About kdkragen

K. D. Kragen is a philosopher, writer, teacher, editor, husband, father and grandfather. A third generation San Franciscan, Vietnam era vet U.S. Coast Guard (1973-1977), married to Janet L. Kragen for 32 years (1977-present), K. D. is a published novelist ("The KillWare Chronicles" and "Plagueman"); he has taught logic and lectured in philosophy of art at various college and local art schools (Northwest College of Art, Trumeau College of the Arts). Presently he teaches senior citizens basic computer skills (to be able to keep in touch with children and grandchildren), does general computer maintenance, MS and Linux OS, manages a small publishing house, Scandia Patch Press, and edits and ghosts the writings of other local authors. KaveDragen Ink LLC Clean, sparkling copy is often the first impression you make on prospective clientele. Every company needs: One, the Visionary, company owner, manager. That's you! You are the market expert. You know your products and services better than anyone else. Two, the Copy-editor, the wordsmith. That's me. I supply the polish and clarity of communication needed to grab your client from the very first line.

vBBC, 19 Feb. 2021 – Open MIC Friday Part 2

Welcome to the 7th virtual BBC Friday of 2021 – Week #49.

If you missed a chance to listen to last week’s opening discussion topic – from the real BBC World Service (bbc.com), here’s the link to “our Internet Carbon Footprint.” (4:06-4:30 UTC/GMT, 8 Feb. 2021) bbc.co.uk/programmes/w3ct0xbc. Totally exciting! Totally fun! Totally BBC!

Notes from this week’s meeting: BBC_vFriday49_19February2021

Be here – like virtually – be free, be businesswise. For, in a sense, me hearties, as serial entrepreneurials, we all be business wise! Really. Arr…

So Invite your friends and associates to join this strangely virtual-in-the-cloud event in real e-time and real e-space … and another delicious cup of vBBC!

(vBBC OfficeXpats hosted Zoom link is in BBC Newsletter. If you  wish to attend, contact Dave Kragen  [email protected].)

vBBC @ vOfficeXpats– virtual Madison Ave. N, Bainbridge Is., the virtual Pavilion.
7:30-8:00 – virtual coffee, check-in to Zoom, test connection, “wave” at others
8:00-8:55 – virtual BBC – Open MIC Friday, Part 2 
8:55-9:00 – announcements, what’s next … what’s not …

Sincerely, the BBC management, KaveDragen Ink, and other entrepreneurial sentients from planet BBC.

Exciting BBC Notices, News, Events

Accelerate Kitsap’s Launch & Learn Thursday Event, 25 February, 12:00 noon: “Automating Your Books Using Online Accounting Tools,” with Certified Pubic Accountant Karla Smith, [email protected]. Karla on LinkedIn linkedin.com/in/karla-j-smith-cpa/). Free and open to the public. Contact Kevin Dwyer ([email protected]) for Zoom meeting info. Visit acceleratekitsap.org for more info on upcoming business workshops.

Rosette Gault virtual art shows “Particle & Wave: PaperClay Illuminated” – Fuller Craft Museum, MA (fullercraft.org/event/particle-wave-paper-clay-illuminated) and Nora Eccles Harrison Art Museum, Utah (artmuseum.usu.edu/exhibitions/particlewave).

Bainbridge Island General Store (bainbridgeislandgeneralstore.com). Visit the store, tell you friends. If you know of someone interested in joining the store, contact Natalie Rodriguez ([email protected]). To join, bainbridgeislandgeneralstore.com/join-the-general-store/.

Washington Tourism Alliance ShowWaLove campaign: if your business serves visitors and offers an ecommerce gift card, you can sign up to have your business represented. Visit the WTA program at ShowWALove.com. See the campaign promotional video youtube.com. Washington State businesses can sign up to participate in the program at. Thank you, Chris Mueller, visitbainbridgeisland.org.

Kitsap Economic Development Alliance:  New KEDA events! “Kitsap Digital Hour” (this Thursday, November 5th, 11:00-noon). More info athttp://kitsapeda.org/events/kitsap-digital-hour-2020-11-05/.

“Peace Peloton” w/ Doc Wilson. Peaceful demonstration on bicycles in support of black-owned businesses. peacepeloton.com

Compass And Clock Fall/Winter issue is out – compassandclock.com – Senior Info & Support Newsletter.

Honoring George Floyd & other victims of American systemic racism & police violence – the work for lasting change must continue: blacklivesmatter.com.

Bainbridge Recovers: bainbridgeislandcovid19.recovers.org/.  New COVID-19 community updates. Facilitating community preparedness and recovery. Residents: request help, donate, or volunteer. Organizations: click “I Represent a Local Organization.”

Creating Community Resilience. “Map Your Neighborhood”:  bifd.org/map-your-neighborhood.aspx. Bainbridge Prepares:  bainbridgeprepares.org. Scott James’ guidebook, “Prepared Neighborhoods” preparedneighborhoods.com.


    ISLAND BBC Business Community Related Links
OfficeXpats officexpats.com
Chamber Of Commerce bainbridgechamber.com & visitbainbridgeisland.org
Accelerate Kitsap, Business Support Network acceleratekitsap.org
Bainbridge Artisan Resource Network (BARN) bainbridgebarn.org
Bainbridge Community Foundation bainbridgecf.org
Bainbridge Island Downtown Association bainbridgedowntown.org
Bainbridge Island Library (KRL) krl.org/bainbridge-island
Bainbridge Island Museum Of Art biartmuseum.org
Bainbridge Island Senior Center biseniorcenter.org
Bainbridge Youth Services askbys.org
Compass & Clock Senior Resources compassandclock.com
Cook Family Funeral Home cookfamilyfuneralhome.com
Bainbridge Island Lodging Association destinationbainbridge.com
Farmers & Gardeners Guild farmersgardenersguild.wordpress.com
Helpline House helplinehouse.org
Housing Resources Bainbridge housingresourcesbi.org
Island Volunteer Caregivers ivcbainbridge.org
Olympic College Foundation olympiccollegefoundation.org
Rolling Bay Hall – Performance Art Venue rollingbayhall.com
SCORE Kitsap kitsapscore.org
Shelter Now Bainbridge shelternowbainbridge.com
Sustainable Bainbridge sustainablebainbridge.org
Toastmasters – Noon Edition bainbridgeisland.toastmastersclubs.org
Toastmasters – Evening Edition uspeakeasy.com
Tour Bainbridge tourbainbridge.com
Tulaa Cafe At Dayaalu Center tulaacafe.com & dayaalucenter.com
The Marshall Suites Concierge Service TheMarshallSuites.com
    ISLAND Emergency Preparedness & First Responder Links
Bainbridge Prepares Emergency Management bainbridgeprepares.org
Kitsap County Emergency Management kitsapdem.org
City of Bainbridge Island (COBI)
Bainbridge Island Fire Department
Bainbridge Island Police Department

vBBC, 12 Feb. 2021 – Open MIC Friday

Welcome to the 6th virtual BBC Friday of 2021 – Week #48. Opening discussion topic: from the real BBC World Service (bbc.com): our Internet Carbon Footprint. “Data is driving a new industrial revolution globally, and it is growing exponentially. But what damage is it doing to the climate?” BBC report, “The Climate Question: Can the internet ever be green” (4:06-4:30 UTC/GMT, 8 February 2021):  https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w3ct0xbc 

Notes from this week’s meeting: BBC_vFriday48_12February2021

Be here – like virtually – be free, be businesswise. For, in a sense, me hearties, as serial entrepreneurials, we all be business wise! Really. Arr…

So Invite your friends and associates to join this strangely virtual-in-the-cloud event in real e-time and real e-space … and another delicious cup of vBBC!

