About kdkragen

K. D. Kragen is a philosopher, writer, teacher, editor, husband, father and grandfather. A third generation San Franciscan, Vietnam era vet U.S. Coast Guard (1973-1977), married to Janet L. Kragen for 32 years (1977-present), K. D. is a published novelist ("The KillWare Chronicles" and "Plagueman"); he has taught logic and lectured in philosophy of art at various college and local art schools (Northwest College of Art, Trumeau College of the Arts). Presently he teaches senior citizens basic computer skills (to be able to keep in touch with children and grandchildren), does general computer maintenance, MS and Linux OS, manages a small publishing house, Scandia Patch Press, and edits and ghosts the writings of other local authors. KaveDragen Ink LLC Clean, sparkling copy is often the first impression you make on prospective clientele. Every company needs: One, the Visionary, company owner, manager. That's you! You are the market expert. You know your products and services better than anyone else. Two, the Copy-editor, the wordsmith. That's me. I supply the polish and clarity of communication needed to grab your client from the very first line.

BBC Friday 5 May 2017 – Emergency Preparedness Update w/ Colleen Kragen

Colleen On LinkedInBC@BBC — Join us this BBC FRIDAY for the long-awaited Emergency Preparedness Part 4, w/ Colleen Kragen, Disaster Preparedness ConsultantTaking the first step in Emergency Management and Business Continuity Planning: Risk Assessment and Hazard Mitigation. (What could be more fun?)

“BC [that’s business continuity, as in “can you continue your business after that big party?”] can be defined as the uninterrupted availability of all key resources supporting essential business functions. Business continuity management provides for the availability of processes and resources following a disruption of the business in order to ensure the continued achievement of mission critical objectives.” (Business Continuity Management: Global Best Practices, 4th Ed., By Andrew Hiles, 2014)

Risk assessment and hazard mitigation is important for every business to consider. Bainbridge Island has unique characteristics that make BC planning crucial: natural disasters can cause physical isolation (different from emotional isolation); power outages and communication systems losses are common; it has a delicate economic system that is vulnerable to supply shortages (What? There’s no more single malt Scotch?). But DON’T PANIC! Be prepared.

Colleen Kragen – EMERPREP Consultant: University of New Haven, M.S. Crisis/ Emergency/ Disaster Management. Western Washington University, B.A. Natural Resources Management & Policy. ESWS Certification – Enlisted Surface Warfare Specialist, US Navy. LinkedIn: linkedin.com/pub/colleen-kragen/a9/186/455.     Contact: [email protected]. 2016 BBC-handout: Business Recovery Plan.

Be here, be free, be businesswise. For, in a sense, me scurvy mateys, as serial entrepreneurs, we all be business wise.

Invite your friends and associates to come join us for this exciting non-virtual non-cloud event in real time and real space…and another delicious cup of BBC!

BBC@OfficeXpats – 403 Madison Ave N, Bainbridge Is., Upstairs At the Pavilion

7:30-8:00 coffee/tea, visiting, informal networking
8:00-8:45 – Emergency Management w/ Colleen Kragen
8:45-9:00 more networking, sharing, visiting

BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, & other entrepreneurial sentients from planet BBC.

BBC Regulars Upcoming News & Events!

Greendrinks Silverdale3 May, Wed., 5:24-8:03 PM – Silverdale Greendrinks Event! Harrison Medical Center~Silverdale, 9220 Ridgetop Blvd NW, Silverdale. $10 at the door. We encourage you to bring your own glass. (Must be 21.) Featured non-profit this month is The Coffee Oasis (thecoffeeoasis.com). Please carpool if you can. RSVP to rsvp4silverdalegreendrinks@gmail.com.

StrengthsFinder Community Group starting. Okay, you’ve taken the Clifton StrengthsFinder assessment (gallupstrengthscenter.com) and found out your Top Five Themes Of Talent. Now what? Or maybe you’re still just thinking about StrengthsFinder. A group is forming to casually and interactively discuss the program, the assessment, your results, and what Strengths can mean for your life, both personal and professional. (Disclaimer: Wynne is not a Gallup-certified Strengths coach [yet!], and receives no compensation from them.) Wynne’s contact: [email protected]. 

