sharing, visiting

The BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, & Other Entrepreneurial Sentients From Planet BBC

BBC Regulars Upcoming Events

January 29, 2013 – OfficeXpats Tuesday@Noon Workshops, “Your Business And The law”: There is still one more session of January’s Tuesday@noon workshops about your business and the law: The contracts for setting up a business, protecting assets and continuity, and fending off threats.  January 29, Legal requirements when people work for you: Paula Willems. Info at: officexpats.com/your-business-and-the-law

February 2013 – OfficeXpats Tuesday@Noon Workshops: “Build WordPress Sites in a Hands-on Workshop Series”
Learn how to build a fresh, attractive website or blog using WordPress with free or custom themes. The four Tuesday@noon business skills workshops in February will take you step-by-step through the basics of building and updating your site. WordPress is friendly and you don’t have to be a techie or designer to use it.
These workshops are designed for hands-on, so you can build your website during the sessions. The goal is that at the end of the 4-part workshop you will have a fresh, professional website that reflects you and your business. Or, you can also attend without a computer to watch and learn. The sessions will be recorded for watching later. Handouts and links to resources and tips will be provided for ongoing assistance.
If you are starting from scratch: to follow along in this course you will need to have a hosted domain. For anyone who wants assistance with picking a domain name or getting hosting, BBC Regular & OXp member, Annette Walker (astonishinc.com), will sit down with you at OfficeXpats and help you through the process. Tuesdays in January from 9:30am until noon, or email her to schedule a time ([email protected]) More info at:officexpats.com/build-wordpress-sites

Get set for the 2013 Home & Business Show: Bainbridge Island Home & Busness Expo, Saturday, March 23, 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM. 10 x 10 vendor booth $250. Applications & online sign up coming soon. Sponsorships available. Contact the Chamber at 206-842-3700 or [email protected].

Chamber Business Directory 2013 Now Available: Also available in a limited number of print copies –http://web.bainbridgechamber.com/search

BBC Related Links

OfficeXpats http://www.officexpats.com/
Chamber Of Commerce http://www.bainbridgechamber.com/
Bainbridge Island Downtown Association http://www.bainbridgedowntown.org/
Accelerate Kitsap – Business Mentoring http://acceleratekitsap.org/

BBC Friday, 11 January 2013 – Four Year Anniversary Breakfast

This  BBC Friday @ OfficeXpats, we will be celebrating with a waffle/pancake & fresh fruit breakfast.

OfficeXpats Business Coworking & Conference CenterBring your stories to share of BBC Past, maybe even some stories of BBC Future (wait a little while and sci-fi becomes history). We’ll also do some business strategy roundtabling on what we’d enjoy doing this year 2013. What are some ways our free business networking & support community can help your business and, generally, the businesses on Bainbridge Island and beyond.

We would like, over the next weeks, to build up a database of local Kitsap County business owners and entrepreneurs who would enjoy speaking/presenting to our group, telling their business stories and sharing their experiences and wisdom.

A few BBCits, including our gracious OXp hosts Leslie & Jason, have agreed to bring their pancake-griddle/waffle-iron and batter. If you’re so inclined, you are welcome to do likewise. Come a little early if you can — we start our informal networking/visiting time at 7:30.

So invite your friends and associates to join us for this exciting BBC event — and another delicious cup of BBC!

BBC @ OfficeXpats – 403 Madison Avenue N, Bainbridge Island, Upstairs At the Pavilion

7:30-8:00 coffee/tea, visiting, informal networking
8:00-8:45 BBC Breakfast & Strategy Roundtable “BBC 2013”
8:45-9:00 more networking, sharing, visiting

The BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, & Other Entrepreneurial Sentients From Planet BBC

BBC Regulars Upcoming Events

January 2013, 8th, 15th, 22nd & 29th – OfficeXpats Tuesday@Noon Workshops: “Your Business And The law”

January’s theme for our weekly Tuesday@noon workshops is about your business and the law: The contracts for setting up a business, protecting assets and continuity, and fending off threats. Iinfo at: officexpats.com/your-business-and-the-law
January 8, Protecting business reputation and continuity: Elizabeth M. Toglia (Dronkert).
January 15, Basic business contracts 101: Caroline Fichter.
January 22, Patents, copyrights, and trademarks: Martin Garthwaite.
January 29, Legal requirements when people work for you: Paula Willems.
January 10th @OfficeXpats  – “Follow The Money”
OfficeXpats, in partnership with the Sustainable Business Network of Bainbridge, announces a new evening salon discussion series called “Follow the Money: busting myths to get at the truths of our economy.”  Monthly meetings are on 2nd Thursdays, 7-8:30pm at OfficeXpats. Thursday, January 10, 7-8:30pm: We look at the role of EQUALITY in an economy. More info at: officexpats.com/follow-the-money

Get set for the 2013 Home & Business Show
Bainbridge Island Home & Busness Expo, Saturday, March 23, 10 AM – 5 PM
10 x 10 vendor booth $250. Applications & online sign up coming soon.
Sponsorships available. Contact the Chamber at 206-842-3700 or [email protected].