(vBBC OfficeXpats hosted Zoom link is in BBC Newsletter. If you  wish to attend, contact Dave Kragen  [email protected].)

vBBC @ vOfficeXpats– virtual Madison Ave. N, Bainbridge Is., the virtual Pavilion.
7:30-8:00 – virtual coffee, check-in to Zoom, test connection, “wave” at others
8:00-8:55 – virtual BBC – Open MIC Friday: our Internet Carbon Footprint 
8:55-9:00 – announcements, what’s next … what’s not …

Sincerely, the BBC management, KaveDragen Ink, and other entrepreneurial sentients from planet BBC.

vBBC Notices, News, Events

Accelerate Kitsap, Business Support Network acceleratekitsap.org: New business workshops through spring. Two workshops a month, topics include franchises, automating your books, email promotion, Google My Business, Zoom meeting mechanics, and HR compliance. Free and open to the public. To register and receive a Zoom link, please Stuart Walton at: [email protected] (include your phone number).

Rosette Gault virtual art shows “Particle & Wave: PaperClay Illuminated” – Fuller Craft Museum, MA (fullercraft.org/event/particle-wave-paper-clay-illuminated) and Nora Eccles Harrison Art Museum, Utah (artmuseum.usu.edu/exhibitions/particlewave).

Bainbridge Island General Store (bainbridgeislandgeneralstore.com). Visit the store, tell you friends. If you know of someone interested in joining the store, contact Natalie Rodriguez ([email protected]). To join, bainbridgeislandgeneralstore.com/join-the-general-store/.

Washington Tourism Alliance ShowWaLove campaign: if your business serves visitors and offers an ecommerce gift card, you can sign up to have your business represented. Visit the WTA program at ShowWALove.com. See the campaign promotional video youtube.com. Washington State businesses can sign up to participate in the program at. Thank you, Chris Mueller, visitbainbridgeisland.org.

Kitsap Economic Development Alliance:  New KEDA events! “Kitsap Digital Hour” (this Thursday, November 5th, 11:00-noon). More info athttp://kitsapeda.org/events/kitsap-digital-hour-2020-11-05/.

“Peace Peloton” w/ Doc Wilson. Peaceful demonstration on bicycles in support of black-owned businesses. peacepeloton.com

Compass And Clock Fall/Winter issue is out – compassandclock.com – Senior Info & Support Newsletter.

Honoring George Floyd & other victims of American systemic racism & police violence – the work for lasting change must continue: blacklivesmatter.com.

Bainbridge Recovers: bainbridgeislandcovid19.recovers.org/.  New COVID-19 community updates. Facilitating community preparedness and recovery. Residents: request help, donate, or volunteer. Organizations: click “I Represent a Local Organization.”

Creating Community Resilience. “Map Your Neighborhood”:  bifd.org/map-your-neighborhood.aspx. Bainbridge Prepares:  bainbridgeprepares.org. Scott James’ guidebook, “Prepared Neighborhoods” preparedneighborhoods.com.


    ISLAND BBC Business Community Related Links
OfficeXpats officexpats.com
Chamber Of Commerce bainbridgechamber.com & visitbainbridgeisland.org
Accelerate Kitsap, Business Support Network acceleratekitsap.org
Bainbridge Artisan Resource Network (BARN) bainbridgebarn.org
Bainbridge Community Foundation bainbridgecf.org
Bainbridge Island Downtown Association bainbridgedowntown.org
Bainbridge Island Library (KRL) krl.org/bainbridge-island
Bainbridge Island Museum Of Art biartmuseum.org
Bainbridge Island Senior Center biseniorcenter.org
Bainbridge Youth Services askbys.org
Compass & Clock Senior Resources compassandclock.com
Cook Family Funeral Home cookfamilyfuneralhome.com
Bainbridge Island Lodging Association destinationbainbridge.com
Farmers & Gardeners Guild farmersgardenersguild.wordpress.com
Helpline House helplinehouse.org
Housing Resources Bainbridge housingresourcesbi.org
Island Volunteer Caregivers ivcbainbridge.org
Olympic College Foundation olympiccollegefoundation.org
Rolling Bay Hall – Performance Art Venue rollingbayhall.com
SCORE Kitsap kitsapscore.org
Shelter Now Bainbridge shelternowbainbridge.com
Sustainable Bainbridge sustainablebainbridge.org
Toastmasters – Noon Edition bainbridgeisland.toastmastersclubs.org
Toastmasters – Evening Edition uspeakeasy.com
Tour Bainbridge tourbainbridge.com
Tulaa Cafe At Dayaalu Center tulaacafe.com & dayaalucenter.com
The Marshall Suites Concierge Service TheMarshallSuites.com
    ISLAND Emergency Preparedness & First Responder Links
Bainbridge Prepares Emergency Management bainbridgeprepares.org
Kitsap County Emergency Management kitsapdem.org
City of Bainbridge Island (COBI)
Bainbridge Island Fire Department
Bainbridge Island Police Department

vBBC, 5 February 2021 – The Bainbridge Community Foundation

Welcome to the 5th virtual BBC Friday of 2021 – Week #47 – with special guests Jim Hopper, Executive Director, and Brigette Yates, Development Officer, of the Bainbridge Community Foundation.

NOTES from this week’s meeting: BBC_vFriday47_5Feb2021

“The seeds of Bainbridge Community Foundation (BCF) were planted many decades ago. In the late 1970s, active citizens on Bainbridge Island recognized the need for a permanent and reliable source of income for area nonprofits when urgent needs arose—a complement to the annual fundraising of One Call for All“With residents so invested in the well-being of this island, it was no surprise that community members came together in 2001 to create the Bainbridge Community Foundation. The vision was simple: to encourage, inspire, and provide meaningful ways for people to enhance and sustain our unique way of life.” (bainbridgecf.org)

Brigette Yates joined BCF after working as Associate Director of Advancement for the Haring Center (a UW school and educational research facility). Prior to that she spent more than 10 years in advancement at UW, including at the School of Nursing and Regional Advancement. Brigette earned her MPA from UW’s Evans School of Public Affairs in 2010. She is the mother of three daughters, and her husband Jeremy is an estate-planning attorney in private practice.