TheChannelTHE CHANNEL (thechannelbainbridge.com), Bainbridge Island Chamber Newsletter published quarterly, free print copies and interactive online version. [email protected]

BIComm_100dpi_200px_RGBThe Bainbridge Island Brand and website filled with valuable resources and local Island news, events, and business cool stuff: bainbridgebusinessresources.com

REMINDER – For BBC Regular Members: We’re building our Open/Public BBC Regulars Business Info & Contact List for a single page referral sheet and BBC website Members List. As BBC Regular Members, make your business/contact info available for the BBC community and website. Follow link (form courtesy of Annette Walker) and fill out BBC Regulars Member List contact info: http://bit.ly/1mZGKfR

ToastmastersLogo-ColorSpecial thanks to our friends at Toastmasters Bainbridge. Two clubs on the Island: The Noon Edition bainbridgeisland.toastmastersclubs.org  and The Evening Edition uspeakeasy.com.

BBC Related Links
OfficeXpats officexpats.com
Chamber Of Commerce bainbridgechamber.com & visitbainbridge.com
Accelerate Kitsap, Business Support Network acceleratekitsap.org
Kitsap SCORE kitsapscore.org
Toastmasters – Noon Edition bainbridgeisland.toastmastersclubs.org
Toastmasters – Evening Edition uspeakeasy.com
Bainbridge Artisan Resource Network (BARN) bainbridgebarn.org
Space Craft – Performance Arts Space Station On Earth SpaceCraftPresents.org
Bainbridge Island Downtown Association bainbridgedowntown.org
Kitsap County Emergency Management kitsapdem.org

BBC Friday 28 April 2017 – Marketing Tips & Wisdom w/ Bruce Carter

Bruce Philosophically Ponders Past Buccaneering Adventures.

This BBC Friday founding BBC Regular Seadog and long time OfficeXpats pirate Bruce Carter, Indigo Painting (indigopaintingcompany.com), will share some salty marketing wisdom and sea stories. (Bruce on facebook.com/indigopaintingcompany.)

Firing a salvo of scurvy scuttlebutt and colorful ideas across our bows, Bruce will then open the chart-table for sharing & discussion on all things marketing. So come prepared to think creatively and share serendipitously your marketing questions, ideas, and wisdom learned along life’s briny seaway.

Be here, be free, be businesswise. For, in a sense, me scurvy mateys, as serial entrepreneurs, we all be business wise. Arrrr!

So invite your friends and scallywags to come join us for this exciting non-virtual non-cloud event in real time and real space…and another delicious cup of BBC!

BBC@OfficeXpats – 403 Madison Ave N, Bainbridge Is., Upstairs At the Pavilion

7:30-8:00 coffee/tea, visiting, informal networking
8:00-8:45 – Marketing Wisdom Sharing Time w/ Talk Show Host Bruce Carter
8:45-9:00 more networking, sharing, visiting

BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, & other entrepreneurial sentients from planet BBC.

BBC Regulars Upcoming News & Events!

Greendrinks Silverdale3 May, Wed., 5:24-8:03 PM – Silverdale Greendrinks Event! Harrison Medical Center~Silverdale, 9220 Ridgetop Blvd NW, Silverdale. $10 at the door. We encourage you to bring your own glass. (Must be 21.) Featured non-profit this month is The Coffee Oasis (thecoffeeoasis.com). Please carpool if you can. RSVP to rsvp4silverdalegreendrinks@gmail.com.

29 April, 10:00-2:00, Health & Wellness Fair, Free Community Event at Living Well Chiropractic, 363 Tormey Lane, Suite 210, Fair organized by Bainbridge Health & Wellness Coalition. BBC Regular’s Jenny Trimble and Izzy Sanchez will be there.

TheChannelTHE CHANNEL (thechannelbainbridge.com), Bainbridge Island Chamber Newsletter published quarterly, free print copies and interactive online version. [email protected]

BIComm_100dpi_200px_RGBThe Bainbridge Island Brand and website filled with valuable resources and local Island news, events, and business cool stuff: bainbridgebusinessresources.com

REMINDER – For BBC Regular Members: We’re building our Open/Public BBC Regulars Business Info & Contact List for a single page referral sheet and BBC website Members List. As BBC Regular Members, make your business/contact info available for the BBC community and website. Follow link (form courtesy of Annette Walker) and fill out BBC Regulars Member List contact info: http://bit.ly/1mZGKfR

ToastmastersLogo-ColorSpecial thanks to our friends at Toastmasters Bainbridge. Two clubs on the Island: The Noon Edition bainbridgeisland.toastmastersclubs.org  and The Evening Edition uspeakeasy.com.