Chamber Business Directory 2013 Now Available (also available in a limited number of print copies) – http://web.bainbridgechamber.com/search

BBC Related Links

OfficeXpats http://www.officexpats.com/
Chamber Of Commerce http://www.bainbridgechamber.com/
Bainbridge Island Downtown Association http://www.bainbridgedowntown.org/
Accelerate Kitsap – Business Mentoring http://acceleratekitsap.org/

No BBC Friday, December 21st & 28th – BBC Canceled over Christmas & New Years Holidays

Next BBC Friday will be 4 January 2013

HAVE A GREAT AND SAFE Christmas & New Years!

Reminder: January 4th 2013 marks the 4th Anniversary of BBC. Coming from not so modest beginnings at the Illustrious Blue Ocean Cafe, one of B.I.’s more delicious business experiments, the ever-popular yet ghostly Bainbridge Business Connection in four years has: spawned BBC2 (Thursday evening BBC Channel 2), encouraged, supported, may we suggest incubated a number of now-successful B.I. businesses (maybe the most exciting being OfficeXpats), and filled a unique space in the annuals of friendly business networking communities upon this lovely blue-green planet Earth.
All these amazing accomplishments generated by but a few dozen or so crazy-happy innovative and ingenious business entrepreneurs meeting moderately continuously every Friday (less a few holidays) for four years, without formal corporate existence, business structure, organizational documentation or formulation, on the books of no political, civil, or municipal body (though with the informal support and blessing of the Bainbridge Chamber Of Commerce). The names of those BBC Originals & Regulars, were we to list them hear, would fill a really big page!

Assignment: Over the holidays,  for “BBC 2013,” think of local businesses and business owners who might enjoy speaking to us, presenting about their business, and sharing business lessons they’ve learned.

The BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, & Other Entrepreneurial Sentients From Planet BBC

BBC Regulars – Upcoming Events

26-28 December 2012 -Free Coworking During “Think Week”
Last year we invented Think Week as a free coworking and community event between Christmas and New Year’s. We filled the week with brainstorming and strategic planning events. Ignite Bainbridge was born from one of those “idea-fests.”
This year Think Week is only three days: December 26th, 27th, & 28th. Here are some events (check back as we add new ones (officexpats.com/free-coworking-during-think-week-2012):
  • Wednesday 11am-12:30: A discussion and workshop on discovering your personal or company mission/vision based on values and purpose.
  • Thursday 11am-12:30: The inaugural “Follow the Money” discussion group. Learn more.
  • Friday 12:30-2pm: 1-year anniversary celebration of Ignite Bainbridge w/ viewings of a few recorded presentations and interviews
  • Tentative: Brainstorming session to create our OXp  Kickstarter Campaign for office improvements
January 2013, 8th, 15th, 22nd & 29th – OfficeXpats Tuesday@Noon Workshops: “Your Business And The law”
January’s theme for our weekly Tuesday@noon workshops is about your business and the law: The contracts for setting up a business, protecting assets and continuity, and fending off threats. Iinfo at: officexpats.com/your-business-and-the-law
January 8, Protecting business reputation and continuity: Elizabeth M. Toglia (Dronkert).
January 15, Basic business contracts 101: Caroline Fichter.
January 22,  Patents, copyrights, and trademarks:  Martin Garthwaite.
January 29, Legal requirements when people work for you: Paula Willems.