Jim Hopper, Jim incorporates industry best-practices and a national perspective to guide the foundation through economic shifts and philanthropic trends. His leadership strategy is based on extensive experience serving nonprofits throughout the Pacific Northwest, particularly in the areas of operations and donor services. He lives on Bainbridge with his wife Sarah and their three children.

Be here – like virtually – be free, be businesswise. For, in a sense, me hearties, as serial entrepreneurials, we all be business wise! Really. Arr…

So Invite your friends and associates to join this strangely virtual-in-the-cloud event in real e-time and real e-space … and another delicious cup of vBBC!

(vBBC OfficeXpats hosted Zoom link is in BBC Newsletter. If you  wish to attend, contact Dave Kragen  [email protected].)

vBBC @ vOfficeXpats– virtual Madison Ave. N, Bainbridge Is., the virtual Pavilion.
7:30-8:00 – virtual coffee, check-in to Zoom, test connection, “wave” at others
8:00-8:55 – virtual BBC – Update from the Bainbridge Community Foundation 
8:55-9:00 – announcements, what’s next … what’s not …

Sincerely, the BBC management, KaveDragen Ink, and other entrepreneurial sentients from planet BBC.

vBBC Notices, News, Events

Accelerate Kitsap, Business Support Network acceleratekitsap.org: Multiple new business workshops through spring. With two workshops each month, topics include franchises, automating your books, email promotion, Google My Business, Zoom meeting mechanics, and HR compliance. Workshops are free and open to the public. 

Rosette Gault virtual art shows “Particle & Wave: PaperClay Illuminated” – Fuller Craft Museum, MA (fullercraft.org/event/particle-wave-paper-clay-illuminated) and Nora Eccles Harrison Art Museum, Utah (artmuseum.usu.edu/exhibitions/particlewave).

BBC Regular Bob Fraik 4-session seminar “Digital Memoirs” – at the Senior Center (biseniorcenter.org). 1:30 PM on Thursdays, January 14, 28, and February 11, 25. Preregister: [email protected]

Bainbridge Island General Store (bainbridgeislandgeneralstore.com). Visit the store, tell you friends. If you know of someone interested in joining the store, contact Natalie Rodriguez ([email protected]). To join, bainbridgeislandgeneralstore.com/join-the-general-store/.

Washington Tourism Alliance ShowWaLove campaign: if your business serves visitors and offers an ecommerce gift card, you can sign up to have your business represented. Visit the WTA program at ShowWALove.com. See the campaign promotional video youtube.com. Washington State businesses can sign up to participate in the program at. Thank you, Chris Mueller, visitbainbridgeisland.org.

Kitsap Economic Development Alliance:  New KEDA events! “Kitsap Digital Hour” (this Thursday, November 5th, 11:00-noon). More info athttp://kitsapeda.org/events/kitsap-digital-hour-2020-11-05/.

“Peace Peloton” w/ Doc Wilson. Peaceful demonstration on bicycles in support of black-owned businesses. peacepeloton.com

Compass And Clock Fall/Winter issue is out – compassandclock.com – Senior Info & Support Newsletter.

Honoring George Floyd & other victims of American systemic racism & police violence – the work for lasting change must continue: blacklivesmatter.com.

Bainbridge Recovers: bainbridgeislandcovid19.recovers.org/.  New COVID-19 community updates. Facilitating community preparedness and recovery. Residents: request help, donate, or volunteer. Organizations: click “I Represent a Local Organization.”

Creating Community Resilience. “Map Your Neighborhood”:  bifd.org/map-your-neighborhood.aspx. Bainbridge Prepares:  bainbridgeprepares.org. Scott James’ guidebook, “Prepared Neighborhoods” preparedneighborhoods.com.


    ISLAND BBC Business Community Related Links
OfficeXpats officexpats.com
Chamber Of Commerce bainbridgechamber.com & visitbainbridgeisland.org
Accelerate Kitsap, Business Support Network acceleratekitsap.org
Bainbridge Artisan Resource Network (BARN) bainbridgebarn.org
Bainbridge Island Downtown Association bainbridgedowntown.org
Bainbridge Island Library (KRL) krl.org/bainbridge-island
Bainbridge Island Museum Of Art biartmuseum.org
Bainbridge Island Senior Center biseniorcenter.org
Bainbridge Youth Services askbys.org
Compass & Clock Senior Resources compassandclock.com
Cook Family Funeral Home cookfamilyfuneralhome.com
Bainbridge Island Lodging Association destinationbainbridge.com
Farmers & Gardeners Guild farmersgardenersguild.wordpress.com
Helpline House helplinehouse.org
Housing Resources Bainbridge housingresourcesbi.org
Island Volunteer Caregivers ivcbainbridge.org
Olympic College Foundation olympiccollegefoundation.org
Rolling Bay Hall – Performance Art Venue rollingbayhall.com
SCORE Kitsap kitsapscore.org
Shelter Now Bainbridge shelternowbainbridge.com
Sustainable Bainbridge sustainablebainbridge.org
Toastmasters – Noon Edition bainbridgeisland.toastmastersclubs.org
Toastmasters – Evening Edition uspeakeasy.com
Tour Bainbridge tourbainbridge.com
Tulaa Cafe At Dayaalu Center tulaacafe.com & dayaalucenter.com
The Marshall Suites Concierge Service TheMarshallSuites.com
    ISLAND Emergency Preparedness & First Responder Links
Bainbridge Prepares Emergency Management bainbridgeprepares.org
Kitsap County Emergency Management kitsapdem.org
City of Bainbridge Island (COBI)
Bainbridge Island Fire Department
Bainbridge Island Police Department

BBC – 29 January 2021 – week #46

Welcome to the 4th virtual BBC Friday of 2021 – meeting in a free Democracy! 

And welcome to special guest & Captain Of Coworking Leslie Schneider (officexpats.com)! Leslie on City Counsel  bainbridgewa.gov. Leslie on LinkedIn linkedin.com.

“This week council voted to start contract negotiations with a candidate for city manager. This is not a done deal, but certainly the most significant milestone yet in the national search process that started over five months ago.” Councilmember Schneider (known to most of you as ‘Leslie at OfficeXpats’) will share about this important decision and answer your city-related questions.

NOTES from this week’s meeting: BBC_vFriday46_29January2021 (with virtual tour links for Rosette Gault’s “Particle & Wave; PaperClay Illuminated” international show)

Be here – like virtually – be free, be businesswise. For, in a sense, me hearties, as serial entrepreneurials, we all be business wise! Really. Arr…

So Invite your friends and associates to join this strangely virtual-in-the-cloud event in real e-time and real e-space … and another delicious cup of vBBC!