BBC Related Links
OfficeXpats officexpats.com
Chamber Of Commerce bainbridgechamber.com & visitbainbridge.com
Accelerate Kitsap, Business Support Network acceleratekitsap.org
Kitsap SCORE kitsapscore.org
Toastmasters – Noon Edition bainbridgeisland.toastmastersclubs.org
Toastmasters – Evening Edition uspeakeasy.com
Bainbridge Artisan Resource Network (BARN) bainbridgebarn.org
Space Craft – Performance Arts Space Station On Earth SpaceCraftPresents.org
Bainbridge Island Downtown Association bainbridgedowntown.org
Kitsap County Emergency Management kitsapdem.org

BBC Friday 21 April 2017 – Business Tools Sharing w/ Wynne Jacobson

This BBC Friday, we’ll start off with BBC Regular Wynne Jacobson, owner Eagle Harbor Editing, who will introduce and share about the StrengthsFinder program. (Wynne on LinkedIn.) Gallup Strengths Center gallupstrengthscenter.com.

Note: Wynne is neither associated with the Gallup Organization nor does she receive any monetary compensation for informing people about StrengthsFinder. (Though I think they should send her a nice thank you gift for sharing her story about StrengthsFinder or maybe hire her for some great proofing work! But that’s just my opinion, as chair of and writer for Bainbridge Business Connection. Brava, Wynne!)

OK, back on topic. There will be plenty of time for Q&A and discussion. Afterwards, as time permits, there should also be opportunity for a few others to share a business tool or app that has been helpful to them, or maybe just share some business wisdom learned along life’s way.

Be here, be free, be businesswise. For, in a sense, me scurvy maties, as serial entrepreneurs, we’re all business wise!

So invite your friends and associates to come join us for this exciting non-virtual non-cloud event in real time and real space…and another delicious cup of BBC!

BBC@OfficeXpats – 403 Madison Ave N, Bainbridge Is., Upstairs At the Pavilion

7:30-8:00 coffee/tea, visiting, informal networking
8:00-8:45 StrengthsFinder Program w/ Wynne Jacobson
8:30-9:00 more networking, sharing, visiting

BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, & other entrepreneurial sentients from planet BBC.

BBC Regulars Upcoming News & Events!

27 April, Thrusday, Chamber After-hours, 5:30-7:00 PM, is hosted by  Cross Cultural Journeys, Cilla & Leif Utne, owners. As always, free & open to the public. Chamber Info.

TheChannelTHE CHANNEL (thechannelbainbridge.com), Bainbridge Island Chamber Newsletter published quarterly, free print copies and interactive online version. [email protected]

BIComm_100dpi_200px_RGBThe Bainbridge Island Brand and website filled with valuable resources and local Island news, events, and business cool stuff: bainbridgebusinessresources.com

REMINDER – For BBC Regular Members: We’re building our Open/Public BBC Regulars Business Info & Contact List for a single page referral sheet and BBC website Members List. As BBC Regular Members, make your business/contact info available for the BBC community and website. Follow link (form courtesy of Annette Walker) and fill out BBC Regulars Member List contact info: http://bit.ly/1mZGKfR

ToastmastersLogo-ColorSpecial thanks to our friends at Toastmasters Bainbridge. Two clubs on the Island: The Noon Edition bainbridgeisland.toastmastersclubs.org  and The Evening Edition uspeakeasy.com.

BBC Related Links
OfficeXpats officexpats.com
Chamber Of Commerce bainbridgechamber.com & visitbainbridge.com
Accelerate Kitsap, Business Support Network acceleratekitsap.org
Kitsap SCORE kitsapscore.org
Toastmasters – Noon Edition bainbridgeisland.toastmastersclubs.org
Toastmasters – Evening Edition uspeakeasy.com
Bainbridge Artisan Resource Network (BARN) bainbridgebarn.org
Space Craft – Performance Arts Space Station On Earth SpaceCraftPresents.org
Bainbridge Island Downtown Association bainbridgedowntown.org
Kitsap County Emergency Management kitsapdem.org

No BBC this Friday 14 April 2017 for the Holidays

BBC Canceled this Friday for the Holidays, Easter, Passover. (Next BBC 21 April.)