BBC Related Links

OfficeXpats http://www.officexpats.com/
Chamber Of Commerce http://www.bainbridgechamber.com/
Bainbridge Island Downtown Association http://www.bainbridgedowntown.org/
Accelerate Kitsap – Business Mentoring http://acceleratekitsap.org/

BBC Friday 14 December 2012 @ OfficeXpats – “BBC 2013”

This Final BBC Friday Of 2012 We Will Open Up The Table On The Subject Of “BBC 2013”

January 4th 2013 marks the 4th Anniversary of BBC. Coming from not so modest beginnings at the Illustrious Blue Ocean Cafe, one of B.I.’s more delicious business experiments, the ever-popular yet ghostly Bainbridge Business Connection in four years has: spawned BBC2 (Thursday evening BBC Channel 2), encouraged, supported, may we suggest incubated a number of now-successful B.I. businesses (maybe the most exciting being OfficeXpats), and filled a unique space in the annuals of friendly business networking communities upon this lovely blue-green planet Earth.
All these amazing accomplishments generated by but a few dozen or so crazy-happy innovative and ingenious business entrepreneurs meeting moderately continuously every Friday (less a few holidays) for four years, without formal corporate existence, business structure, organizational documentation or formulation, on the books of no political, civil, or municipal body (though with the informal support and blessing of the Bainbridge Chamber Of Commerce). The names of those BBC Originals & Regulars, were we to list them hear, would fill a really big page!

FIRST, this exciting very last BBC Friday — not saying this is the very last Friday Friday just the last BBC Friday of 2012 — anyway, uh, where was I? — oh yeah, this BBC Friday lets begin, in the spirit of both the original “free-fun-friendly” tradition of BBC1 and the delightfully new tradition of BBC2, honoring those shadowy nocturnal BBCites and ever-faithful Leslie of OXp fame (does this sentence ever end?) with an around-the-table 2-minute business story time. As Leslie puts it: “We start by sharing 2-minute stories about how our business impacted someone. This is a great way to explore value!

SECOND, we’ll share ideas and do some roundtable strategising for BBC 2013.

So invite your friends and associates to join us for this exciting end of the world, er, end of 2012 event … and another delicious cup of BBC!

BBC @ OfficeXpats – 403 Madison Avenue N, Bainbridge Island, Upstairs At the Pavilion

7:30-8:00 coffee/tea, visiting, informal networking
8:00-8:45 Strategy Roundtable: “BBC 2013”
8:45-9:00 more networking, sharing, visiting

The BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, & Other Entrepreneurial Sentients From Planet BBC

BBC Regulars – Upcoming Events

Thursday, 13 December, Chamber After Hours (bainbridgechamber.com/default.aspx?ID=126)
Join us for a special Holiday After Hours hosted by PHC Construction at the Grow Community Model Homes, 428 Grow Ave. No charge, no reservations necessary. The public is welcome.

Final OfficeXpats December Tuesday Workshops, December 18th – “Looking Back, Looking Forward” (Noon-1:00)
=> Dec 18: Understanding the financial story of your business through the balance sheet, P&L and budget, Karla Smith CPA (MKJSmith.com) and Kelly Deis MBA (Turning Point Financial). For more info and registration (fee: $10 per session; free to OfficeXpats members): officexpats.com/looking-back-looking-forward.

December 26-28 – OfficeXpats Think Week Party
Last year we invented Think Week as a free coworking and community event between Christmas and New Year’s. We filled the week with brainstorming and strategic planning events. Ignite Bainbridge was born from one of those brainstorms.
This year Think Week is only three days: December 26-28. A few ideas for events (some are tentative; more details to come):
• A workshop on discovering your mission/vision
• A brainstorm to create our Kickstarter campaign
• A mosaic tile project
• A celebration of Ignite Bainbridge’s 1-year anniversary, with viewings of a few of the recorded presentations and interviews
So get started on your goals for Think Week, and pass the word. It’s a great chance to experience for free the productivity and community of coworking. (officexpats.com/free-coworking-during-think-week-2012)
BBC Related Links

OfficeXpats http://www.officexpats.com/
Chamber Of Commerce http://www.bainbridgechamber.com/
Bainbridge Island Downtown Association http://www.bainbridgedowntown.org/
Accelerate Kitsap – Business Mentoring http://acceleratekitsap.org/

BBC Friday 7 December 2012 @ OfficeXpats – Neal Kellner, “Business Travel – What You Need To Know!”

BBC this Friday, Longtime BBC Regular, Neal Kellner, will talk about the latest issues in travel for business or fun, whether national or international.

There’s lots going on with the airlines these days that affect business and leisure travelers. Issues include invisible take-away’s of “Frequent Flyer Miles” by the airlines, new serious issues regarding baggage fees and baggage handling, and the roll of the dice people now unknowingly make when booking air travel with connecting flights.