(vBBC OfficeXpats hosted Zoom link is in BBC Newsletter. If you  wish to attend, contact Dave Kragen  [email protected].)

vBBC @ vOfficeXpats– virtual Madison Ave. N, Bainbridge Is., the virtual Pavilion.
7:30-8:00 – virtual coffee, check-in to Zoom, test connection, “wave” at others
8:00-8:55 – virtual BBC – w/ Captain Of Coworking Leslie Schneider
8:55-9:00 – announcements, what’s next … what’s not …

Sincerely, the BBC management, KaveDragen Ink, and other entrepreneurial sentients from planet BBC.

vBBC Notices, News, Events

Accelerate Kitsap, Business Support Network acceleratekitsap.org: Multiple new business workshops through spring. With two workshops each month, topics include franchises, automating your books, email promotion, Google My Business, Zoom meeting mechanics, and HR compliance. Workshops are free and open to the public. Info: acceleratekitsap.org.

BBC Regular Bob Fraik 4-session seminar “Digital Memoirs” – at the Senior Center (biseniorcenter.org). 1:30 PM on Thursdays, January 14, 28, and February 11, 25. Preregister: [email protected]

Bainbridge Island General Store (bainbridgeislandgeneralstore.com). Visit the store, tell you friends. If you know of someone interested in joining the store, contact Natalie Rodriguez ([email protected]). To join, bainbridgeislandgeneralstore.com/join-the-general-store/.

Washington Tourism Alliance ShowWaLove campaign: if your business serves visitors and offers an ecommerce gift card, you can sign up to have your business represented. Visit the WTA program at ShowWALove.com. See the campaign promotional video youtube.com. Washington State businesses can sign up to participate in the program at. Thank you, Chris Mueller, visitbainbridgeisland.org.

Kitsap Economic Development Alliance:  New KEDA events! “Kitsap Digital Hour” (this Thursday, November 5th, 11:00-noon). More info athttp://kitsapeda.org/events/kitsap-digital-hour-2020-11-05/.

“Peace Peloton” w/ Doc Wilson. Peaceful demonstration on bicycles in support of black-owned businesses. peacepeloton.com

Compass And Clock Fall/Winter issue is out – compassandclock.com – Senior Info & Support Newsletter.

Honoring George Floyd & other victims of American systemic racism & police violence – the work for lasting change must continue: blacklivesmatter.com.

Bainbridge Recovers: bainbridgeislandcovid19.recovers.org/.  New COVID-19 community updates. Facilitating community preparedness and recovery. Residents: request help, donate, or volunteer. Organizations: click “I Represent a Local Organization.”

Creating Community Resilience. “Map Your Neighborhood”:  bifd.org/map-your-neighborhood.aspx. Bainbridge Prepares:  bainbridgeprepares.org. Scott James’ guidebook, “Prepared Neighborhoods” preparedneighborhoods.com.


    ISLAND BBC Business Community Related Links
OfficeXpats officexpats.com
Chamber Of Commerce bainbridgechamber.com & visitbainbridgeisland.org
Accelerate Kitsap, Business Support Network acceleratekitsap.org
Bainbridge Artisan Resource Network (BARN) bainbridgebarn.org
Bainbridge Island Downtown Association bainbridgedowntown.org
Bainbridge Island Library (KRL) krl.org/bainbridge-island
Bainbridge Island Museum Of Art biartmuseum.org
Bainbridge Island Senior Center biseniorcenter.org
Bainbridge Youth Services askbys.org
Compass & Clock Senior Resources compassandclock.com
Cook Family Funeral Home cookfamilyfuneralhome.com
Bainbridge Island Lodging Association destinationbainbridge.com
Farmers & Gardeners Guild farmersgardenersguild.wordpress.com
Helpline House helplinehouse.org
Housing Resources Bainbridge housingresourcesbi.org
Island Volunteer Caregivers ivcbainbridge.org
Olympic College Foundation olympiccollegefoundation.org
Rolling Bay Hall – Performance Art Venue rollingbayhall.com
SCORE Kitsap kitsapscore.org
Shelter Now Bainbridge shelternowbainbridge.com
Sustainable Bainbridge sustainablebainbridge.org
Toastmasters – Noon Edition bainbridgeisland.toastmastersclubs.org
Toastmasters – Evening Edition uspeakeasy.com
Tour Bainbridge tourbainbridge.com
Tulaa Cafe At Dayaalu Center tulaacafe.com & dayaalucenter.com
The Marshall Suites Concierge Service TheMarshallSuites.com
    ISLAND Emergency Preparedness & First Responder Links
Bainbridge Prepares Emergency Management bainbridgeprepares.org
Kitsap County Emergency Management kitsapdem.org
City of Bainbridge Island (COBI)
Bainbridge Island Fire Department
Bainbridge Island Police Department

BBC – 22 January 2021 – week #45

Welcome to the 3rd virtual BBC Friday of 2021 – meeting in a free Democracy!

NOTES & Links from today’s meeting: BBC_vFriday44_22January2021

Business Storytelling with sometime BBC Regular – and Dave’s friend – Mark Bullard, owner of BrainSquall Inc. (brainsquall.co), mind-mapping for professional services and customer success.  “I like to build and grow businesses and have extensive experience doing so in software, hospitality, and Real Estate industries.”

BrainSquall is about context.Every time you meet with a customer, you learn something new. Where do you put it? Chatter, Slack, Notion, Confluence, OneNote, Quip, Evernote? These unstructured, linear notes don’t tell the whole customer story. You need to see all three dimensions of customer intelligence – in context.” Exciting!  Mark on LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/markdbullard/

Mark has raised sheep (Snowy & Foggy Bottom), had a short acting career in the short film “Askew” (2001), is a published author, and continues to hone his specialties in intellectual property, intellectual asset management, legal technology, document assembly and matter management software, international business venture dev., CRM, sales systems and process, and financial control analysis and design. 

Be here – like virtually – be free, be businesswise. For, in a sense, me hearties, as serial entrepreneurials, we all be business wise! Really. Arr…

So Invite your friends and associates to join this strangely virtual-in-the-cloud event in real e-time and real e-space … and another delicious cup of vBBC!

(vBBC OfficeXpats hosted Zoom link is in BBC Newsletter. If you  wish to attend, contact Dave Kragen  [email protected].)

vBBC @ vOfficeXpats– virtual Madison Ave. N, Bainbridge Is., the virtual Pavilion.
7:30-8:00 – virtual coffee, check-in to Zoom, test connection, “wave” at others
8:00-8:55 – virtual BBC – Business Storytelling w/ Mark Bullard
8:55-9:00 – announcements, what’s next … what’s not …

Sincerely, the BBC management, KaveDragen Ink, and other entrepreneurial sentients from planet BBC.

vBBC Notices, News, Events

BBC Regular Bob Fraik 4-session seminar “Digital Memoirs” – at the Senior Center (biseniorcenter.org). 1:30 PM on Thursdays, January 14, 28, and February 11, 25. Preregister: [email protected]

Bainbridge Island General Store (bainbridgeislandgeneralstore.com). Visit the store, tell you friends. If you know of someone interested in joining the store, contact Natalie Rodriguez ([email protected]). To join, bainbridgeislandgeneralstore.com/join-the-general-store/.