Last Week’s “Net Security & Internet Privacy Disambiguated,” w/ Jason Omens and Annette Walker, generated the following data & website information: 

– Check browser safety from tracking: panopticlick.eff.org
– Check for compromised accounts from data breach: haveibeenpwned.com
– VPN (Virtual Private Network) for a secure “tunnel”; many companies require a VPN for employees working remotely: privateinternetaccess.com & nordvpn.com
– Tor Browser (by US Naval Research Lab for military personnel): torproject.org.
– Tor phone Apps encrypt your traffic & obscure your IP address: Orbot Proxy App guardianproject.info (Android, Google Play store) & Onion Browser mike.tig.as/onionbrowser (for iPad/iPhone, iTunes store)
– Text Message Encryption App: Signal Private Messaging by whispersystems.org
– Secure messaging: ChatSecure (chatsecure.org) & CryptoCat (crypto.cat)

Have a peaceful and beautiful week. Until next time, sincerely, the BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, & other entrepreneurial sentients from planet BBC. (Candles courtesy of Lucille Fox, Bainbridge Bees Wax Works.)


Exciting BBC Regulars Upcoming News & Events!

15 APRIL 2017, Saturday, Noon-6:00. BBC & OfficeXpats veteran Charlie King presents: Man Up 2.0 – A Men’s Personal Growth Intensive. “We promise you one thing: you will leave a changed man.” This Bainbridge Island workshop is your chance to take the next powerful step forward into your legacy. Info & registration: heroicfatherhood.com.

27 April, Thrusday, Chamber After-hours, 5:30-7:00 PM, is hosted by  Cross Cultural Journeys, Cilla & Leif Utne, owners. As always, free & open to the public. Chamber Info.

TheChannelTHE CHANNEL (thechannelbainbridge.com), Bainbridge Island Chamber Newsletter published quarterly, free print copies and interactive online version. [email protected]

BIComm_100dpi_200px_RGBThe Bainbridge Island Brand and website filled with valuable resources and local Island news, events, and business cool stuff: bainbridgebusinessresources.com

REMINDER – For BBC Regular Members: We’re building our Open/Public BBC Regulars Business Info & Contact List for a single page referral sheet and BBC website Members List. As BBC Regular Members, make your business/contact info available for the BBC community and website. Follow link (form courtesy of Annette Walker) and fill out BBC Regulars Member List contact info: http://bit.ly/1mZGKfR

ToastmastersLogo-ColorSpecial thanks to our friends at Toastmasters Bainbridge. Two clubs on the Island: The Noon Edition bainbridgeisland.toastmastersclubs.org  and The Evening Edition uspeakeasy.com.

BBC Related Links
OfficeXpats officexpats.com
Chamber Of Commerce bainbridgechamber.com & visitbainbridge.com
Accelerate Kitsap, Business Support Network acceleratekitsap.org
Kitsap SCORE kitsapscore.org
Toastmasters – Noon Edition bainbridgeisland.toastmastersclubs.org
Toastmasters – Evening Edition uspeakeasy.com
Bainbridge Artisan Resource Network (BARN) bainbridgebarn.org
Space Craft – Performance Arts Space Station On Earth SpaceCraftPresents.org
Bainbridge Island Downtown Association bainbridgedowntown.org
Kitsap County Emergency Management kitsapdem.org

BBC Friday 7 April 2017 – Net-privacy & Net-security w/ Jason & Annette

Disambiguating Net Security and Internet Privacy, w/ Jason Omens, OfficeXpats, and Annette Walker, Astonish Inc.

This BBC Friday enjoy an exciting roundtable discussion centering on Internet privacy and Network security issues.

Reality Bytes: Internet privacy and security are real concerns in an age of big brother and big data. What can one do? For most of us as business folks, going “off-grid” isn’t an option. Maybe this topic, like “the next big one” (earthquake, volcano, radioactive tsunami), is a matter of Business Continuity Planning. Be prepared. Come to BBC. Have complementary coffee/tea and lots of fun!

So bring your questions, thoughts, brains, paranoia, conspiracy theories, and serendipitous creativity for an exciting BBC Business Security Roundtable.

Be here, be free, be businesswise. For, in a sense, me scurvy maties, as serial entrepreneurs, we’re all business wise!