The other side of the story is about the value and power of travel in both our business and personal lives. Neal recently traveled to Mexico and India, both trips which left him profoundly changed and taught many new lessons on modern travel, on the way we travel. Are we open and inviting to the new and different or are we internally focused so we never connect with the people and cultures we visit? These choices have incredible consequences both for personal experiences and business outcomes.

An especially timely presentation for the holidays. ([email protected] / cmtravel4fun.com / facebook.com/neal.kellner)
Jan and I have benefited many times from the expert travel counsel and services of “CM Travel 4Fun.” Whether a trip for a family emergency, a long-anticipated vacation, or an instate business trip, Neal Kellner doesn’t just get you to the place you want or need to go, he gets you great deals, gives highly informed recommendations, honors your budget, and also is there for you when the unexpected happens (unfortunately not an uncommon occurrence). When it comes to travel problem-solving, on the fly, or insurance needs, Neal is dedicated to his customer’s safety and well-being; he’s a genius who loves his work and loves to serve his clientele.   –K.D.Kragen, KaveDragen Ink LLC, kavedragenink.com

Invite your friends and associates to join us for this exciting event … and another delicious cup of BBC!

BBC @ OfficeXpats – 403 Madison Avenue N, Bainbridge Island, Upstairs At the Pavilion

7:30-8:00 coffee/tea, visiting, informal networking
8:00-8:45 “Travel For Business & Fun w/ Neal Kellner”
8:45-9:00 more networking, sharing, visiting

The BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, & Other Entrepreneurial Sentients From Planet BBC

Reminder: BBC2 Meets Tomorrow, Thursday, 6:00-7:00 PM @OXp – Following OfficeXpats Happy Hour & Open House

BBC Regulars – Upcoming Events

OfficeXpats December Tuesday Workshops, Dec. 11th & 18th – “Targeting Prospective Customers” (Noon-1:00)
=>  Dec 11: Preparing for a New Year with Intention and Focus, Karen Casey MA (Inspired Action Consultanting).
=>  Dec 18: Understanding the financial story of your business through the balance sheet, P&L and budget, Karla Smith CPA (MKJSmith.com) and Kelly Deis MBA (Turning Point Financial). For more info and registration (fee: $10 per session; free to OfficeXpats members): officexpats.com/looking-back-looking-forward.

December 6th, 2012 – Growing (or Starting) Your Business Through Crowd Funding & Social Media
9:00 AM to Noon @ IslandWood
A seminar presented by Frank Kenny, Rachel Maxwell, and Casey Dilloway. More info at: bainbridgechamber.com/default.aspx?ID=205

TUESDAY (Not Wednesday this month) December 11th Chamber Luncheon – Vicki Rauh’s Retirement Party
Our December luncheon honors long-time Chamber Staffer Vicki Rauh, who will be retiring at the end of this year. Several generations of islanders have grown up licensing their cars and boats during the 34 years she has been with the Chamber. Come help us give her a great send-off and bring your Vicki stories to tell. The public is welcome. (bainbridgechamber.com/events/eventdetail.aspx?EventID=72)
Date: 12/11/2012
Time: 11:30 AM TO 1:00 PM
Wing Point Golf & Country Club, 811 Cherry Ave. NE, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110
Phone: 206-842-3700

OfficeXpats Think Week is coming Dec 26-28
Last year we invented Think Week as a free coworking and community event between Christmas and New Year’s. We filled the week with brainstorming and strategic planning events. Ignite Bainbridge was born from one of those brainstorms.
This year Think Week is only three days: December 26-28. A few ideas for events (some are tentative; more details to come):
• A workshop on discovering your mission/vision
• A brainstorm to create our Kickstarter campaign
• A mosaic tile project
• A celebration of Ignite Bainbridge’s 1-year anniversary, with viewings of a few of the recorded presentations and interviews
So get started on your goals for Think Week, and pass the word. It’s a great chance to experience for free the productivity and community of coworking. (officexpats.com/free-coworking-during-think-week-2012)

BBC Related Links

OfficeXpats http://www.officexpats.com/
Chamber Of Commerce http://www.bainbridgechamber.com/
Bainbridge Island Downtown Association http://www.bainbridgedowntown.org/

BBC Friday 30 November 2012 @ OfficeXpats – “Looking Back, Looking Forward”

BBC this Friday, November 30th We’ll Introduce & Discuss The OfficeXpats December Tuesday Workshops: “Looking Back, Looking Forward – Financially And Strategically.”