Washington Tourism Alliance ShowWaLove campaign: if your business serves visitors and offers an ecommerce gift card, you can sign up to have your business represented. Visit the WTA program at ShowWALove.com. See the campaign promotional video youtube.com. Washington State businesses can sign up to participate in the program at. Thank you, Chris Mueller, visitbainbridgeisland.org.

Kitsap Economic Development Alliance:  New KEDA events! “Kitsap Digital Hour” (this Thursday, November 5th, 11:00-noon). More info athttp://kitsapeda.org/events/kitsap-digital-hour-2020-11-05/.

“Peace Peloton” w/ Doc Wilson. Peaceful demonstration on bicycles in support of black-owned businesses. peacepeloton.com

Compass And Clock Fall/Winter issue is out – compassandclock.com – Senior Info & Support Newsletter.

Honoring George Floyd & other victims of American systemic racism & police violence – the work for lasting change must continue: blacklivesmatter.com.

Bainbridge Recovers: bainbridgeislandcovid19.recovers.org/.  New COVID-19 community updates. Facilitating community preparedness and recovery. Residents: request help, donate, or volunteer. Organizations: click “I Represent a Local Organization.”

Creating Community Resilience. “Map Your Neighborhood”:  bifd.org/map-your-neighborhood.aspx. Bainbridge Prepares:  bainbridgeprepares.org. Scott James’ guidebook, “Prepared Neighborhoods” preparedneighborhoods.com.


    ISLAND BBC Business Community Related Links
OfficeXpats officexpats.com
Chamber Of Commerce bainbridgechamber.com & visitbainbridgeisland.org
Accelerate Kitsap, Business Support Network acceleratekitsap.com
Bainbridge Artisan Resource Network (BARN) bainbridgebarn.org
Bainbridge Island Downtown Association bainbridgedowntown.org
Bainbridge Island Library (KRL) krl.org/bainbridge-island
Bainbridge Island Museum Of Art biartmuseum.org
Bainbridge Island Senior Center biseniorcenter.org
Bainbridge Youth Services askbys.org
Compass & Clock Senior Resources compassandclock.com
Cook Family Funeral Home cookfamilyfuneralhome.com
Bainbridge Island Lodging Association destinationbainbridge.com
Farmers & Gardeners Guild farmersgardenersguild.wordpress.com
Helpline House helplinehouse.org
Housing Resources Bainbridge housingresourcesbi.org
Island Volunteer Caregivers ivcbainbridge.org
Olympic College Foundation olympiccollegefoundation.org
Rolling Bay Hall – Performance Art Venue rollingbayhall.com
SCORE Kitsap kitsapscore.org
Shelter Now Bainbridge shelternowbainbridge.com
Sustainable Bainbridge sustainablebainbridge.org
Toastmasters – Noon Edition bainbridgeisland.toastmastersclubs.org
Toastmasters – Evening Edition uspeakeasy.com
Tour Bainbridge tourbainbridge.com
Tulaa Cafe At Dayaalu Center tulaacafe.com & dayaalucenter.com
The Marshall Suites Concierge Service TheMarshallSuites.com
    ISLAND Emergency Preparedness & First Responder Links
Bainbridge Prepares Emergency Management bainbridgeprepares.org
Kitsap County Emergency Management kitsapdem.org
City of Bainbridge Island (COBI)
Bainbridge Island Fire Department
Bainbridge Island Police Department

BBC – 15 January 2021 – week #44

Welcome to the 2nd virtual BBC Friday of 2021 – vBBC #44

Business Strategy Roundtable
The Lateral Thinking Edition, Pt. 2 (Thinking Hats  jpg)

(vBBC OfficeXpats hosted Zoom link is in BBC Newsletter. If you  wish to attend, contact Dave Kragen  [email protected].)

NOTES & Links from today’s meeting: BBC_vFriday44_15January2021

Be here – like virtually – be free, be businesswise. For, in a sense, me hearties, as serial entrepreneurials, we all be business wise! Really. Arr…

So Invite your friends and associates to join this strangely virtual-in-the-cloud event in real e-time and real e-space … and another delicious cup of vBBC!

vBBC @ vOfficeXpats – virtual Madison Ave. N, Bainbridge Is., the virtual Pavilion.
7:30-8:00 – virtual coffee, check-in to Zoom, test connection, “wave” at others
8:00-8:55 – virtual BBC – Business Lateral-thinking Roundtable, Pt. 2
8:55-9:00 – announcements, what’s next … what’s not …

Sincerely, the BBC management, KaveDragen Ink, and other entrepreneurial sentients from planet BBC.

vBBC Notices, News, Events

BBC Regular Bob Fraik 4-session seminar “Digital Memoirs” – at the Senior Center (biseniorcenter.org). 1:30 PM on Thursdays, January 14, 28, and February 11, 25. Preregister: [email protected].
    BBC Business Community Related Links
OfficeXpats officexpats.com
Chamber Of Commerce bainbridgechamber.com & visitbainbridgeisland.org
Accelerate Kitsap, Business Support Network acceleratekitsap.com
Bainbridge Artisan Resource Network (BARN) bainbridgebarn.org
Bainbridge Island Downtown Association bainbridgedowntown.org
Bainbridge Island Library (KRL) krl.org/bainbridge-island
Bainbridge Island Museum Of Art biartmuseum.org
Bainbridge Island Senior Center biseniorcenter.org
Bainbridge Youth Services askbys.org
Compass & Clock Senior Resources compassandclock.com
Cook Family Funeral Home cookfamilyfuneralhome.com
Bainbridge Island Lodging Association destinationbainbridge.com
Farmers & Gardeners Guild farmersgardenersguild.wordpress.com
Helpline House helplinehouse.org
Housing Resources Bainbridge housingresourcesbi.org
Island Volunteer Caregivers ivcbainbridge.org
Olympic College Foundation olympiccollegefoundation.org
Rolling Bay Hall – Performance Art Venue rollingbayhall.com
SCORE Kitsap kitsapscore.org
Shelter Now Bainbridge shelternowbainbridge.com
Sustainable Bainbridge sustainablebainbridge.org
Toastmasters – Noon Edition bainbridgeisland.toastmastersclubs.org
Toastmasters – Evening Edition uspeakeasy.com
Tour Bainbridge tourbainbridge.com
Tulaa Cafe At Dayaalu Center tulaacafe.com & dayaalucenter.com
The Marshall Suites Concierge Service TheMarshallSuites.com
    ISLAND Emergency Preparedness & First Responder Links
Bainbridge Prepares Emergency Management bainbridgeprepares.org
Kitsap County Emergency Management kitsapdem.org
City of Bainbridge Island (COBI)
Bainbridge Island Fire Department
Bainbridge Island Police Department

BBC – 8 January 2021 – week #43

Welcome to the 1st virtual BBC Friday of 2021 – vBBC #43

Business Strategy Roundtable
– The Lateral Thinking Edition –

(vBBC OfficeXpats hosted Zoom link is in BBC Newsletter. If you  wish to attend, contact Dave Kragen  [email protected].)