So invite your friends and associates to come join us for this exciting non-virtual non-cloud event in real time and real space…and another delicious cup of BBC!

BBC@OfficeXpats – 403 Madison Ave N, Bainbridge Is., Upstairs At the Pavilion

7:30-8:00 coffee/tea, visiting, informal networking
8:00-8:45 Disambiguating Net-security/privacy
8:30-9:00 more networking, sharing, visiting

BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, & other entrepreneurial sentients from planet BBC.

BBC Regulars Upcoming News & Events!

15 APRIL 2017, Saturday, Noon-6:00. BBC & OfficeXpats veteran Charlie King presents: Man Up 2.0 – A Men’s Personal Growth Intensive. “We promise you one thing: you will leave a changed man.” This Bainbridge Island workshop is your chance to take the next powerful step forward into your legacy. Info & registration: heroicfatherhood.com.

TheChannelTHE CHANNEL (thechannelbainbridge.com), Bainbridge Island Chamber Newsletter published quarterly, free print copies and interactive online version. [email protected]

BIComm_100dpi_200px_RGBThe Bainbridge Island Brand and website filled with valuable resources and local Island news, events, and business cool stuff: bainbridgebusinessresources.com

REMINDER – For BBC Regular Members: We’re building our Open/Public BBC Regulars Business Info & Contact List for a single page referral sheet and BBC website Members List. As BBC Regular Members, make your business/contact info available for the BBC community and website. Follow link (form courtesy of Annette Walker) and fill out BBC Regulars Member List contact info: http://bit.ly/1mZGKfR

ToastmastersLogo-ColorSpecial thanks to our friends at Toastmasters Bainbridge. Two clubs on the Island: The Noon Edition bainbridgeisland.toastmastersclubs.org  and The Evening Edition uspeakeasy.com.

BBC Related Links
OfficeXpats officexpats.com
Chamber Of Commerce bainbridgechamber.com & visitbainbridge.com
Accelerate Kitsap, Business Support Network acceleratekitsap.org
Kitsap SCORE kitsapscore.org
Toastmasters – Noon Edition bainbridgeisland.toastmastersclubs.org
Toastmasters – Evening Edition uspeakeasy.com
Bainbridge Artisan Resource Network (BARN) bainbridgebarn.org
Space Craft – Performance Arts Space Station On Earth SpaceCraftPresents.org
Bainbridge Island Downtown Association bainbridgedowntown.org
Kitsap County Emergency Management kitsapdem.org

BBC Friday 30 March 2017 – Karen Klein on “Volunteering In Kenya”

“Footprints On The Moon: Transforming The Lives Of Girls In Kenya.” 

This BBC Friday 31 March 2017, Karen will share stories and photos from her volunteer trip to WISER (wisergirls.org), a school for girls in Western Kenya. WISER is an organization focusing on empowerment of girls through education and health. Karen has been a longtime BBC Regular, LinkedIn discussion leader, fount of business wisdom, and a wonderful supporter of both our BBC community and our hosts OfficeXpats. Contact: [email protected],  karenkleinlaw.com. 206-498-4594. Karen on Linkedin.

Be here, be free, be businesswise. For, in a sense, me scurvy maties, as serial entrepreneurs, we’re all business wise!

So invite your friends and associates to come join us for this exciting non-virtual non-cloud event in real time and real space…and another delicious cup of BBC!

BBC@OfficeXpats – 403 Madison Ave N, Bainbridge Is., Upstairs At the Pavilion

7:30-8:00 coffee/tea, visiting, informal networking
8:00-8:45 Karen Klein – Professional Volunteer
8:30-9:00 more networking, sharing, visiting

BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, & other entrepreneurial sentients from planet BBC.

BBC Regulars Upcoming News & Events!

15 APRIL 2017, Saturday, Noon-6:00. BBC & OfficeXpats veteran Charlie King presents: Man Up 2.0 – A Men’s Personal Growth Intensive. “We promise you one thing: you will leave a changed man.” This Bainbridge Island workshop is your chance to take the next powerful step forward into your legacy. Info & registration: heroicfatherhood.com.