OfficeXpats Tuesdays@noon Workshops For December 4th, 11th, and 18th. “I love this season as a chance to evaluate and plan by looking back at my year of mixed results and looking forward to the next one, ripe with possibility. So while congress debates how to solve intractable financial challenges, we can take a constructive look at our own personal and financial realities. We only have three weeks to cover a lot of ground, but we have four incredible professionals to guide us through.” –Leslie Schneider
=>  Dec. 4: Ways to make tax time easier, Martha Monkman (The Number Factory).
=>  Dec 11: Preparing for a New Year with Intention and Focus, Karen Casey MA (Inspired Action Consultanting).
=>  Dec 18: Understanding the financial story of your business through the balance sheet, P&L and budget, Karla Smith CPA (MKJSmith.com) and Kelly Deis MBA (Turning Point Financial).
For more info and registration officexpats.com/looking-back-looking-forward (fee: $10 per session; free to OfficeXpats members).

Invite your friends and associates to join us for this exciting event … and another delicious cup of BBC!

BBC @ OfficeXpats – 403 Madison Avenue N, Bainbridge Island, Upstairs At the Pavilion

7:30-8:00 coffee/tea, visiting, informal networking
8:00-8:45 “Looking Back, Looking Forward”
8:45-9:00 more networking, sharing, visiting

The BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, & Other Entrepreneurial Sentients From Planet BBC

BBC Regulars – Upcoming Events

OfficeXpats December Tuesday Workshops – “Looking Backward, Looking Forward” (Noon-1:00)
See details above. For more info and registration officexpats.com/looking-back-looking-forward.

November 29th – Chamber After Hours (bainbridgechamber.com)
This Thursday from 5:30 to 7:00 PM. A schmoozing, networking, holiday shopping extravaganza hosted by Bainbridge Arts & Crafts. No charge, no reservations necessary. The public is welcome.

November 30th – Ignite Bainbridge Monthly Meeting
This Friday, 30 November, 12:30 @ OfficeXpats (facebook.com/events/382150978539835)
The November all-hands meeting is this Friday at 12:30 at Office Xpats, and we would love to have you at this one even if you can’t make it to all the monthly meetings. Please feel free to bring your lunch, or an addition to a pot luck salad (greens provided). At this meeting we will:
•  Show off the new plan that will make this event sustainable without overloading any one volunteer!
•  Fill in other roles and create an overall schedule that will guide us in the next 6 months (workshops to help prepare the speakers, social media strategy, promotion calendar, outreach to partners, etc.)
•  Create a simple, fair process for mentoring and approving speakers. We want to immediately start promoting our current line-up of potential speakers.

December 6th, 2012 – Growing (or Starting) Your Business Through Crowd Funding & Social Media
9:00 AM to Noon @ IslandWood
A seminar presented by Frank Kenny, Rachel Maxwell, and Casey Dilloway. More info at: bainbridgechamber.com/default.aspx?ID=205

December 11th Chamber Luncheon – Vicki Rauh’s Retirement Party
Our December luncheon honors long-time Chamber Staffer Vicki Rauh, who will be retiring at the end of this year. Several generations of islanders have grown up licensing their cars and boats during the 34 years she has been with the Chamber. Come help us give her a great send-off and bring your Vicki stories to tell. The public is welcome. (bainbridgechamber.com/events/eventdetail.aspx?EventID=72)
Date: 12/11/2012
Time: 11:30 AM TO 1:00 PM
Wing Point Golf & Country Club, 811 Cherry Ave. NE, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110
Phone: 206-842-3700

OfficeXpats Think Week is coming Dec 26-28
Last year we invented Think Week as a free coworking and community event between Christmas and New Year’s. We filled the week with brainstorming and strategic planning events. Ignite Bainbridge was born from one of those brainstorms.
This year Think Week is only three days: December 26-28. A few ideas for events (some are tentative; more details to come):
•  A workshop on discovering your mission/vision
•  A brainstorm to create our Kickstarter campaign
•  A mosaic tile project
•  A celebration of Ignite Bainbridge’s 1-year anniversary, with viewings of a few of the recorded presentations and interviews
So get started on your goals for Think Week, and pass the word. It’s a great chance to experience for free the productivity and community of coworking.

BBC Related Links

OfficeXpats http://www.officexpats.com/
Chamber Of Commerce http://www.bainbridgechamber.com/
Bainbridge Island Downtown Association http://www.bainbridgedowntown.org/