NOTES & Links from today’s meeting: BBC_vFriday43_8January2021

Be here – like virtually – be free, be businesswise. For, in a sense, me hearties, as serial entrepreneurials, we all be business wise! Really. Arr…

So Invite your friends and associates to join this strangely virtual-in-the-cloud event in real e-time and real e-space … and another delicious cup of vBBC!

vBBC @ vOfficeXpats – virtual Madison Ave. N, Bainbridge Is., the virtual Pavilion.
7:30-8:00 – virtual coffee, check-in to Zoom, test connection, “wave” at others
8:00-8:55 – virtual BBC – Business Lateral-thinking Roundtable
8:55-9:00 – announcements, what’s next … what’s not …

Sincerely, the BBC management, KaveDragen Ink, and other entrepreneurial sentients from planet BBC.
    BBC Business Community Related Links
OfficeXpats officexpats.com
Chamber Of Commerce bainbridgechamber.com & visitbainbridgeisland.org
Accelerate Kitsap, Business Support Network acceleratekitsap.com
Bainbridge Artisan Resource Network (BARN) bainbridgebarn.org
Bainbridge Island Downtown Association bainbridgedowntown.org
Bainbridge Island Library (KRL) krl.org/bainbridge-island
Bainbridge Island Museum Of Art biartmuseum.org
Bainbridge Island Senior Center biseniorcenter.org
Bainbridge Youth Services askbys.org
Compass & Clock Senior Resources compassandclock.com
Cook Family Funeral Home cookfamilyfuneralhome.com
Bainbridge Island Lodging Association destinationbainbridge.com
Farmers & Gardeners Guild farmersgardenersguild.wordpress.com
Helpline House helplinehouse.org
Housing Resources Bainbridge housingresourcesbi.org
Island Volunteer Caregivers ivcbainbridge.org
Olympic College Foundation olympiccollegefoundation.org
Rolling Bay Hall – Performance Art Venue rollingbayhall.com
SCORE Kitsap kitsapscore.org
Shelter Now Bainbridge shelternowbainbridge.com
Sustainable Bainbridge sustainablebainbridge.org
Toastmasters – Noon Edition bainbridgeisland.toastmastersclubs.org
Toastmasters – Evening Edition uspeakeasy.com
Tour Bainbridge tourbainbridge.com
Tulaa Cafe At Dayaalu Center tulaacafe.com & dayaalucenter.com
The Marshall Suites Concierge Service TheMarshallSuites.com
    ISLAND Emergency Preparedness & First Responder Links
Bainbridge Prepares Emergency Management bainbridgeprepares.org
Kitsap County Emergency Management kitsapdem.org
City of Bainbridge Island (COBI)
Bainbridge Island Fire Department
Bainbridge Island Police Department

No BBC Friday, Christmas & New Year’s

No vBBC Friday, Week #41 — For the Christmas Holiday No vBBC Friday, Week #42 — For the New Year’s Holiday

Notes & Cool Links from previous week’s meeting, Including “Visit B.I. Annual Tourism Marketing Report 2020” (Thanks to Chris Mueller): BBC_VirtualFriday40_18December2020

COVID-19 pandemic status report (Worldwide & US): worldometers.info/coronavirus/

Previous 18 Dec 2020 Deaths Worldwide: 1,680,851  /  Deaths United States: 320,828 (19.1% of world deaths)

As of 25 December 2020 Deaths Worldwide: 1,756,991  /  Deaths United States: 338,263 (18.3% of world deaths)

Next BBC: 8 January 2021.
Sincerely, BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, & other entrepreneurial sentients at planet BBC – lost in e-space. ______________________________________________

Both-Sides-Of-The-Bridge vBBC News, Notices, Events

BIGS (bainbridgeislandgeneralstore.comopened Friday December 4th! Visit the store, tell you friends. If you know of someone interested in joining the store, contact Natalie Rodriguez ([email protected]). To join yourself, bainbridgeislandgeneralstore.com/join-the-general-store/.
Washington Tourism Alliance ShowWaLove campaign: if your business serves visitors and offers an ecommerce gift card, you can sign up to have your business represented. Visit the WTA program at ShowWALove.com. See the campaign promotional video youtube.com. Washington State businesses can sign up to participate in the program at. Thank you, Chris Mueller, visitbainbridgeisland.org.
Kitsap Economic Development Alliance:  New KEDA events! “Kitsap Digital Hour” (this Thursday, November 5th, 11:00-noon). More info at: http://kitsapeda.org/events/kitsap-digital-hour-2020-11-05/.
“Peace Peloton” w/ Doc Wilson. Peaceful demonstration on bicycles.
peacepeloton.com. Upcoming Holiday Market (Dec. 19-20, Columbia City & Yesler Terrace). It’ll be a safe, fun, and easy way for shoppers and entrepreneurs to come together in support of Economic Reform For Black People. Our curated market is comprised of local crafters, artisans, entrepreneurs, and performing artists; info at peacepeloton.com/ride, vendor app: Vendor Application. (Holiday Market Poster)
Fall/Winter issue is out – compassandclock.com – Senior Info & Support Newsletter.
New Site “Visit Bainbridge Island” Visit Bainbridge Island. Claire Donahue Bainbridge Island Lodging AssociationTour Bainbridge Island Tour ServiceIsland Volunteer Caregivers also available to do grocery delivery: ivcbainbridge.org.
Honoring George Floyd & other victims of American systemic racism & police violence – the work for lasting change must continue: blacklivesmatter.com.
Island Bite serves many Island restaurants. It’s easy to order from any of these local restaurants and have your order delivered right to your door. Check their restaurant listing at islandbite.com.
Bainbridge Bucks Update. Watch their site: bainbridgebucks.com. Suggestions for companies, please pass along to Steve Rabago at [email protected]. Facebook: see latest business updates, e.g. “Holiday Sale & New Tote Bags from the Bainbridge Trading Company” (a BBC Regular business of Gene Hassell); Bainbridge Bucks FB: facebook.com/groups/2539515203032397/permalink/2737704179880164/.
Bainbridge Recovers: bainbridgeislandcovid19.recovers.org/.  New COVID-19 community updates. Facilitating community preparedness and recovery. Residents: request help, donate, or volunteer. Organizations: click “I Represent a Local Organization.”
Creating Community Resilience. “Map Your Neighborhood”:  bifd.org/map-your-neighborhood.aspx. Bainbridge Prepares:  bainbridgeprepares.org. Scott James’ guidebook, “Prepared Neighborhoods” preparedneighborhoods.com.
    BBC Business Community Related Links
OfficeXpats officexpats.com
Chamber Of Commerce bainbridgechamber.com & visitbainbridgeisland.org
Accelerate Kitsap, Business Support Network acceleratekitsap.com
Bainbridge Artisan Resource Network (BARN) bainbridgebarn.org
Bainbridge Island Downtown Association bainbridgedowntown.org
Bainbridge Island Library (KRL) krl.org/bainbridge-island
Bainbridge Island Museum Of Art biartmuseum.org
Bainbridge Island Senior Center biseniorcenter.org
Bainbridge Youth Services askbys.org
Compass & Clock Senior Resources compassandclock.com
Cook Family Funeral Home cookfamilyfuneralhome.com
Bainbridge Island Lodging Association destinationbainbridge.com
Farmers & Gardeners Guild farmersgardenersguild.wordpress.com
Helpline House helplinehouse.org
Housing Resources Bainbridge housingresourcesbi.org
Island Volunteer Caregivers ivcbainbridge.org
Olympic College Foundation olympiccollegefoundation.org
Rolling Bay Hall – Performance Art Venue rollingbayhall.com
SCORE Kitsap kitsapscore.org
Shelter Now Bainbridge shelternowbainbridge.com
Sustainable Bainbridge sustainablebainbridge.org
Toastmasters – Noon Edition bainbridgeisland.toastmastersclubs.org
Toastmasters – Evening Edition uspeakeasy.com
Tour Bainbridge tourbainbridge.com
Tulaa Cafe At Dayaalu Center tulaacafe.com & dayaalucenter.com
The Marshall Suites Concierge Service TheMarshallSuites.com
    ISLAND Emergency Preparedness & First Responder Links
Bainbridge Prepares Emergency Management bainbridgeprepares.org
Kitsap County Emergency Management kitsapdem.org
City of Bainbridge Island (COBI)
Bainbridge Island Fire Department
Bainbridge Island Police Department