TheChannelTHE CHANNEL (thechannelbainbridge.com), Bainbridge Island Chamber Newsletter published quarterly, free print copies and interactive online version. [email protected]

BIComm_100dpi_200px_RGBThe Bainbridge Island Brand and website filled with valuable resources and local Island news, events, and business cool stuff: bainbridgebusinessresources.com

REMINDER – For BBC Regular Members: We’re building our Open/Public BBC Regulars Business Info & Contact List for a single page referral sheet and BBC website Members List. As BBC Regular Members, make your business/contact info available for the BBC community and website. Follow link (form courtesy of Annette Walker) and fill out BBC Regulars Member List contact info: http://bit.ly/1mZGKfR

ToastmastersLogo-ColorSpecial thanks to our friends at Toastmasters Bainbridge. Two clubs on the Island: The Noon Edition bainbridgeisland.toastmastersclubs.org  and The Evening Edition uspeakeasy.com.

BBC Related Links
OfficeXpats officexpats.com
Chamber Of Commerce bainbridgechamber.com & visitbainbridge.com
Accelerate Kitsap, Business Support Network acceleratekitsap.org
Kitsap SCORE kitsapscore.org
Toastmasters – Noon Edition bainbridgeisland.toastmastersclubs.org
Toastmasters – Evening Edition uspeakeasy.com
Bainbridge Artisan Resource Network (BARN) bainbridgebarn.org
Space Craft – Performance Arts Space Station On Earth SpaceCraftPresents.org
Bainbridge Island Downtown Association bainbridgedowntown.org
Kitsap County Emergency Management kitsapdem.org

BBC Friday 24 March 2017 – Bainbridge Island Community Emergency Preparedness, w/ Tom McCloskey

This BBC Friday 24 March 2017, special guest Tom McCloskey will lead us in a discussion of how we can make Bainbridge Island a WA State leader in community emergency preparedness. Tom on linkedin.com.

Tom is Strategic Community Liaison with Bainbridge Prepares. “The Bainbridge Prepares initiative is a unique combination of agency- and citizen-led teams, working in collaboration to make our island community more resilient” (bainbridgeprepares.org). See also: The Resilience Guild (theresilienceguild.com); City Of Bainbridge Island “Preparedness-Vision” (bainbridgewa.gov/796/Preparedness-Vision); B.I. Fire Dept. CERT Team Program (bifd.org/cert.aspx).

President of The McCloskey Group, Inc. from 1980 until 2012, Tom was also the Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of Energy and Minerals, U.S. Department of Interior from 1978 until 1980, and Executive Director of the Citizens Advisory Council to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources from 1972 until 1978. (bainbridgeislandrotary.org)

Be here, be free, be businesswise. For, in a sense, me scurvy maties, as serial entrepreneurs, we’re all business wise!

So invite your friends and associates to come join us for this exciting non-virtual non-cloud event in real time and real space…and another delicious cup of BBC!

BBC@OfficeXpats – 403 Madison Ave N, Bainbridge Is., Upstairs At the Pavilion

7:30-8:00 coffee/tea, visiting, informal networking
8:00-8:45 “Community Emergency Preparedness” with Tom McCloskey
8:30-9:00 more networking, sharing, visiting

BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, & other entrepreneurial sentients from planet BBC.

BBC Regulars Upcoming News & Events!

TheChannelTHE CHANNEL (thechannelbainbridge.com), Bainbridge Island Chamber Newsletter published quarterly, free print copies and interactive online version. [email protected]

BIComm_100dpi_200px_RGBThe Bainbridge Island Brand and website filled with valuable resources and local Island news, events, and business cool stuff: bainbridgebusinessresources.com

REMINDER – For BBC Regular Members: We’re building our Open/Public BBC Regulars Business Info & Contact List for a single page referral sheet and BBC website Members List. As BBC Regular Members, make your business/contact info available for the BBC community and website. Follow link (form courtesy of Annette Walker) and fill out BBC Regulars Member List contact info: http://bit.ly/1mZGKfR

ToastmastersLogo-ColorSpecial thanks to our friends at Toastmasters Bainbridge. Two clubs on the Island: The Noon Edition bainbridgeisland.toastmastersclubs.org  and The Evening Edition uspeakeasy.com.