BBC Friday #40, 18 Dec. 2020

WELCOME TO vBBC Friday #40 Graciously HOSTED by vOfficeXpats

*** December’s End, Open MIC Friday, Part 2 ***
Looking Forward — Don’t Look Back

Notes & Cool Links from last week’s meeting, Including “Visit B.I. Annual Tourism Marketing Report 2020” (Thanks to Chris Mueller): BBC_VirtualFriday40_18December2020

Next BBC will be: 8 January 2021.
A special Thank You & Happy Xmas, Chanukah, holidays, New Year to our Hosts Leslie & Jason at OfficeXpats; our friends at the B.I. Chamber; the BBC Steering Committee; and all you BBC Regulars out there in e-space helping to keep the galaxy safe, friendly, & business-wise!
Be here – like virtually – be free, be businesswise. For, in a sense, me hearties, as serial entrepreneurials, we all be business wise!  Really. Arr……. 
So Invite your friends and associates to join this strangely virtual-in-the-cloud event in real e-time and real e-space … and another delicious cup of vBBC!

vBBC @ OfficeXpats – Virtual Madison Ave N, Bainbridge Is. the Virtual Pavilion
7:30-8:00 – virtual coffee, check-in to ZOOM, test connection, wave at others

8:00-8:55 –  virtual BBC – Open MIC, Part 2

8:55-9:00 – announcements, “what’s next
what’s not next” 

Sincerely, BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, & other entrepreneurial sentients at planet BBC – lost in e-space______________________________________________

Both-Sides-Of-The-Bridge vBBC News, Notices, Events

BIGS (bainbridgeislandgeneralstore.comopened Friday December 4th! Visit the store, tell you friends. If you know of someone interested in joining the store, contact Natalie Rodriguez ([email protected]). To join yourself, bainbridgeislandgeneralstore.com/join-the-general-store/.
Washington Tourism Alliance ShowWaLove campaign: if your business serves visitors and offers an ecommerce gift card, you can sign up to have your business represented. Visit the WTA program at ShowWALove.com. See the campaign promotional video youtube.com. Washington State businesses can sign up to participate in the program at. Thank you, Chris Mueller, visitbainbridgeisland.org.
Kitsap Economic Development Alliance:  New KEDA events! “Kitsap Digital Hour” (this Thursday, November 5th, 11:00-noon). More info at: http://kitsapeda.org/events/kitsap-digital-hour-2020-11-05/.
“Peace Peloton” w/ Doc Wilson. Peaceful demonstration on bicycles.
peacepeloton.com. Upcoming Holiday Market (Dec. 19-20, Columbia City & Yesler Terrace). It’ll be a safe, fun, and easy way for shoppers and entrepreneurs to come together in support of Economic Reform For Black People. Our curated market is comprised of local crafters, artisans, entrepreneurs, and performing artists; info at peacepeloton.com/ride, vendor app: Vendor Application. (Holiday Market Poster)
Fall/Winter issue is out – compassandclock.com – Senior Info & Support Newsletter. 
New Site “Visit Bainbridge Island” Visit Bainbridge Island. Claire Donahue Bainbridge Island Lodging AssociationTour Bainbridge Island Tour ServiceIsland Volunteer Caregivers also available to do grocery delivery: ivcbainbridge.org.
Honoring George Floyd & other victims of American systemic racism & police violence – the work for lasting change must continue: blacklivesmatter.com.
Island Bite serves many Island restaurants. It’s easy to order from any of these local restaurants and have your order delivered right to your door. Check their restaurant listing at islandbite.com.
Bainbridge Bucks Update. Watch their site: bainbridgebucks.com. Suggestions for companies, please pass along to Steve Rabago at [email protected]. Facebook: see latest business updates, e.g. “Holiday Sale & New Tote Bags from the Bainbridge Trading Company” (a BBC Regular business of Gene Hassell); Bainbridge Bucks FB: facebook.com/groups/2539515203032397/permalink/2737704179880164/.
Bainbridge Recovers: bainbridgeislandcovid19.recovers.org/.  New COVID-19 community updates. Facilitating community preparedness and recovery. Residents: request help, donate, or volunteer. Organizations: click “I Represent a Local Organization.”
Creating Community Resilience. “Map Your Neighborhood”:  bifd.org/map-your-neighborhood.aspx. Bainbridge Prepares:  bainbridgeprepares.org. Scott James’ guidebook, “Prepared Neighborhoods” preparedneighborhoods.com.
    BBC Business Community Related Links
OfficeXpats officexpats.com
Chamber Of Commerce bainbridgechamber.com & visitbainbridgeisland.org
Accelerate Kitsap, Business Support Network acceleratekitsap.com
Bainbridge Artisan Resource Network (BARN) bainbridgebarn.org
Bainbridge Island Downtown Association bainbridgedowntown.org
Bainbridge Island Library (KRL) krl.org/bainbridge-island
Bainbridge Island Museum Of Art biartmuseum.org
Bainbridge Island Senior Center biseniorcenter.org
Bainbridge Youth Services askbys.org
Compass & Clock Senior Resources compassandclock.com
Cook Family Funeral Home cookfamilyfuneralhome.com
Bainbridge Island Lodging Association destinationbainbridge.com
Farmers & Gardeners Guild farmersgardenersguild.wordpress.com
Helpline House helplinehouse.org
Housing Resources Bainbridge housingresourcesbi.org
Island Volunteer Caregivers ivcbainbridge.org
Olympic College Foundation olympiccollegefoundation.org
Rolling Bay Hall – Performance Art Venue rollingbayhall.com
SCORE Kitsap kitsapscore.org
Shelter Now Bainbridge shelternowbainbridge.com
Sustainable Bainbridge sustainablebainbridge.org
Toastmasters – Noon Edition bainbridgeisland.toastmastersclubs.org
Toastmasters – Evening Edition uspeakeasy.com
Tour Bainbridge tourbainbridge.com
Tulaa Cafe At Dayaalu Center tulaacafe.com & dayaalucenter.com
The Marshall Suites Concierge Service TheMarshallSuites.com
    ISLAND Emergency Preparedness & First Responder Links
Bainbridge Prepares Emergency Management bainbridgeprepares.org
Kitsap County Emergency Management kitsapdem.org
City of Bainbridge Island (COBI)
Bainbridge Island Fire Department
Bainbridge Island Police Department

BBC Friday #39, 11 Dec. 2020

WELCOME TO vBBC Friday #39 Graciously HOSTED by vOfficeXpats

*** Open MIC Friday, Part 1 ***

NOTES & Cool Links from today’s meeting: BBC_VirtualFriday39_11Dec2020

(As always, Zoom link is in BBC Newsletter. If you didn’t get it and wish to attend, contact Dave at [email protected].)
Be here – like virtually – be free, be businesswise. For, in a sense, me hearties, as serial entrepreneurials, we all be business wise!  Really. Arr……. 
So Invite your friends and associates to join this strangely virtual-in-the-cloud event in real e-time and real e-space … and another delicious cup of vBBC!

vBBC @ OfficeXpats – Virtual Madison Ave N, Bainbridge Is. the Virtual Pavilion
7:30-8:00 – virtual coffee, check-in to ZOOM, test connection, wave at others

8:00-8:55 –  virtual BBC – Open MIC, Part 1

8:55-9:00 – announcements, “what’s next
what’s not next” 

Sincerely, BBC Management, KaveDragen Ink, & other entrepreneurial sentients at planet BBC – lost in e-space______________________________________________

Both-Sides-Of-The-Bridge vBBC News, Notices, Events

BIGS (bainbridgeislandgeneralstore.comopened Friday December 4th! Visit the store, tell you friends. If you know of someone interested in joining the store, contact Natalie Rodriguez ([email protected]). To join yourself, bainbridgeislandgeneralstore.com/join-the-general-store/.
Washington Tourism Alliance ShowWaLove campaign: if your business serves visitors and offers an ecommerce gift card, you can sign up to have your business represented. Visit the WTA program at ShowWALove.com. See the campaign promotional video youtube.com. Washington State businesses can sign up to participate in the program at. Thank you, Chris Mueller, visitbainbridgeisland.org.
Kitsap Economic Development Alliance:  New KEDA events! “Kitsap Digital Hour” (this Thursday, November 5th, 11:00-noon). More info at: http://kitsapeda.org/events/kitsap-digital-hour-2020-11-05/.
“Peace Peloton” w/ Doc Wilson. Peaceful demonstration on bicycles.
peacepeloton.com. Upcoming Holiday Market (Dec. 19-20, Columbia City & Yesler Terrace). It’ll be a safe, fun, and easy way for shoppers and entrepreneurs to come together in support of Economic Reform For Black People. Our curated market is comprised of local crafters, artisans, entrepreneurs, and performing artists; info at peacepeloton.com/ride, vendor app: Vendor Application. (Holiday Market Poster)
Fall/Winter issue is out – compassandclock.com – Senior Info & Support Newsletter. 
New Site “Visit Bainbridge Island” Visit Bainbridge Island. Claire Donahue Bainbridge Island Lodging AssociationTour Bainbridge Island Tour ServiceIsland Volunteer Caregivers also available to do grocery delivery: ivcbainbridge.org.
Honoring George Floyd & other victims of American systemic racism & police violence – the work for lasting change must continue: blacklivesmatter.com.
Island Bite serves many Island restaurants. It’s easy to order from any of these local restaurants and have your order delivered right to your door. Check their restaurant listing at islandbite.com.
Bainbridge Bucks Update. Watch their site: bainbridgebucks.com. Suggestions for companies, please pass along to Steve Rabago at [email protected]. Facebook: see latest business updates, e.g. “Holiday Sale & New Tote Bags from the Bainbridge Trading Company” (a BBC Regular business of Gene Hassell); Bainbridge Bucks FB: facebook.com/groups/2539515203032397/permalink/2737704179880164/.
Bainbridge Recovers: bainbridgeislandcovid19.recovers.org/.  New COVID-19 community updates. Facilitating community preparedness and recovery. Residents: request help, donate, or volunteer. Organizations: click “I Represent a Local Organization.”
Creating Community Resilience. “Map Your Neighborhood”:  bifd.org/map-your-neighborhood.aspx. Bainbridge Prepares:  bainbridgeprepares.org. Scott James’ guidebook, “Prepared Neighborhoods” preparedneighborhoods.com.
    BBC Business Community Related Links
OfficeXpats officexpats.com
Chamber Of Commerce bainbridgechamber.com & visitbainbridgeisland.org
Accelerate Kitsap, Business Support Network acceleratekitsap.com
Bainbridge Artisan Resource Network (BARN) bainbridgebarn.org
Bainbridge Island Downtown Association bainbridgedowntown.org
Bainbridge Island Library (KRL) krl.org/bainbridge-island
Bainbridge Island Museum Of Art biartmuseum.org
Bainbridge Island Senior Center biseniorcenter.org
Bainbridge Youth Services askbys.org
Compass & Clock Senior Resources compassandclock.com
Cook Family Funeral Home cookfamilyfuneralhome.com
Bainbridge Island Lodging Association destinationbainbridge.com
Farmers & Gardeners Guild farmersgardenersguild.wordpress.com
Helpline House helplinehouse.org
Housing Resources Bainbridge housingresourcesbi.org
Island Volunteer Caregivers ivcbainbridge.org
Olympic College Foundation olympiccollegefoundation.org
Rolling Bay Hall – Performance Art Venue rollingbayhall.com
SCORE Kitsap kitsapscore.org
Shelter Now Bainbridge shelternowbainbridge.com
Sustainable Bainbridge sustainablebainbridge.org
Toastmasters – Noon Edition bainbridgeisland.toastmastersclubs.org
Toastmasters – Evening Edition uspeakeasy.com
Tour Bainbridge tourbainbridge.com
Tulaa Cafe At Dayaalu Center tulaacafe.com & dayaalucenter.com
The Marshall Suites Concierge Service TheMarshallSuites.com
    ISLAND Emergency Preparedness & First Responder Links
Bainbridge Prepares Emergency Management bainbridgeprepares.org
Kitsap County Emergency Management kitsapdem.org
City of Bainbridge Island (COBI)
Bainbridge Island Fire Department
Bainbridge Island Police Department