BBC Related Links
OfficeXpats officexpats.com
Chamber Of Commerce bainbridgechamber.com & visitbainbridge.com
Accelerate Kitsap, Business Support Network acceleratekitsap.org
Kitsap SCORE kitsapscore.org
Toastmasters – Noon Edition bainbridgeisland.toastmastersclubs.org
Toastmasters – Evening Edition uspeakeasy.com
Bainbridge Artisan Resource Network (BARN) bainbridgebarn.org
Space Craft – Performance Arts Space Station On Earth SpaceCraftPresents.org
Bainbridge Island Downtown Association bainbridgedowntown.org
Kitsap County Emergency Management kitsapdem.org

BBC Friday 17 March 2017 – Business Storytelling Pt 2, w/ Linna Callaham

Welcome to BBC Friday 17 March 2017! BBC is as much about who we are as what we do. Therefore, this Friday, we’re doing another BBC Business Storytelling Roundtable. We’ll lead off with Linna Callaham, The Callaham Group, LLC. Linna on LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/linna-callaham.AKG Perception 120 USB condenser microphone with SH 100 shock mount

Then we’ll open up the floor, so to speak, for whoever would like to share what they’ve been up to businesswise.

Be here, be free, be businesswise. For, in a sense, me scurvy maties, as serial entrepreneurs, we’re all business wise!

So invite your friends and associates to come join us for this exciting non-virtual non-cloud event in real time and real space…and another delicious cup of BBC!

BBC@OfficeXpats – 403 Madison Ave N, Bainbridge Is., Upstairs At the Pavilion

7:30-8:00 coffee/tea, visiting, informal networking
8:00-8:45 “Business Storytelling” with Linna Callaham
8:30-9:00 more networking, sharing, visiting

BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, & other entrepreneurial sentients from planet BBC.

BBC Regulars Upcoming News & Events!

St. Patrick’s Day! Friday March 17. BBC Regular Mickey Molnaire’s Celtic Magic will play at Port Gamble General Store 6:00-8:30 PM then at various pubs & joints in old town Poulsbo from 9:00 PM, starting and finishing with Tizley’s Europub (likely including Slippery Pig & Portside). Performers: Mickey Molnaire, fiddle & bodhran; Charlie Faddis, Highland bagpipes & Scottish small pipes; tj Faddis, pennywhistle & percussion; Kent Tarpley, guitar; Pete Orbea, bass & drums; Ian Faddis, drums.

TheChannelTHE CHANNEL (thechannelbainbridge.com), Bainbridge Island Chamber Newsletter published quarterly, free print copies and interactive online version. [email protected]

BIComm_100dpi_200px_RGBThe Bainbridge Island Brand and website filled with valuable resources and local Island news, events, and business cool stuff: bainbridgebusinessresources.com

REMINDER – For BBC Regular Members: We’re building our Open/Public BBC Regulars Business Info & Contact List for a single page referral sheet and BBC website Members List. As BBC Regular Members, make your business/contact info available for the BBC community and website. Follow link (form courtesy of Annette Walker) and fill out BBC Regulars Member List contact info: http://bit.ly/1mZGKfR

ToastmastersLogo-ColorSpecial thanks to our friends at Toastmasters Bainbridge. Two clubs on the Island: The Noon Edition bainbridgeisland.toastmastersclubs.org  and The Evening Edition uspeakeasy.com.

BBC Related Links
OfficeXpats officexpats.com
Chamber Of Commerce bainbridgechamber.com & visitbainbridge.com
Accelerate Kitsap, Business Support Network acceleratekitsap.org
Kitsap SCORE kitsapscore.org
Toastmasters – Noon Edition bainbridgeisland.toastmastersclubs.org
Toastmasters – Evening Edition uspeakeasy.com
Bainbridge Artisan Resource Network (BARN) bainbridgebarn.org
Space Craft – Performance Arts Space Station On Earth SpaceCraftPresents.org
Bainbridge Island Downtown Association bainbridgedowntown.org
Kitsap County Emergency Management kitsapdem.org

BBC Friday 10 March 2017 – Business Storytelling w/ Kevin Wiley

Welcome to BBC Friday 10 March 2017! BBC is as much about who we are as what we do. Therefore, this Friday, we’re doing our BBC Business Storytelling Roundtable. We’ll lead off with district branch manager at Waddell & Reed, Kevin Wiley, who will update us about his latest business life and ventures. Over the past year Kevin has been an active BBC regular, promoter, and part of the BBC support team. Kevin on LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/wileykevin.AKG Perception 120 USB condenser microphone with SH 100 shock mount

Then we’ll open up the floor, so to speak, for whoever would like to share what they’ve been up to businesswise.

Be here, be free, be businesswise. For, in a sense, me scurvy maties, as serial entrepreneurs, we’re all business wise!

So invite your friends and associates to come join us for this exciting non-virtual non-cloud event in real time and real space…and another delicious cup of BBC!

BBC@OfficeXpats – 403 Madison Ave N, Bainbridge Is., Upstairs At the Pavilion

7:30-8:00 coffee/tea, visiting, informal networking
8:00-8:45 “Business Storytelling” with Kevin Wiley
8:30-9:00 more networking, sharing, visiting

BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, & other entrepreneurial sentients from planet BBC.

BBC Regulars Upcoming News & Events!

TheChannelTHE CHANNEL (thechannelbainbridge.com), Bainbridge Island Chamber Newsletter published quarterly, free print copies and interactive online version. [email protected]

BIComm_100dpi_200px_RGBThe Bainbridge Island Brand and website filled with valuable resources and local Island news, events, and business cool stuff: bainbridgebusinessresources.com

REMINDER – For BBC Regular Members: We’re building our Open/Public BBC Regulars Business Info & Contact List for a single page referral sheet and BBC website Members List. As BBC Regular Members, make your business/contact info available for the BBC community and website. Follow link (form courtesy of Annette Walker) and fill out BBC Regulars Member List contact info: http://bit.ly/1mZGKfR

ToastmastersLogo-ColorSpecial thanks to our friends at Toastmasters Bainbridge. Two clubs on the Island: The Noon Edition bainbridgeisland.toastmastersclubs.org  and The Evening Edition uspeakeasy.com.

BBC Related Links
OfficeXpats officexpats.com
Chamber Of Commerce bainbridgechamber.com & visitbainbridge.com
Accelerate Kitsap, Business Support Network acceleratekitsap.org
Kitsap SCORE kitsapscore.org
Toastmasters – Noon Edition bainbridgeisland.toastmastersclubs.org
Toastmasters – Evening Edition uspeakeasy.com
Bainbridge Artisan Resource Network (BARN) bainbridgebarn.org
Space Craft – Performance Arts Space Station On Earth SpaceCraftPresents.org
Bainbridge Island Downtown Association bainbridgedowntown.org
Kitsap County Emergency Management kitsapdem.org

No BBC This Friday, 3 March 2017

Due to … certain curious and non-virtual eventualities … BBC is canceled for tomorrow

See you all next on Friday March 10th.
Do good business, care for community, be kind.
Again, we will commence our BBC Friday Morning Life Together a week from tomorrow, on March 10th.

Thank you

BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, & other entrepreneurial sentients from planet BBC.

BBC Regulars Upcoming News & Events!

TheChannelTHE CHANNEL (thechannelbainbridge.com), Bainbridge Island Chamber Newsletter published quarterly, free print copies and interactive online version. [email protected]

BIComm_100dpi_200px_RGBThe Bainbridge Island Brand and website filled with valuable resources and local Island news, events, and business cool stuff: bainbridgebusinessresources.com

REMINDER – For BBC Regular Members: We’re building our Open/Public BBC Regulars Business Info & Contact List for a single page referral sheet and BBC website Members List. As BBC Regular Members, make your business/contact info available for the BBC community and website. Follow link (form courtesy of Annette Walker) and fill out BBC Regulars Member List contact info: http://bit.ly/1mZGKfR

ToastmastersLogo-ColorSpecial thanks to our friends at Toastmasters Bainbridge. Two clubs on the Island: The Noon Edition bainbridgeisland.toastmastersclubs.org  and The Evening Edition uspeakeasy.com.

BBC Related Links
OfficeXpats officexpats.com
Chamber Of Commerce bainbridgechamber.com & visitbainbridge.com
Accelerate Kitsap, Business Support Network acceleratekitsap.org
Kitsap SCORE kitsapscore.org
Toastmasters – Noon Edition bainbridgeisland.toastmastersclubs.org
Toastmasters – Evening Edition uspeakeasy.com
Bainbridge Artisan Resource Network (BARN) bainbridgebarn.org
Space Craft – Performance Arts Space Station On Earth SpaceCraftPresents.org
Bainbridge Island Downtown Association bainbridgedowntown.org
Kitsap County Emergency Management kitsapdem.org